How much do I love the rain?...
This much!! ...
When I woke up this morning, I could hear the rain bouncing off the window panes and a smile instantly appeared on my sleepy face. The perfect end of a very enjoyable week and beginning of the weekend! I knew that later on today I would be walking on the Fen chasing after rain drops and the weather didn't disappoint. BUT FIRSTLY, ThAnK yOu so much for your birthday wishes and your suggestions for my '50 B4 50' list. I am compiling this now and I'm looking forward to getting the ticks on my list underway and sharing them with you through the next twelve months. My birthday was a busy one and a very happy day, evening, continuing to lunch the following day. Both days enjoying company with very special people in my life.
The day before my birthday, Chocolate Truffle Torte was made (recipe
here -
but also add two tablespoons of Ameretto when adding the Rum!)...
... six were made, and six were enjoyed!
And for those who couldn't manage the alcoholic content, there was cake ...
Once the cake making was completed, the chocolate was continued onto my front bench which seriously needed some TLC! (no, not real chocolate dear readers). The front garden is now complete, so my next project will be the side garden (my back hurts already just thinking about it!).
On the day of my birthday the chocolate theme continued with near enough a year's supply of goodies from Hotel Chocolat. I am REALLY looking forward to working my way through them but this really does not help with the weight loss for my 50 B4 50 list, but I'm not complaining!!
One of my gifts from Miss Teen was a gorgeous scented candle filling the house today with winter spices giving a cozy feel to a dark and blissfully rainy day.
Apples are in abundance in the garden, falling off the tree and those still hanging on are ready for me to make into apple sauce for the winter pork dinners later in the year but, at the moment, I am happy to add them to the kitchen windowsill showing off the gorgeous raindrops coating them in mirrored jewels.
SO, back to the splashing puddles! ...
Miss Teen is always very happy to walk with me on the Fen in the driving rain. I am so lucky that she is 'mini me' and loves this weather and the coolness it brings. We dressed appropriately and then set off to just walk and take shots of the rain drops while it fell.
I loved seeing the spiders' webs capturing the falling water rather than the juicy flies.
The beads of water being caught on the remaining seed heads.
The lowered heads of grasses ladened down with the moisture that they have been longing for.
The wildlife was quiet and we had to be so careful not to harm the army of snails that were beneath our feet.
Some were sensible though and headed for the highest point, after all, the birds were keeping dry so wouldn't be picking them up.
The rain gradually became the fine incessant type that wets you through, so it was time to take a slow happy walk back, still capturing the rain drops along the way.
The tree that I love on this walk was saturated, but with the added colour of the first glimpses of autumn and the freshly plowed fields beyond.
Yes, me and 'Big Bertha' did get wet, but as you can see, I'm happy!
I am all set now for a cosy night in to start my 'regretful' indulgence of the first box of chocolates along with a very thoughtful gift from a very dear friend about London's world underneath our feet. I'm a lucky, lucky lady!!
Thank you once again dear readers for your messages and have a wonderful weekend and an even better week ahead.