
Saturday 4 June 2016

A Short Greenwich Post - Blame the Phone!

Many times I have walked past this wall at Blackheath on my way back to the tunnel when my Grandad was alive.  This was the first time without him and another first with Miss Teen.  The blackened brick gave me comfort with the memories of this place so firmly etched in my mind by him.

(I have to make a note here that the photos this time were with my Samsung phone as I left 'Big Bertha' at home, so I am sorry for the quality this week)

For the first time EVER it rained when we arrived.  NEVER have I known it to rain when I'm there, maybe because I was so happy following my Grandad in the past that I didn't even notice, or maybe because I just LOVE, Love, love walking in the rain.  However, as soon as we emerged from Greenwich Market after having a small bite to eat, the grayness remained but the spots of rain kept mainly away until we left the pier later.

 Thanks Grandad!

Usually we have at least one other person with us when we head down to London, but this time we agreed that it will just be me and Miss Teen this time, and I have to say it was incredibly enjoyable as we are so similar with our outlook on life and what we like to do.  We haven't had a trip together for a long time and with her in the middle of her GCSE's and Prom preparations, things have been a little stressed at the moment.  To just happily walk in a place that she now shares her love, it was a welcome and relaxing trip.

Unfortunately, after going through the shots taken with my phone, not a lot came out as I wanted due to grey and gloomy day, so the ones on show today were the best of a bad bunch - such a shame, but I will just have to go back soon with Big Bertha!

The Royal Naval College with The Queen's House in between.

Thank you so much for all your comments and emails.  As I said before, things are very stressed in the household at the moment, and my blog is my little escape to share the things I love, so to hear from you gives me the positive inspiration I need to get through the busy weeks.


  1. I am sorry for the stress at home, friend. Hope things get better. I enjoyed your photos, have a beautiful weekend. P.S. I have moved over to WP:

  2. Even without Big Bertha, you were able to catch some pretty shots. What lovely memories you are able to share with Miss Teen.

  3. Oh your pics are so lovely even if Big Bertha was at home!!
    Happy Saturday

  4. Sounds like a lovely bonding session on your latest trip. This time of year is always a bit stressful with exams and such, hopefully it will soon pass. Take care.

  5. Your photos are beautiful as always, Chel. I hope the stress doesn't last too long and that it's all worth it in the end!

  6. Hell Chel, I think your photos all came out nice even though you didn't have Big Bertha! Lol! It was so nice that you and Miss Teen got out together. Life can be stressful at times but yours all sound good. :)
    Hope you have a nice week.

  7. I think your phone did really good! Especially those first two shots! Enjoyed your latest trip. :)

  8. It is really nice that you were able to enjoy a trip with your daughter. It is important for a mother and daughter to have sometimes together. I happy she was able to relax.

  9. So envious.. Wish I could get back soon.....goodness how the skyline from the Royal Observatory has changed over the years ..hope things on the Homefront settle soon for you.xx

  10. A few more weeks and the exams will be over! How nice you were able to have a relaxing time together xx

  11. Well, I think you did very well with your phone, as the photos give a good sense of what you saw. You're so lucky with your daughter. I feel sorry for mothers who say that they just can't ge along with their daughters.

  12. Also without 'Big Bertha' your photos are so pretty. A welcome outing together with your daughter in this stressful time I think.

  13. Hi,
    I loved your photos. I also think it is cute how you named your camera. :-)

  14. Chel, I've been offline for about a month so no idea about how you are…. hope blogging is helping. Hugs and very best wishes to you and yours! Lxxxx

  15. Still a marvelous trip and photos even with the phone.

  16. Sounds like a beautiful day spent with your daughter, filled with nice memories. The photos do them justice.

  17. Some time out of the house and with someone who has a similar outlook on life is a good way for coping with stress. I hope it all ends soon.

  18. So glad you were both able to get away for a wonderful change of scenery in such a treasured place filled with wonderful memories. I'm sure it did a world of good. xx K


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x