
Friday 10 June 2016

Five on Friday - Views of my Week

And in the blink of an eye it's Friday again!  Time to look through the camera card to look and see what I have captured. I am absolutely delighted to share with you a few photos of another trip down to London on what was the beginning of a sun shiny day.  My trip this time was work related and involved entering the House of Lords at Westminster.  Normally no photos can be taken here but out on the terrace (the part you can see from Westminster Bridge and the opposite side of the river) I was able to capture a few extra special moments.

So, No. 1 of my Five on Friday is the view from the House of Lords Terrace.  Looking over my favourite river towards Westminster Bridge and the London Eye.  The perfect place to sit with colleagues and enjoy a cup of coffee.  A very happy view indeed.

Scaffolding above us for the maintenance of such an iconic and beautiful building.  The red awning to signify the Lords area and the green for the Commons.  Big Ben striking the hours and the quarter hours above us.  A very special view.

After walking through the incredible rooms and halls with paintings, chandeliers, ancient books on tall bookcases lining the lush corridors (oh yes I was in heaven!), old clocks above ornate doors, we were shown into the Lord's Chamber and stood near the throne.  Solid gold and incredible beauty surrounded us.  A place that is so surreal and hard to believe I was standing there.  

2.  After lunch (House of Lords fish and chips were incredible!) we had to leave before the House sits and this is when we realised the sun had disappeared as it did last week when I was in Greenwich.

Then, thunder and lightening of epic proportions!!  TAXI!!!!  This is the view from the taxi window as we passed Westminster Abbey!

3.  From the City to the Country and the hustle and bustle of London is a long way away.  Here on the Fen me and Tia walk amongst the wildflowers look up at the enormous skies.  The contrast of my view from one day to the next couldn't be any different.

The yellow and red lines on busy London streets are replaced by the green and blue lines of the dykes.  The yellows and greens are now being interrupted by scrumptious reds of other flowers popping up.

With occasional flashes of vibrant fiery red in amongst the luscious green wheat swaying in the Fen winds.

4.  With my past two trips to London having me dancing in the rain, it is only right that I show you my progress so far with the Sheepjes CAL for this blanket.  I am way behind, but loving the new stitches I am discovering and viewing while resting in the evenings.

5.  Lastly, well it has to be a little view of my Tia.  One year ago I met this little girl after she had been rescued.  One year on she has survived so much change, being spoilt, tooth loss and long happy walks making new furry friends along the way.  She still hates cats but there are none on the Fen so she can safely trot off with her little friends and incredibly happy.  Here she is on the swing enjoying the sun!  I have never known a dog to love the sunshine so much, she practically sunbathes!!

So that's my five views of my week to share with the lovely Amy at Love Made My Home's Five on Friday.  Go along and read some lovely blogs showcasing their five too.

Have a lovely weekend.

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  1. Tia is so lovely and serene looking. It doesn't seem like a year since you rescued her. I enjoyed your five, including the sun, the rain and the flowers.


  2. Chel, your views are wonderful!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice weekend

  3. The weather has been so up and down hasn't it, good job you had a taxi to shelter in. Great to see your photos and the contrast between them. :-)

  4. All lovely photos - especially Tia. But I also love how you've managed to get a photo of Westminster Abbey that's recognisable, even through the rain.

  5. Tia, the little beauty, she really has found the best place there is. Your photos are wonderful, love the contrasts between city and country, sun and rain.
    Have a nice weekend!

  6. A great experience to go into the House of Lords. Glad you got a chance to sit on the terrace before the rain came down!

  7. Crumbs, you've had Tia a year already? Time really does fly by, doesn't it? How cool to go to the House of Lords.

  8. Country mouse or city mouse? I think you've been both this week but which do you prefer?
    Your Tia is a beauty, I'm such a sucker for spaniels!!

  9. Love the views of London from that perspective! Oh how I wish you were allowed to take pictures inside! It must be magnificent! And then the lovely green views of the Fen. Tia looks so content. Hard to believe you've had her a year already. :-)

  10. Chel, every time I visit you I feel I need a passport! Lovely photos! I didn't realize that the London Eye was that close or maybe it just looks like it in the photos. The fens are lovely places to take a walk. Tia certainly is enjoying that sunshine! Have a great day.

  11. Your blanket looks lovely.

    I loved the pictures of London. There is such great architecture in London. It amazes me every time I visit. It's good for a day visit but I don't think I'd want to live there!

  12. I am so envious of your visit to Westminster. On the terrace no less. Glad you were able to take photos there to share with us.

  13. Chel, what wonderful and different views. I enjoyed seeing London and your lovely fen. Tia is a lovely lady and I bet, a bit spoiled ... as she should be! Crochet on and have a lovely week!

  14. Such a contrast between city and fens and both beautiful in their own special way. Tia looks lovely:)

  15. Now that was impressive, I loved the photos from the House of Lords. It certainly doesn't seem like a year since that beautiful little dog came into your life, how time flies.

  16. The flowers look like sweet Williams - ours are poor this year.

  17. Lovely set of photos for Five on Friday..
    Amanda xx

  18. Beautiful photos, and what an incredible terrace view! I cannot wait to visit one day. Have a lovely weekend Chel.

  19. Fabulous photos! Have a great weekend x

  20. Such lovely things! Of course I think that Tia and the crochet are the best, but it is so great to see the view from the House of Lords Terrace, not a view that many of us would ever get to see, so it is good to see your photo! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday. I hope you have a great weekend! xx

  21. Always nice to travel along with you, Chel, you always show us such beautiful and interesting scenes. Being a country gal, I love the photo of the red flowers on the fens the best :) So glad that you and Tia found each other. I laughed when you mentioned she hates cats. I am pet-sitting my daughter's two cat-hating dachshunds this weekend, so the poor cats are locked in the bedroom. Your needlework is so lovely. xx Karen

  22. Glad you got in that taxi for the downpour! Lovely city and country views! Visiting from Five on Friday...

  23. What a great 5 and such a contrast indeed both in weather and places. Fab. Glad you are enjoying the CAL. I look forward to each Wednesday too and learning new combination of stitches alao

  24. Tia is opposite of our new little Findley who hates the sun and runs from shady spot to shady spot.

  25. I love your pic of Westminster Abbey through the rainy cab window. But they are all great! Happy weekend to you!

  26. Your work life and your home life couldn't be any different. Gorgeous scenery at both places. I like walking the fen with you and Tia. The green fields and vibrant flowers make me happiest!

  27. Oh my that view with the London Eye was fantastic. What a bummer about the rain. Loved the contrast in the fields between the two days. Your sweet little dog is adorable.

  28. Thank you, Great visual tour.

  29. I loved seeing your beautiful photos and your crochet. And, Tia is adorable! How nice to rescue her and give her a forever home. My Lilly is a rescue kitty. Hugs, Pat

  30. What a post of contrasts! :-) I can't believe you've had Tia for a year already, that has flown by. xx

  31. Hi Chel, London look amazing and I enjoyed those photos of it! I still miss it so! I will be back! Tia is such a cutie. Have a nice week. Julie

  32. you make me want to visit London more than ever. good tour.

  33. Tia looks so sweet and so peaceful. I'm so happy that the two of you found each other.

  34. I haven't had a chance to visit in quite some time. I thoroughly enjoyed your photos as always. Such beautiful scenery in London and that Tia is such a doll! My daughter has been in Bristol, England for a couple of weeks with her boyfriend before she flies home to America. She has had the opportunity to explore London a couple times. She loves Bristol as well and the other places she has been while there. Her photos are just beautiful! Hope you are having a splendid week thus far. Have a wonderful evening.

    Hugs, Vicky

  35. Beautiful photos Chel. Tia looks lovely.

  36. Your photos and views are just breath taking! London looks so wonderful and old but clean and bright, even in the rain. But then the Fen...and Tia looks so content in the sun. Have a good weekend!


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