
Friday 29 April 2016

Five on Friday - Links in the Chain

1.  Each day this week has seemed like a link in a chain, each day binding with the next but so very different.

2. The weather, oh my goodness, we've had everything thrown at us.  Huffing and puffing just like the bad wolf in the story of the three little pigs!

3.  The clothes pegs are redundant.  The brief sunshine misleading us all with its icy bite.

 4.  Roof tops protect occupants from the swirling wintry weather. 

5.  Keeping everyone safe and warm in their beds (yes, this a very tired working horse).

This week's photos were taken at the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley, Birmingham.  Once again, I have taken far too many and it will take a little while to go through them - when will I ever learn?!  So, this is a little taster to share with the lovely Amy at Love Made My Home's Five on Friday.  Go along to see more lovely blogs joining in.

Thanks so much for your comments and visits for my last post.  I am so glad you enjoyed the London trip!!  I'm looking forward to a long weekend, catching up with blogs and Miss Teen's prom dress shopping (maybe not the latter!)

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  1. Very striking photos, Chel. It must be such an interesting place to visit.

  2. I like the way you have connected the photos to your week. I look forward to your future posts as I haven't been to that Museum. If fact it's a part of the country I don't really know.

  3. I like your analogy of links in a chain, along with the photos. Looks like a fun and interesting place to spend some time.

  4. Just beautiful capture the moment dear Chel...oh I feel like I could just rest my cheek upon that horse..just what a photograph should matia

  5. Lovely images, all, Chel. The elements of old buildings are fascinating.

  6. Glad you had a great day out and enjoyed taking lots of photos. I know the feeling, I have loads more to share tomorrow! It is all good though isn't it. Hope you are OK. Thank you for joining Five On Friday, I hope you have a fun weekend! xx

  7. Aw! Poor tired horse!
    I liked prom dress shopping as long as the chosen dress didn't cost the moon!

  8. Lovely photos! The poor horse just looks so tired.

  9. The horse looks like he's having a lovely dream! :oD

  10. Oooh I do like your interpretation of the week that was through photos.

  11. Fabulous photos of your day out, such good fun x

  12. It always takes me ages to sort through photos especially when I forget that the camera is set on burst.

  13. Oh that horse is oblivious to everything - poor darling must have been so tires.
    The living museums are great for all ages - we can learn so much of times gone by.
    I hope you get some real sunshine soon Chel - fingers crossed!

  14. What a lovely post, I really enjoyed the way you gave just a glimpse of what is to come. Looking forward to hearing more about the living museum.

  15. Our sunshine has been lacking the warmth as well. I love the horse!

  16. You have such a gifted eye for photos! I love the working horse taking a nap. He even has a smile. Sounds like a fascinating museum. Have a blessed day.

  17. My friend, I have been MIA for so long it's not funny. Checking in from house renovations to see what is going on in the land of blog. So glad to see you are still blogging. I have always loved your blog so much.

    My friend never went to England, but if she does, I will give her your email. I would love to come back to visit there and Scotland and keep hoping that when my husband retires we can make the trip.

    Sending you much love across the pond. I hope to return to blogging, but it is in the future.

    Much love,

    Sheila :-)

  18. A great selection of photos, Chel! We've had the craziest weather here, too. Hope you are having a nice (and warmer!) weekend!

  19. The Black Country Living Museum looks like a fascinating place, will look forward to the post :)

  20. A great set of photos. The Black Country Living Museum must be an interesting place to visit. Looking forward to seeing more of it in a future post.

  21. Your pictures are really wonderful!
    Happy May

  22. Gosh that horse looks shattered! xx


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x