
Sunday 24 April 2016

A Quick Walk in the City

With the blossom making a welcome appearance on the London grey skyline, we decided to carry on from The Shard and take a round walk around part of the City.  So, once again, grab a custard cream and sit down with a cup of tea and we will do the walking for you...

First up, it was lunch time so the perfect stop was Borough Market just a hop, skip and a jump from The Shard.

We all went for different things, Mumsy with Pie and Mash, Miss Teen and her friend Mr J with kebabs, and for me, Brick Lane salt beef beigel (if you are ever in the East End's Brick Lane you really MUST stop off at the Beigel shop!  This was a must in my early years when out on a pub crawl!!).

After refreshments, it was time to walk along the South Bank, past the medieval Clink Prison dating back to the 1100's!

Then back towards the wonderful Thames where life on the river was busy as usual.

Then onto the outside of The Globe Theatre, a reconstruction of the theatre where Shakespeare's plays were acted out 400 years ago.

Onto the Millennium Bridge looking at the decorated chewing gum on its floor (my post showing this and the artist is here).

And looking over towards the South Bank.  I loved looking through the lens at this possible Hen Party group who were quite clearly enjoying the street performer's songs.

Followed by pleas of being able to take over the microphone.  He was more than happy to have a little break and let them sing to the passing crowds.

Over the Thames we walked with the boats still enjoying the river.

In front of us was St Paul's Cathedral with the Fire Brigade Memorial in the foreground (oh and Mumsy).

The pink blossom looked so beautiful against this incredible landmark.

We walked on to the Museum of London (the link is in my side bar) to listen to my Grandad in a Blitz exhibition (an emotional time as Mumsy hadn't heard his voice since his death).

And then, "Let's go to the Tower of London"...


I was beginning to admit defeat with the long walk and my delicate feet, but a sit down in taxi for the short journey to the Tower was very much appreciated!

The colourful Beefeaters, still busy with the constant stream of tourists coming to hear and see this incredible place.

The last time we were here there were poppies everywhere, but now the green grass has replaced the sea of red (my sunset post of a very special day is here).

The archer looking over the changes below.

Continuing our round journey, we walked past Traitors' Gate (thankfully not through it!).

And then onto Tower Bridge.

And then back to the Shard for our trip back home.

Apparently we walked five miles.  Incredible for my tootsies and something that four months ago I would never have thought I would do again!

I hope you enjoyed the two London posts.  It's been a while, but I am back up and running walking again!!

Have a lovely week ahead.


  1. Great photos, as always. Very topical with the Globe Theatre. And I was thinking that the street performer looked a little bit like Hugh Jackman ....

  2. Hi dear - more great places in lovely London, and so glad you were able to walk quite comfortably again and visit your favorites old haunts! We did all of these - loved going inside the Globe (Jasmin's pick No.1) - and I recall on our one long day we walked almost 15 miles! We stayed at the Marriott at County Hall right next to the Eye - great location for walking - of course rode the Underground to more distant places such as the Tower of London.
    Loved the St. Paul's pix with blossoms - Spring is in the air, a lovely time to be in the city.

    Hugs - Mary

  3. Glad to hear you are able to go walking again. The blossom in front of St Paul's makes a great photo. I was on South bank yesterday and had lunch in Borough Market. A delicious venison burger.

  4. Beautiful pics of London!!!
    I love Borough Market

  5. Good to hear you can go walking again. London is such an inspiring city, enjoyed walking with you and I hope to be able to visit myself soon again.

  6. Lovely, I haven't been to London in a few years, your post makes me want to visit

  7. The cherry blossoms are wonderful! It looks like you had a great time.

  8. Yay for a great day out and being able to do so much walking again!!! Both very good things hey. Beautiful cherry blossoms! Glad you had such a great time and that your Mum got to hear her Dad's voice again, that must have been incredibly moving. xx

  9. Thanks for another great tour Chel! I always enjoy seeing London through your eyes. I'm glad your feet held up with all the walking. Take care and have a lovely week. xx Pam

  10. Five miles! Yahoo! Really enjoyed your tour of London. Sounds like a wonderful day.

  11. Good for you to go five miles! Hurray! Love your London walks - it always brings back wonderful memories of my short time there. Some day I'm going to come back! Thank you for sharing your fun day with us!

  12. Chel, thank you for the tour of London and so glad that you were able to do the walking! Visiting your fine country in on my bucket list but in the meantime I can't thank you enough for the visit!

  13. You certainly took us on a great stroll around such a wonderful City. Good to know you were able to do the long walk.

  14. Well, seeing as how I am a new friend, I am not sure what had you off your feet, but I am so incredibly happy that you have your freedom back!
    I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed this little walk through London, and my anticipation of a future visit has grown immensely! I must go back and visit some of your older posts for more!
    Have a wonderful week Chel!

  15. I love these posts, Chel! I feel like I'm right there with you. What an ominous looking place the Tower of London is!! Have a great day.

  16. I always enjoy traveling with you. :-)

  17. What a lovely day out, like all your photos. Not sure about being on that speed boat, looks a bit choppy out there.
    Amanda xx

  18. Chel, what a walk you had - all on hard surfaces, too! So glad you're up to that kind of exercise again. Thank you for taking me along on this tour. If only I could have tasted that sandwich!

  19. I enjoyed the day out with you, Chel, not least of which because you've made such a great recovery.

  20. Hello Chel,
    Wow what fun to see all of those wonderful places in the city. Thanks so much for the wonderful tour.
    I hope you have a wonderful end of the week and weekend.

    Julie xo

  21. This is so nice that you are able to walk around the city again without (too much) pain!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x