
Sunday 8 May 2016

A Touch of Victorian

Sshhh, don't say it too loud, but I do believe summer has arrived in this neck of the woods.  Temperatures are soaring and the sandals are out!  I am sitting outside while I put this post together after putting all the summer garden furniture around and about.  Those who have been reading my little corner or blogland for a while will know that this is not my favourite season, but while the wasps and flies keep away, I will enjoy these warm breezes.  BUT, let's go back a bit and put you out of your misery with mine and Mumsy's trip to The Black Country Living Museum in Dudley, Birmingham.  It has been difficult to choose which images to put on my blog post to you, but I hope you'll all enjoy the look around this museum which showcases my favourite era, the Victorians.   So, in true style, grab yourself a chocolate Bourbon and a strong cup of breakfast tea and come along with me on a particularly heavy picture post of times gone by...

I think we may have come at the wrong time as the people who dress up and take us through the ages were particularly thin on the ground (and so our comparisons with the Beamish Museum began!).  Along the pathways were various bus stops that gave a very short bus ride to the next stop or up to the exit.  The buses were the bone rattling type and very solid but to see them trundling down the road was a joy to see, especially with the Victorian surroundings.

The slate in the primary school ready to be used by little hands experiencing their Great Grandparents' school days.

And the hard benches - no home comforts here!

Down one of the roads a skipping rope was tied to a lamp post with the invitation of stretching this across the road and reliving childhood memories.  Those days are long gone with the excess number of cars now, but it was surprising with the amount of different generations that were trying this, each one with huge smiles and laughter.

But let's just have a visual tour now of the Museum with less commentary...

Now let's go inside the buildings...

How about some decorating? ...

The hanging on the wall was right up my street... I do love my nuts and bolts!

Now, our other comparison with the Beamish Museum was that the houses here at the Black Country Museum seemed less inspiring.  There weren't stairs that led you up to bedrooms so that you could feel yourself going back in time however, the attention to detail as you would have seen above was very good.

Now, hungry?  We certainly were, and what could be better than fish and chips cooked in beef dripping!  Oh dear, the diet suffered here!!

Next came the canal boat ride into the cavern mines.  "It will only take five minutes" we were told before.  So, Mumsy showing her stiff upper lip, climbed onto the boat with me and on we went!  Five minutes was really 55 minutes, with deep dark caverns, spiders and a guide who took great pleasure in telling us about the amount of people who died while carving out the routes and those parts that had caved in.  Oh, not to mention the light show and loud music when you get into the depths (not one for migraine sufferers!!).  However, here are just a couple of shots for you to prove that we went in!!

Back in the day a couple of lads would walk the boat through.  Now, I was going to volunteer, really I was!  Just to see how my new feet would cope, but Mumsy by this time who has a fear of spiders, dark places, being underground and water, was just about to explode.

There was just one more thing to do... a toilet stop and then get home to calm her nerves!!

Of course, I am joking!  There are more modern and clean versions also available.

So, to sum up, I would say that if you have a day in this area it is really worth visiting.  If you have two or more days to spare, definitely the Beamish Museum (my posts are here and here).

Thanks so much for your comments again last week, I am truly sorry that I haven't got back to your blogs, I'll get back to normal soon (I hope!).

Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all those who are celebrating today overseas.  Have a great day!!

And a special mention to my own Mumsy who has just celebrated her birthday, please wish her a good one!!


  1. Hope your dear Mum has wonderful birthday. A delightful post, right up my street you certainly took us on a wonderful tour.

  2. Brilliant! My family lives not far away...and we have often had a day out there....with a bag of pork scratching and lardy cake...thanks for the reminder!

  3. Just beautiful! I've always been fond of the Victorian era. I have the DVD "1900 House" - about a modern family living back in Victorian settings for 3 months. I think the reality of it would squash the romanticism of it all pretty quick! Thank you for the lovely tour. And, by the way, I'm with Mumsy regardning the cavern mine tour!

  4. Happy birthday to your mum and happy mother's day to you both! I enjoyed your visual tour of this interesting place. How I'd love to visit your country and explore some of these wonderful historical sites!

  5. Thanks for the Mother's Day greetings Chel. This is such a fabulous post. . . . . .going back to read again - you put a lot of time into it and the pix look great.

    Happy Birthday to your dear mum - I know you are spoiling her today!

    Hugs - Mary

  6. What a cool place! Victorian architecture is so interesting to me. Great photos too.
    BTW, you'd better visit London whilest you still can. Once they elect the Muslim as Mayor, it will probably be illegal for a woman to be there. Just sayin' ....
    Y'all stay safe over there. Happy Mum's Day from the USA. ~:)

    1. Luckily as I am a Londoner Sparky, I know that I lived in one of the most diverse cities there could be and one where freedom and expression of speech for any sex, race, sexuality and disability is embraced. Nobody in my opinion can ever replace Boris, who is one of my heroes, but to experience change is what Londoners enjoy. I am sure the new Mayor will introduce changes that will grow London brilliantly and not in the way that you describe.

  7. It might be Victorian but there were many things there that I recall from my childhood brilliantly photographed. (Not impressed by the previous comment. I along with 70% of other Londoners are delighted with the election of our new Mayor.)

  8. If I'd been there with you, Mumsy and I could have waved you off on the cavern tour - no way would you get me on a boat underground. And spiders?? - I'm shuddering just thinking of it!

  9. You're a great explorer, Chel! Thank you for sharing your pictures.

  10. Chocolate bourbon! Fabulous photos and interesting effect with photo no. 18 when you scroll up and down :)

  11. Great photos of your visit, and a wonderful commentary of your 55 minutes of uncomfortable touring. I really like the first photo of the lamp in the window.

  12. Love your photos, what a wonderful way to spend the day.
    Happy birthday Mumsy, I hope your day was perfect.


  13. What a fascinating tour. You really do feel you are back in time, and there are so many wonderful examples of past times.

  14. I saw the building of that fish and chip shop and the restoration of the was a marvellous TV programme.

  15. A very happy birthday to your mum! That looks like a fun trip!

  16. So many wonderful photos!!! Where to start? Oh boy, those toilets, but I have seen worse ones in operation up in Northern Canada.
    I think the classroom looks so charming, but those benches would definitely keep you from getting too comfortable. I think that would have been a good thing for dozing off.
    The lantern in the window is my absolute favourite! And a very Happy Birthday to your Mumsy!!!
    Have a wonderful week Chel!

  17. I'd be with Mumsy, the underground canal would not be for me either. Fascinating place to visit though, I've still to get to Beamish too.

  18. Hello Chel, thanks for that wonderful tour of the museum. Sounds like you and your mum had a nice day out together. I wish you mum a Happy Birthday. Hope you have a nice week. :)

  19. Thank you for the tour, great photos and commentary. These living museums with hands-on experience for all ages are interesting and entertaining. The ride in the old bus must have been fun. Belated birthday good wishes to your Mum.

  20. Fab post, thanks for sharing! Anita xx

  21. Wow there was a lot to see here but it was all great. I enjoy museums as you learn so much from them.

  22. I'd love to visit in person... meanwhile, I'm off to recheck your posts about the other museum. I want to see the bedrooms!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x