
Friday 29 April 2016

Five on Friday - Links in the Chain

1.  Each day this week has seemed like a link in a chain, each day binding with the next but so very different.

2. The weather, oh my goodness, we've had everything thrown at us.  Huffing and puffing just like the bad wolf in the story of the three little pigs!

3.  The clothes pegs are redundant.  The brief sunshine misleading us all with its icy bite.

 4.  Roof tops protect occupants from the swirling wintry weather. 

5.  Keeping everyone safe and warm in their beds (yes, this a very tired working horse).

This week's photos were taken at the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley, Birmingham.  Once again, I have taken far too many and it will take a little while to go through them - when will I ever learn?!  So, this is a little taster to share with the lovely Amy at Love Made My Home's Five on Friday.  Go along to see more lovely blogs joining in.

Thanks so much for your comments and visits for my last post.  I am so glad you enjoyed the London trip!!  I'm looking forward to a long weekend, catching up with blogs and Miss Teen's prom dress shopping (maybe not the latter!)

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Sunday 24 April 2016

A Quick Walk in the City

With the blossom making a welcome appearance on the London grey skyline, we decided to carry on from The Shard and take a round walk around part of the City.  So, once again, grab a custard cream and sit down with a cup of tea and we will do the walking for you...

First up, it was lunch time so the perfect stop was Borough Market just a hop, skip and a jump from The Shard.

We all went for different things, Mumsy with Pie and Mash, Miss Teen and her friend Mr J with kebabs, and for me, Brick Lane salt beef beigel (if you are ever in the East End's Brick Lane you really MUST stop off at the Beigel shop!  This was a must in my early years when out on a pub crawl!!).

After refreshments, it was time to walk along the South Bank, past the medieval Clink Prison dating back to the 1100's!

Then back towards the wonderful Thames where life on the river was busy as usual.

Then onto the outside of The Globe Theatre, a reconstruction of the theatre where Shakespeare's plays were acted out 400 years ago.

Onto the Millennium Bridge looking at the decorated chewing gum on its floor (my post showing this and the artist is here).

And looking over towards the South Bank.  I loved looking through the lens at this possible Hen Party group who were quite clearly enjoying the street performer's songs.

Followed by pleas of being able to take over the microphone.  He was more than happy to have a little break and let them sing to the passing crowds.

Over the Thames we walked with the boats still enjoying the river.

In front of us was St Paul's Cathedral with the Fire Brigade Memorial in the foreground (oh and Mumsy).

The pink blossom looked so beautiful against this incredible landmark.

We walked on to the Museum of London (the link is in my side bar) to listen to my Grandad in a Blitz exhibition (an emotional time as Mumsy hadn't heard his voice since his death).

And then, "Let's go to the Tower of London"...


I was beginning to admit defeat with the long walk and my delicate feet, but a sit down in taxi for the short journey to the Tower was very much appreciated!

The colourful Beefeaters, still busy with the constant stream of tourists coming to hear and see this incredible place.

The last time we were here there were poppies everywhere, but now the green grass has replaced the sea of red (my sunset post of a very special day is here).

The archer looking over the changes below.

Continuing our round journey, we walked past Traitors' Gate (thankfully not through it!).

And then onto Tower Bridge.

And then back to the Shard for our trip back home.

Apparently we walked five miles.  Incredible for my tootsies and something that four months ago I would never have thought I would do again!

I hope you enjoyed the two London posts.  It's been a while, but I am back up and running walking again!!

Have a lovely week ahead.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Enchanting Rose Tea Cup Exchange 2016

It's that wonderful time again where the reveal for Stephanie's The Enchanting Rose's Tea Cup and Mug Exchange is shown around the world.  I am in awe of Stephanie's organisational skills and patience with this exchange and so happy to show off the two parcels I received.

The first is from Kimberley at Creative Chaos over in New Zealand.

The beautiful porcelain mug is from the Kensington Palace Collection "Palace Rose".  I love the design and it's lovely summery colours.  Along with the mug I received three practical and beautifully shaded blue tea towels.  The duck egg blue one will be used for photo backdrops.  Gorgeous.

Also Kimberley sent over some lovely chocolate, always a winner with me!

Just yummy!

Thank you so much Kimberley for such a wonderful and delicious parcel.  The tea is gorgeous too!

So, that was the mug exchange, now to the tea cup exchange...

My second parcel is from the lovely Angela over at Garden Teacakes and Me.

I was so happy to receive this gorgeous pastel coloured tea cup and saucer with the added surprise of a matching side plate.  The colours of pink, green and white are my favourite colour combination.

I can't wait for the warmer days when I can sit properly at my garden table with a sandwich and lovely refreshing tea looking at this wonderful trio.

The selection of teas are currently being enjoyed.  I do love a selection, thank you Angela.

Angela seemed to know my love (and maybe obsession) with note books, so I was absolutely thrilled to add another one to the collection, along with a pencil from Liberty - so happy!

Thanks so much Angela, I can see I will be using all of the elements to your parcel on lovely sunny days in the garden.

Go along and visit Stephanie's blog to see more parcels that have been sent and received on this very happy exchange.

I've heard that my two parcels have been received and looking forward to reading about them from Andrea at My Everything Corner and Barbara at Small Moments

Thank you once again Stephanie, you are so incredibly brilliant at organising this so well.

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Friday 15 April 2016

So, Where Shall We Go On Our Journey Today... The Shard, London

It has been a long time coming.  Walking through the streets of London seemed such a distant memory even though the last time I was in my home town was only on the 1 November.  Such a lot has happened and having fit feet was essential for any of my trips to my home turf.  So, are you ready?  It's been a while since I said this, grab yourself a chocolate digestive or two and a nice hot cup of tea and let me do the walking.  So, where shall we go on our journey today?... The View from the Shard, London.

The Shard has had a bit of bad press with its imposing presence on the London skyline, especially by me.  How dare it take away the beauty of the old buildings.  BUT, now I have been to the top and seen my wonderful City laid out before me like an 3D map, I have to say I'm sold!

St Paul's Cathedral in the centre
Looking East towards Tower Bridge, The Isle of Dogs and Greenwich
To get up to the top of this 95 storey skyscraper in Southwark, London didn't take long.  After going through security (yay! the pins in my feet didn't set off the alarms) you then go into two lifts.  One takes you to the thirty third floor, then a short walk around the corner and the second takes you to the seventy second!  A fast lift that I have to say makes you feel a little uncomfortable as it slows to stop, but the views take this all away (and the champagne!).  

Yes it's high but as we slowly walked around this level, we enjoyed looking out for places that we knew so well.  St Paul's Cathedral of course...

The Monument, dwarfed by the buildings that now surround the area that it once represented as a monument to the great fire of London.

The Tower of London with its beautiful green lawn, so different from when the poppies made such a statement.

Tower Bridge providing the gateway into the City along with HMS Belfast.

And in the distance on the opposite shore to the Isle of Dogs, my favourite place - Greenwich.  The zoom had to be used to its fullest, but you can just make out the Observatory where the Meridian Line takes us on its journey, the Cutty Sark, The Queens House and The Royal Naval College.

The Razor in the opposite direction.

And then the square mile.  The London Eye's views will not be the same for me after this experience.  Looking at the Eye as the face of a clock, at 7 o'clock you can see the Houses of Parliament and at 10 o'clock, Buckingham Palace.

There are two viewing platforms, one enclosed and one open!  Yes, you read that right, open!!  Looking down at the enclosed platform gives some perspective of just how large this place is.

And, yes again, the next level is open!

Looking up and feeling the air and looking up at sky was quite an experience.

But this was open only above us, not right next to us so there was no worrying about going too far over the edge.

From up here we were able to work out where we were going next.  Looking down we could see Southwark Cathedral and Borough Market.  Lunch was calling us!

But a little crowded by the looks of things!

The Thames flowing below us, so busy and so beautiful with its bridges keeping London moving.

So what did we think of this place?

Absolutely amazing.  Worth every penny if you want to see this fantastic City in one sweep (but then I'm biased).  However, from the outside... hmmm jury's still out.

Once on the ground again we couldn't leave it there.  Borough Market, The Globe, Millenium Bridge, St Pauls, The Museum of London, Tower of London, Tower Bridge and lastly Hayes Galleria - but that's for another post after my ankles have deflated!

I hope you enjoyed this trip from your armchair.  Next time I'll be walking you through the streets of London on firm ground.