
Saturday 27 February 2016

The Field of Sunshine

Every Saturday I get up early to start the house work before the rest of the family get under my feet (I am sure they think the elves and fairies do this on a Friday night!), and then the rest of the day is mine.  With Mr and Miss Teen doing their own thing nowadays and Hubs having his own jobs to do to get the house ship shape, me and Tia can pop down to the Fen for a quiet and refreshing walk.  With the week being fairly dry I knew that the tracks would be easier to walk on for me and Tia wouldn't be as muddy, so off we went with Tia in her favourite position in the car with her jowls flapping as she popped her head out of the window.  Once her seatbelt is released, she chooses where she wants to go, and luckily this time she wanted to head off on her favourite track.  It was dry in places so she went on ahead.

I was glad she chose this track today as I could see in the distance a yellow line.  There are lots of these around the villages at the moment and it is not the usual rape seed that tickles and angers the nose.  No, the yellow line was a field of gorgeous sunshiney daffodils.

We happily walked along the deep dyke getting closer and closer to the sunshine field with hints of what was to come at the side of the slippery banks.

Our only company apart from each other were some horses in their coats, this one was very inquisitive...

... above us the Crowland Gliders were taking advantage of the good weather ...

... and the farm machinery all primed and ready for the season ahead.

Before long we were at the field.  The wind making the little petals of sunshine dance in sequence and enjoying the snippets of the spring sun.

Line after line of these precious flowers all saying goodbye to the winter months and looking forward to the year ahead.

I'm so glad that Tia decided to take this walk today, her face says it all!

Back home and with a cup of tea for me, a Bonio and fresh water for Tia, it was time to refresh the bottles of springtime with the latest blooms.  A happy and content Saturday with an evening to relax and plan the weeks ahead and maybe a spot of crochet!

I hope you have a moment for you to enjoy this weekend.

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  1. We are plagued by oil seed rape around us. At times it actually takes my breath away.

  2. Thanks for taking us along on that nice countryside walk! It doesn't look like easy walking with those deep tracks, but such a nice reward of daffodils and horses! Have a nice weekend, Chel.

  3. Both Tia and the horse look as though they are smiling :)

  4. Lovely daffodils. Cornwall is coming towards the end of the picking season now, and the fields no longer look golden.

  5. Hi Chel! Aw! Tia is so pretty and the fen is fantastic! Great photos!

  6. Tia certainly knew where to take you. Fabulous daffodils! So is the magnolia in your previous post. No wonder everyone passing by makes a comment.

  7. I have enjoyed your post tremendously!
    I'm all for celebrating the everyday!
    You are so fortunate to have some blooms already.
    I live in Chicago but I'm from France originally.
    Our spring consists of 2 to 3 weeks late April, beginning of May and then it gets hot!

  8. Such a lovely walk . I would love to have fields of blooms like that here now I am waiting for my Daffodils they are poking above ground now but wont be blooming till at least the end of March beginning of April and I cant wait would be nice if our springs started as early as yours does .Tia is soo cute and loves her walks as much as out Miggs does . Lovely photos , Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  9. The expression depicted on your Tia's wonderful face means such a great satisfaction !
    I've never seen such gorgeous 'fields of sun' before, what a joy to be there, actually you've a wonderful countryside near your home !
    Thank you for sharing these majestic views with us, my sweetest friend,
    sending blessings on the end of your week,
    with so much love and thankfulness

  10. Thanks for taking us with you, Chel. I really enjoyed that. x

  11. Lovely walk and how nice to see all those Daffodils, lovely photos.
    Amanda x

  12. Ah, a nice walk and lovely flowers to gaze at. A wonderful day!

  13. Chel and Tia, Thank you for this wonderful walk with the gorgeous surprise! You've left me smiling and dreaming of daffs as I look out at the snow.

  14. The daffodils are just breathtaking! What a wonderful walk that must have been. The puppy certainly looks happy!

  15. These glorious fields of gold are so beautiful! Makes my few patches in the garden look sad in comparison, however I will be cutting a few bunches throughout the coming weeks hopefully.
    Love that little Tia - what a great expression on her sweet face.

    Take care walking - hugs, Mary

  16. What a lovely field of yellow flowers! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  17. Tia has a great taste in walks. There's a field like that near me, but it's not used commercially any more though the daffodils don't seem to know that and keep coming up every year. I'm working all weekend but I'll do my best to enjoy it.

  18. I'm the same! All the weekly chores very early at the beginning of the weekend and then my conscience is clear :-) I enjoyed our walk, Chel.

  19. Such wonderful sunshine fields, Chel!
    My question may be stupid but I'm often wondering when seeing fields like this (or the tulip fields from the Netherlands) if there is a (commercial) purpose of these fields. The blossoms are fully open and it would be too late to cut and sell them, I think. Are they "abandoned" fields like near John's home? Or are they grown just to make happy the passers-by? :)
    Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Hi Sara, they are indeed abandoned once the buds have finished. I always say that they should do as they do for strawberry fields and have a pick your own where you can pick and buy a bunch. This would be really lucrative around Mother's Day which is next week. But, I suppose the farmers are making sure that the footfall doesn't spoil their surrounding fields. It's a shame, but a great photo opportunity for those going past. xx

  20. Wonderful! Glad you and Tia had a lovely walk. I remember those daffodil fields so well at Cowbit, I'm old enough to remember the tulip fields too they gradually disappeared over the time we lived in Spalding:)

  21. What a beautiful walk, the daffodils are stunning a real feast for the eyes.

  22. Tia looks happy and the daffodils are spectacular. Thank you for your visit and have a woderful week :)

  23. Beautiful, my friend. Thanks for the flowers around here yet...sad to say.

  24. It looks so beautiful all of those daffodils and of Tia!
    Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!

  25. What a beautiful field of daffodils! I've never seen a field of daffodils, and these look like they are right at their prime and were waiting just for you and Tia. Your little dog has the sweetest face. The horse looks quite well cared for in his cozy blanket. I'm glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and enjoyed your walk out. You've inspired me to get up off the computer and take my own pooch out for a walk somewhere today. Have a great week!

  26. Oh I can feel Tia's excitement off on her Saturday walk.
    It's lovely she gets to choose which direction you both take!
    She's pretty good at it too and provided marvellous photo ops for you Chelsea!
    Oh what a sight - a field is sunshine - warms the heart!

  27. How nice to make it to the field of daffodils. So pretty. Next weekend I'll be taking my sisters to see fields of daffodils here in Washington State. Have a lovely week! ellen b.

  28. Me again Chel.
    I must check before I press publish - the jolly iPad takes liberties with the predictive text and it just did it again when I wrote Chel.
    Spell check would be good!

  29. What a wonderful walk! I'd be smiling along with you and Tia. The daffodils are gorgeous. I think yellow is one of my favorite colors. It's so happy!

  30. What a fun walk - and daffodils added in make it perfect. Across the world from each other we still have similar experiences - daffodil fields in the sunshine. Happy week ahead.

  31. I realize as I come to the end of your post that I'm smiling from ear to ear. The daffodils are stunning. Simply stunning. The horse in his coat is so charming, as is dear Tia. What a lovely dog. She looks so happy. And why shouldn't she? To go on this lovely walk with you is a dream come true. Thanks for taking us along, Chel. I quite enjoyed it! xxx Nancy

  32. I can't think of many better ways to spend a sunny afternoon than walking with a good old friend through a field of daffodils!

  33. Tia knows just where to walk to delight herself and her companion. Such a sunny sight!

  34. That sounds like a splendid way to start your Saturday, Chel, and Tia seems to be of the same mind. So many daffodils! It's a beautiful sight. I hope this new week is as pleasant for you as that day.


  35. Beautiful. I love daffodils, they were our wedding flower. :-)

  36. What a beautiful post.
    There is nothing I love more than hearing about someone's day.
    My grandsons call their aunts (my daughters) Tia because it means aunt in Spanish.
    Your Tia is wonderful.


  37. How to delightful to see that pop of yellow, as we get buried under 6 inches of snow again.

  38. Such a lovely walk that you and Tia have taken us on, Chel! Oh, those daffodils are so wonderful and cheery! Love that happy look on Tia's face, too. So nice to see you are able to enjoy long walks once again. xx Karen

  39. Those daffodils are just fabulous! What a great walk Tia chose to take you on. xx

  40. That really is a host of golden daffodils, how lovely. And then a cuppa when you get ho,e - perfect!


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