
Friday 4 March 2016

Five on Friday - Sunset on Another Week

Well, the sun sets on another week.  It's Friday again, where on earth do these weeks go?  Looking back over the week on my phone and camera card, it seems there have been plenty of things going on, and rather a lot of little treats.
1. We've had all seasons this week.  It's been cold, it's been warm, it's hailed, it's rained, it's been sunny.  No snow though, the one thing I would love!  I can never tire of this view from the office window looking over to Peterborough Cathedral.

2. A lovely gift in work for us all to enjoy.  The chocolates are from Brugge and when I picked the box up I just knew they were going to be good!  The weight was like picking up a brick.  Solid pieces of chocolate with decadent fillings.  Good job I didn't give up chocolate for Lent! 

 3. As so many of you know, I have been harping on about my feet for a little while now.  The good news is that the Consultant has discharged me and now I can just get on with "being sensible and know when to elevate them!".  No heels for a year and will be eventually a shoe size less than I was once the remaining swelling goes.  Apparently I am already 14mm shorter in the foot size than I was three months ago.  So, I'll stop boring you from now with my plates of meat (my family however will continue to get the moans and groans).  What I will say is if you are considering bunion surgery, yes it is painful for a few weeks afterwards and if you have the two done together it is frustrating and double trouble, but now that I am back at work and able to walk in a fashion (John Cleese would love my style!) and can now walk on the Fens and drive, the pain will be worth it my friends.  Other bloggers have kept my spirits up who have also had this done and I see their posts of them walking enormous distances.  Hope indeed.  So, that really is the last I will say.  This is a happy place and now a Foot Free Zone.  (love my socks though!).

 4. Oh my goodness.  This Lily Pond pattern is so lovely, but I have spent weekday evenings unpicking. 

Am I so tired that I have forgotten to count to 85?!

 I start off with the 86 chains, and then by the end of the straight lines, I am down to 82.  Has the crochet imp sat on my shoulder and made the other 3 vanish into thin air.  Determination will succeed this weekend!!
5. I can't not post about Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose's Teacup and Mug Exchange.  I have done this a couple of times and about to sign up again.  This is such an exciting exchange where you give to one person and receive from another.  The instructions are here, we might even be paired up!  This was the lovely Asia at Creative Spell Designs' beautiful box, cards and tea cup gift to me last year.  You can read more about it here.

Stephanie's link is in my side bar.  Come and join in!

Right, time to unpick some more crochet and then wrap a few bits and pieces up for Mumsy's Mothers Day pressies.

Have a wonderful weekend, and for those Mum's in Britain looking after those little ones and not so little ones, as well as our fur babies, Happy Mother's Day!

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  1. The weather really has been changeable this week, hasn't it! Glad to hear you are on the mend with your feet and that you manage to get your crochet sorted out. Take care.

  2. Your fancy, your creativity and your taste for beauty always amaze me, my darling Chel, thank you for being what you are, please never change !!!
    May your weekend be filled with the light of joy and with the warmth of love, with so much gratitude

  3. Oh I would just love one or two or three of those chocs right now. I have looked in the cupboards but I can't find a tiny chunk of chocolate anywhere! How will I get through the night?

  4. Yum to that chocolate! You may speak of feet anytime you like, Chel! Glad to hear you got good news from the DR. Your view from work is very fine in any kind of weather.

  5. What a fun five. Love the sock and can almost taste those chocolates from here. xo Diana

  6. Och, don't bother unpicking for the sake of 3 stitches - just add them at the sides - 2 at one and one at the other. Whose going to know? ... apart from all of us! ;o)

  7. Love the socks!
    It's my second year signing up to Stephanie's exchange. I was so worried about breakages from UK but all was well.

  8. I hope you have a Happy Mother's Day, Chel! Your socks are so cute - a shame to hide them inside shoes! Here in the Northwest US we are known for wearing socks with sandals year round. I know - we are a little 'different'. There is even a commercial on television about 'socks and sandals guy' Lol! Your crochet is so pretty. Isn't it frustrating to come out short on the count? I am thinking of joining the teacup exchange this year for the first time. Thanks for the reminder :) Take care x Karen

  9. I'm sure your surgery testimonial will be a help to many, and I'm so glad your restrictions are lifted, for the most part. I'm glad the chocolates aren't here in front of me. Dark chocolate is my nemesis. Your mention of British Mother's Day reminds me of a Mother's Day that we were staying a few days in York. I didn't realize it was Mother's Day until the host brought me a bouquet of daffodils, which also happen to be my favorite. Thanks for the fun memory. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  10. Those chocolates look delicious, and that view out the window would sure be something to look at every day.

  11. Wishing you a beautiful weekend ... those chocolates look quite yummy!


  12. Cute socks! Glad your feet are doing well. Yeah, bunion surgery has a long recovery, but I'm glad I did it. I'm running again now - 6 miles! :)

  13. I'm so glad your feet are on the mend. I never minded reading about them - found it rather interesting. It's a good thing you are in England and far away for those sweets look very tempting.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. great you have socks in my size?

  15. Five nice things for Friday, we have had the snow, not liked by everybody ! Some children got the day of school though.
    Love the tea cup idea.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Amanda xx

  16. Five lovely things for Five on Friday. Glad to hear that your feet are improving and a good idea to treat them to lots of pretty socks until you can treat yourself to new shoes:)

  17. Yay for happy feet, Chel! That is a fantastic view out the office window.
    I have a nice box of chocolates that I shall open soon. Yummy!
    Happy Mother's Day to YOU!

  18. Lovely Five on Friday post and photos . Happy Mothers day to all the mum's over there . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  19. You have a great view from your office window! Sounds like a good place to work (sharing chocolates)etc. Glad to hear the feet are on the mend. A lovely idea to treat yourself to some pretty, comfy socks. Enjoy your Sunday!

  20. those are such cute socks and glad your feet are doing better!! hope it continues! those chocolates look delicious, lucky you! great view of the cathedral! thank you for linking and have a great weekend!!

  21. Happy feet!!!! So glad you are healing well and that despite having to wait to wear heels, think what great shoe shopping treats lie ahead next year!
    Must say the socks are a really pretty lot - I love nice cozy socks in the colder weather.

    As for the scrumptious looking chocs, Belgium always makes the best - I love a good one now and then when we find them here at Costco - don't like many American chocolates except those made locally which are SO overpriced. We now find Aldi's imported from Germany 'Choceur' brand chocolate bars are excellent and treat ourselves to a bar of raisin and hazelnut (fruit & nut which has to be healthy!) now and then! Much cheaper than Cadbury's, which I love, except the bars here are usually made in Canada and don't taste quite as good as the English ones!

    Have a lovely weekend Chel - I hope your children make your Mother's Day a lovely celebration,and that the sun shines all day.
    Hugs, Mary

  22. Ooh, a lovely Five. Your socks are fab! And you really do have a gorgeous view from your office, I don't know how you get any work done as I would spend far too much time looking out of the window. Thanks for letting us know about Stephanie's teacup exchange - I am sorely tempted. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, too. x

  23. I hope your feet feel better soon! I love those socks. The Peterborough Cathedral is lovely. I had a chance to spend 14 hours in London last year on a layover for a work trip. It was in the middle of the night and we took a bus tour through London. I remember seeing the Cathedral then. London is a beautiful city and so full of history. I loved it. Happy Mum Day to you!

  24. Chocolate oh chocolate, you are so wonderful!

  25. PS. I stopped by again this morning as I didn't have time to comment last properly night.

    That splendid view from your office window ... I would never tire of it either.

    And what cute socks. They must make you smile when you see them waiting for you in your sock drawer.

    Enjoyed my visit ... wishing you a happy day,

  26. I don't know what I like better - the socks, the chocolate or the pretty tea cup exchange gifts! I'm so glad that all the pain and swelling is behind you and you are getting back to normal. Have a great day.

  27. Sorry you have been having trouble with your feet. Hope they get completely well. That can be so painful. Love your photos!

  28. I am so jealous of that daily view from your office window. Yay to the discharge for the feet!

  29. Very good things from your week especially being discharged from the doctor, you must have been very pleased about that. I hope that you keep making a good recovery. Thank you for sharing at Five on Friday, hope that you are having a great weekend. xx

  30. I just had a browse through this blog post of yours. Delightful! Have a good week.

  31. I can relate to your foot surgery as I had it done (not bunion) many years ago and I could hardly wait to wear real shoes again. Your socks are very cute.
    Lovely view of that cathedral.

  32. Lovely post and photos Chel!
    I'm glad you have some yummy chocolates to keep your spirit up ;)

  33. Lovely pictures of the cathedral with the sky changing! I'm so glad you are feeling better and hope you can walk longer distances soon.

  34. Loving your new socks. I expect they will last longer than those yummy chocs. Have a lovely week ahead :)

  35. Those tempt us!
    I'm so glad to read that you are more and more comfortable - and I didn't mind reading about your feet. How will we ever know what remedies are available if people don't share?

  36. Love your socks. glad to hear you have been discharged. Thank you for the advice and info. I have a bunion on my right foot. I generally ignore it, but it is getting worse and I suspect I will have to have it operated on eventually. What a lovely place to work x

  37. I'm so happy to hear about your feet and I love your socks! Good luck with your crocheting and hope it works out.
    Have a nice week.

  38. Nice to catch up with your life. Have been so crazy with life and I too wonder where the weeks have gone. Have a beautiful week end.

  39. Nice to catch up with your life. Have been so crazy with life and I too wonder where the weeks have gone. Have a beautiful week end.

  40. How lovely that you are feeling well and can turn your mind to the joy of ordinary things. I'm so happy for you, Chel.

  41. Good news about your feet! The sock are fun.. I expect the chocs are long gone by now, did you save me one? ;-) xx

  42. So glad that your feet are better! I would think there is nothing worse than sore feet and having surgery on them. My arches fell in my late 20s and that was bad enough. Had to have special inserts made and wore them for over a year. No more heals for me, not even little ones. Flats with a one inch rubber sole and glad I have stuck to it.
    Love all your photos, especially the chocolates..with Easter gearing up here, we have plenty on hand right now, but will have to buy more.
    Hope your week is grand and you can enjoy warm days. We are in spring mode here finally. Do not care for anymore snow now- not with the robins back and all.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x