
Friday 26 February 2016

Five on Friday - Back to Work

 Well this week has been a shock to the system.  I've managed a whole week after the phased return to work, and I am mighty tired.  The week has been one huge blur of catching up, and trying to keep smiling through each day with throbbing ankles and a right toe that swears blind it can tell me when it's going to rain with a huge stab.  But smile I have, carried on I have, fallen into my favourite chair at the end of the day I have.  A satisfying week.

So my Five, are what I am seeing each day (apart from the last one.  Now that was an unexpected treat!

 1. You will have seen the magnolia at the top of this post.  This sits outside one of our office windows and goodness knows how old this is.  Each year it gives the most stunning of displays with all visitors remarking how beautiful it is. 

2. After the Painted Roses Blanket completion, I was hungry for another project and settled on the Lily Pond Blanket from Janie Crow.  This was a CAL project last year but I really loved the look of the design.  With the Wool Warehouse being quick on the delivery again (I do love them!), I was able to start in the knowledge that the next CAL is about to begin.  I need to get a move on!

3. Until I feel more stable with the clutch pedal, I am taking the bus instead to work and loving it.  Sitting down on a warm bus being able to answer emails and let someone else have the stress of driving is a real treat.  However, waiting at a bus stop with no shelter from the freezing cold Fen is quite simply something else!

 With the sun rising as I wait, my body warms up and I see the frost melting.

4. Getting off the bus and a short walk to work follows.  When I see this view as I walk down the drive, I can't help but smile.  Beautiful, exquisite Peterborough Cathedral looks down once more to start another day.

 5. Oh my goodness!  Cake!  One of my work colleagues bought us cake from Patisserie Valerie this morning.  So half each of these enormous sinful cakes had to be consumed!  Extremely decadent, extremely delicious... oh boy what a sugar rush!

Have a Happy Friday!

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  1. Working surrounded by such beauty must warm the heart even if the toe does remain cold!

  2. Sorry to hear you're still in pain! I pray that that situation is very temporary. Lovely photos. The cake looks so scrumptious. ~:)

  3. Magnolia already! And it's a stunner.
    Have a good weekend, put your feet up!

  4. What a beautiful view from your place of work and scrummy looking cake as well. Hope the pain eventually wears off you are certainly having a rough time of it.

  5. Your views are spectacular!
    Big sympathy for the obligation to eat cake at work! We had a farewell today for two staff members and the cakes are alarming!

  6. I am sure those photos of cake are illegal!
    We are just beginning to see Magnolias here and loving their lacy blossoms.

  7. Hi Chel! What a great five! I hope you recover/revive/have a lot of fun over the weekend!

  8. Let there be cake! Sounds as though your back to work week was tiring but also brought happy moments. How long will your feet hurt - does the DR say?

  9. My mouth is watering just looking at those cakes! I hope you can put your feet up and enjoy your weekend, Chel! :o)

  10. Wonderful views! Wonderful cake! I'm glad you survive your first week back at work.

  11. No better excuse to put your feet up - than a crochet project!!! I have that pattern and the wool ready to start!! It was going to be my winter project, but I was so poorly through January that it never got started!!! Perhaps I will leave it for next winter!!! X

  12. Cake, Cathedral and magnolia flowers all part of your work day. Gorgeous.

  13. Sounds like quite the week back at work, I am sure your feet with shape up soon. I can't believe blooms already, how exciting. That cake, oh my goodness.

  14. Glad you are able to get back up and to some what normal routine . The more you walk hopefully that will help strengthen your feet and ankles if you can handle it . What beautiful scenery as you walk on your way to work . I used to love taking the bus when I was younger going to work but didn't like waiting for it in the cold lol I fractured my ankle years ago and even now I have a bit of pain especially when it is to rain . Lovely photos . Oh my that cake looks YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend.

  15. Glad you're surviving back at work - but we expect our Magnolias to bloom in May!

  16. Wonderful to have the beautiful sunrise and cake to make up for the discomfort, Chel. The Magnolia really is special. Nice that you are starting a new crochet project, too! Take care of yourself. x Karen

  17. hi Chel. I'm pleased you got through your first week at work without too much bother, hope the toe and ankles start behaving as they should before too long. I enjoyed your post and think the magnolia tree is going to look wonderful in full bloom.


  18. One doesn't usually congratulate people and feel happy for them just because they've been at work all week but in the circumstances a small round of applause seems to be in order. I'm sure it will get easier in the future.

  19. It's good to take joy from the simple things. Cakes look amazing!

  20. Glad you had a satisfying week despite the discomfort and pain you're still experiencing. You live and work in a lovely place and that's reflected in your photos. I pass Patisserie Valerie when in town and I stop and look at the cakes in the window - so tempting!
    I hope you have a restful weekend.

  21. Wow that magnolia is way ahead of ours.

  22. Fabulous! Good luck with the new Cal, it looks fun. Beautiful magnolia and cakes :-)

  23. That pretty pretty magnolia is music to my eyes!!!

  24. Wow, such prettiness to see each day! (Except the cake...every day would be bad, ha!). I hope you continue to improve each and every day. I know with my knee, I had to celebrate the little victories. Progress is progress! Hang in there.

  25. Lovely Magnolia photos and sweets. Hope improvement continues!

  26. Great group of 5, your magnolia is sure early, ours won't bloom until May or June.

  27. I'm envious of the views on your way to work. The M6 doesn't really compare! Though there have been some lovely sunrises this week. The Lily Pond blanket is a real beauty. I'm being tempted by the Garden State CAL which starts in April ( Gorgeous colours but the price of the pack is a bit steep. Can't wait to see your progress. x

  28. I love all the photographs of yours, but, please forgive me if I have a special love for Magnolia, and your, beginning to bloom, is truly stunning ... being so old I wonder her beauty in full blooming !
    Thank you for sharing it, it truly brighten my evening, dearest Chel, sending much love to you
    with gratitude

  29. Beautiful pics as ever, Chel. I'm glad to read that your recovery is progressing well. I have to catch the bus to work and completely agree, once I'm on the bus it's great but the cold wait (and my bus is ALWAYS late) can be grim. I hope next week is a little better for you. x

  30. Loving your photos and admiring the things you are grateful for.

  31. Almost worth returning to work when being treated to such deliciousness!!!
    Sorry you still have pain Chel, hopefully complete healing and comfortable walking will arrive soon along with warmer weather.

    My magnolia is just starting to open its buds this weekend - and with a warm week arriving it will look really pretty soon I'm certain. I've seen a few trees around the neighborhood with early blossoms - so beautiful.

    Mary -

  32. that magnolia is so pretty, and those cakes look to pretty to eat! hope your ankles start to feel better soon x

  33. Hello Chel, it's so nice to see photos of the magnolia tree blooming. What a nice way to go to work by bus. I do love the photos of the cathedral!

  34. Wonderful Magnolia.
    Good luck with the blanket. I had a look at your link and it looks amazing!


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