
Sunday 27 September 2015

Autumn Splendour

And so Autumn has arrived.  The magic dust has descended upon me and all of a sudden my inspiration and smiles have returned within one evening.  I feel like a squirrel gathering all the rustic colourful things that are beginning to surround me and take them home to hoard for the months ahead.

The conkers, apples and pears fall to the ground with a satisfying thud and my ears send a message to my heart that just makes it sing so happily.

The sun shines through the ever increasing gaps in the trees, highlighting the changing colours of the hydrangea.  A hurried spider weaves its magic web in the desperate hope that one last flying morsel will be trapped in amongst the silk.

The bees rush to the sedum to gather the last remaining pollen in our garden.  They have been very scarce this year so any visit has been welcomed gladly.

But the real beauty was our last walk on the Fens for summer.  The sunset had to be captured as I waved goodbye to summer and welcomed with fond affection the Autumn.  It didn't disappoint.

The river had gentle ripples on its skin making the reflections of the last summer sky show its age and the passing over to the new season.

We stood for a while enjoying the peace and calm of the Fen and the clouds changing colours with each moment as summer took her last breath.

The berries all enticing the migrating birds to have just one last mouthful.

The seed heads showing their skeletons to the world.

The chinook flying across the sky... yes, didn't see that one coming!

The old wooden steps leading down to the sluice from the river.  No doubt this will be heightened soon.

and the dykes will be full again to control the water levels in this part of the county.

Yes autumn has arrived and I for one am so happy (in case you couldn't tell).  The mornings have that delicious chill and breath can be seen once again, the landscape is full of the remnants of harvest, and I can now arrange for trips back down to London now that the air is cooler!

The colours are changing to the cozy rustic browns and reds that I adore and my house has that comfortable marshmallow feel again, just sinking in and being surrounded by something warm and delicious.

So until next time, have a wonderful week ahead and listen out for those delicious thumps on the ground.

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Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox @

A mid week shot I had to share with you.  Taken while watching the sun set over Lincolnshire on the last day of summer.

It's now official, my happy Autumn has arrived!

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Saturday 19 September 2015

A Smell So Sweet!

A Smell So Sweet @

I’m sorry I couldn’t resist the header!  Seeing the portaloo in the middle of one of the fields of gladioli just had to be captured.  

What a place to be powdering your nose!

I know I keep posting photos of the Fens around my way lately, but any spare time I have has been routinely spent taking little Tia out to enjoy her new found freedom and socialising with other dogs and people in an open and safe environment.  Every evening is gloriously different.  The sunsets now begin as we walk along, different colours and cloud formations make patterns in the skies above us.  A sure sign that the official Autumn season is only a week away.  (Then the quick walk back when we realise the sun really has gone down!)

I haven’t written about Tia’s progress for a while (apart from her Facebook page) but Tia's confidence has grown in literally leaps and bounds! along with her beautiful golden fur (and her cheekiness).  In the car she jumps in, waits patiently for her restraint to be fitted, window down and her ears and jowels dance in the air as we drive down to the Fen to try out all the different public footpaths.  She spots the tiny turning onto the track and the barking starts!

We are now at the stage that she will choose which way she wants to go and we follow.  She also has made little furry canine friends and they run along together off lead and enjoy every moment.  It's surprising how many spaniel type dogs walk at the same time and to see her exploring without a care in the world is such a joy.  This evening she spotted five of them in the distance and off she ran, enough to say, "wait, I'm here, don't leave".  Luckily the lovely owners know she is deaf and laughed at her running towards them with us shouting "stop that dog!" (don't worry, we are not too close to the roads on this fen!).

Instead of the pitying looks at the beginning when we nervously first took her on lead with her shorn look, tail between her legs and not knowing what to do to please, we now have comments of ‘she is really coming along’, ‘she looks so much happier’, ‘look at her fur!’.  She has had her mishaps along the way, some serious (we won’t mention the hamster… RIP Felix), but with rescues you can’t be absolutely certain of their past.  However, the rewards are stunning.

My two teens now talk to each other as they walk ahead.  To hear them laughing and playing with Tia as she catches up with them is a heart filled moment.

Watching sunsets in the distance and listening to the birds give out their evening symphony, uninterrupted by any other noise.

Watching the ever changing Lincolnshire skies reflected on the water.

Sitting amongst the grass and watching the fauna dance around us in the evening sun.

Waving to a canal boat as it meanders its way through to Spalding – such a delicious surprise to me… and Tia!  Everyone on board cooing ‘look at that lovely little dog!’ – so proud I could burst.

This walk has been perfect for Tia and for us, knowing that she is safe along the footpaths and bridalways that are drawn through the fields while we talk, laugh and capture the ever changing landscape.

It won’t be long before these walks will have to be at the weekends due to the night’s drawing in, but I am personally looking forward to those days when I can make up a hot picnic lunch for me and Tia and sit on the blanket under one of these trees looking out at the sunset all snuggled up with a flask of hot tea.

So in the three months that we have now had Tia she has become a happy healthy little dog, full of life and mischief – but still snores terribly! 

I’ll end with a before and after of Tia, the inserted photo was after she had been rescued and was with her lovely foster family.  Amazing what three months can do!

Have a wonderful weekend taking in all the changes that the season is now offering.
Me, Mr Teen and Tia

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Sundays Down Under