
Sunday 27 September 2015

Autumn Splendour

And so Autumn has arrived.  The magic dust has descended upon me and all of a sudden my inspiration and smiles have returned within one evening.  I feel like a squirrel gathering all the rustic colourful things that are beginning to surround me and take them home to hoard for the months ahead.

The conkers, apples and pears fall to the ground with a satisfying thud and my ears send a message to my heart that just makes it sing so happily.

The sun shines through the ever increasing gaps in the trees, highlighting the changing colours of the hydrangea.  A hurried spider weaves its magic web in the desperate hope that one last flying morsel will be trapped in amongst the silk.

The bees rush to the sedum to gather the last remaining pollen in our garden.  They have been very scarce this year so any visit has been welcomed gladly.

But the real beauty was our last walk on the Fens for summer.  The sunset had to be captured as I waved goodbye to summer and welcomed with fond affection the Autumn.  It didn't disappoint.

The river had gentle ripples on its skin making the reflections of the last summer sky show its age and the passing over to the new season.

We stood for a while enjoying the peace and calm of the Fen and the clouds changing colours with each moment as summer took her last breath.

The berries all enticing the migrating birds to have just one last mouthful.

The seed heads showing their skeletons to the world.

The chinook flying across the sky... yes, didn't see that one coming!

The old wooden steps leading down to the sluice from the river.  No doubt this will be heightened soon.

and the dykes will be full again to control the water levels in this part of the county.

Yes autumn has arrived and I for one am so happy (in case you couldn't tell).  The mornings have that delicious chill and breath can be seen once again, the landscape is full of the remnants of harvest, and I can now arrange for trips back down to London now that the air is cooler!

The colours are changing to the cozy rustic browns and reds that I adore and my house has that comfortable marshmallow feel again, just sinking in and being surrounded by something warm and delicious.

So until next time, have a wonderful week ahead and listen out for those delicious thumps on the ground.

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  1. Beautiful words and photos, Chel. :o)

  2. Beautiful Chel...just plum beautiful. Autumn has arrived here in western NY as well...the nights are crisp and the days are warm, however, I think that will be changing this week with temps only the 50-60*'s. Thank you for the smiles sweet friend. Blessings

  3. Wonderful shots and the moods of autumn are catptured! I do really love this time of the year as well - we can finally breathe again!

  4. Hi Chel,
    Happy Fall! I love how pretty it is where you live. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos.
    Yes I too love fall and how fun to visit London! My favorite place. It will be nice to visit with less crowds of people now that summer is over.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Hugs, Julie

  5. wonderful fall colours!!!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  6. O my such a wonderful cozy post... your photos are lovely words feel compassionate. Really nice post. Thank you for your visit a nice suprise..hope you join me. Im happly joining you. Have a wonderful day and Happy Autum ..with love Janice

  7. Beautiful sunset and wonderful words to say goodbye to summer and welcome autumn!

  8. Beautiful post, love the photos that capture the stunning sunset, a real delight.

  9. Beautiful photos. Our impromptu pear orchard is now a banquet for the deer, raccoon, squirrels and so forth. I do enjoy the time of year when the pear fall to the ground and the hungry critters scarf them up. They can have it. Nothing goes to waste in God's Orchard does it.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  10. Your pictures are beautiful and describe your feelings at this time of year. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Looking forward to getting to know one another in the cool days ahead.

  11. What amazing photographs depicting one of the most beautiful period of the year, Fall .. during these first days of Autumn there are such colours that no one other season can gift us, I love it !
    Thank you for sharing such gorgeous beauty
    with dear love

  12. Beautiful photos and beautiful words!

  13. Such a beautiful welcome to Autumn! Happy week to you...

  14. Hi hel - what superb colours you have captured! Autumn is my favourite season, for all kinds of reasons. I've been picking and potting and jamming and jarring.. and still some more to do. Great post! Lx

  15. Beautiful pictures and words...I could almost smell and feel the fresh scent of a fall morning!

  16. Beautiful, beautiful photos.


  17. Lovely, my boys and husband love Autumn. It is their favorite season.
    Lovely words and photos.

  18. What a lovely season is autumn. That early morning chill you speak of is true for here, too, along with the warming of the sun later in the day. Thank you for sharing your glimpses of autumn with us.

  19. Beautiful pictures of the changing of the season. Autumn is a lovely time of year. I used to love summer but as I get older I find I like the spring and the autumn the best.
    Enjoy your week,


  20. We went for a walk yesterday afternoon and heard and saw the acorns fall. X

  21. just love your blog, the pictures are amazing, I have some conkers now at lastxx

  22. Some really feel good words and pictures here! The one and only thing I don't like about autumn is constantly putting my face into spiders' webs when I'm in the garden!!!!

  23. Yes, I'm so glad that autumn is here again.

  24. My favourite season.

    Re your request about Daphne's Greek Restaurant the address is: 83 Bayham St, London NW1 0AG the nearest tube is Camden Town. Enjoy.

  25. Beautiful pictures Chel. Have a great new week ahead.

  26. Hello Chel, what a lovely series of images. The sky shots are just beautiful. Happy Autumn! Enjoy your new week!

  27. Your photos just take my breath away! I so wish I could just go out and walk around like that again...maybe a new goal for me.

  28. Chel this is a beautiful post. Your photos are amazing and your living room looks very cozy. I enjoyed your descriptions of fall and what you see around you very much. I hope you have a beautiful week. xx Pam

  29. The fens must be spectacular at this time of the year.

  30. Oh Chel, those photos are beautiful. Thank you for this beautiful display of beauty.

  31. Even though I am enjoying our Spring, after reading so many wonderful Autumn blog posts I am longing for a European Autumn.

  32. A lovely post, Chel! Your beautiful descriptions of the pleasures of autumn and your always amazing photos are wonderful. I especially love the seed heads against the sky. Glad to hear that your creativity and joy has returned with the changing seasons. Your home looks so cozy. xo Karen

  33. Hello Chel :)

    This was such a lovely post. Your words and photographs made me feel all warm and cozy.

    I'm so glad to read that Tia is doing so well. She's such a pretty girl :)


  34. Dearest Chel, what beautiful autumn photos. My heart was so blessed by your lovely post. How I love visiting you, sweet friend. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

  35. What a lovely post, Chel, with stunning photos.

  36. Hurray for Autumn, it is going to be a great one!

  37. Such a beautiful autumn all your evocative images.
    Helen xox


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