
Friday 2 October 2015

Five on Friday - Just Five Moments

This week has been a whirlwind with some happy and sad moments along the way, so thank goodness I now have regular walks along the Fen with Tia, passing the time of day with other regular walkers and able to just have that moment where I can openly sigh and move on to the next thing.  So my five for this Friday that I am sharing with Amy at Love Made My Home's Five on Friday, starts with my favourite capture of the week.  The last field of wheat that I can see around here with the gorgeous red of the fluttering poppy.  Its petals will soon flutter away like a butterfly's wings leaving behind the pretty seed head to scatter around the harvested field.. 

My second moment was to smile at the discarded buckets from the farm workers.  Just waiting for the next morning when they will be back to pick the budding gladioli.  This particular field's blooms are a lot later than its neighbours - and no portaloo/potty here! (If you are wondering what on earth I am talking about, you can see what I mean here)

The third moment was to look up and see these little rainbows outlining the clouds as the sun prepared to set again.  Beautiful jewels in the sky to stand for a moment and stare.

The horses were having their own family moment shading under one of the trees across the river bank.  They weren't there for long but I was so glad that I managed to capture them before they went back to their stables.

My fifth moment had me chuckling to myself.  The large mound of branches, foliage and other discarded material probably being collected for a good bonfire, maybe for Guy Fawkes Night.  Don't hang about little sheep, there may be a BBQ!!

So that's my five this week.  The weekend will be filled with a trip to James Herriot Country which I hope to share with you next week.  I can't wait to see all the autumnal colours in Yorkshire!

Until then, have a wonderful weekend and week and...


Don't forget to visit Amy's blog, maybe even join in!

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  1. Extra gorgeous photos, Chel. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. HI Chel! Thanks for sharing those moments with us. Your photos and your words are beautiful. The rainbow coloured clouds announcing the sun set is such a precious moment. Bravo on capturing that! And those horses resting before going back to their stables.
    When I read what you wrote about the little lamb and the pile of wood, I couldn't help but laugh. Thank you so much since I needed to laugh this morning.
    Take good care of yourself and have a lovely weekend in Yorkshire!

  3. I really enjoyed your beautiful photos. Have a good week. :-)

  4. Beautiful photographs, I have never thought about fields of gladioli growing although I see them for sale in supermarkets; that one poppy in the wheat absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for your Five on Friday!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing these moments! You have captured peace, serenity and beauty so well!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Five lovely moments Chel. Have a good weekend.

  7. Five lovely moments from your week. I hope you enjoy your trip to Herriot country:)

  8. A wonderful five, the horses really were a delight, such a beautiful moment. Have a great time in Yorkshire.

  9. Such beautiful photos! I really enjoyed seeing them.

  10. Wow, Chel! You really have a great eye for photography. Love all these shots. xo Diana

  11. A stunning set of images

  12. Chel,
    Stunning photos. Love the horses. They are so sweet and gorgeous.

  13. Such an interesting Friday Five! Stunning photos!

  14. Wonderful capture of the rainbow lined clouds!

  15. All such lovely images. Have a good weekend!

  16. That is a huge field of gladilous. I've never seen so many together before.

  17. Breathtaking!!
    Linda :o)

  18. Those photos just made me sigh as a feeling of contentment passed through me. The next best thing would be to see them in person.

  19. Lovely photos as always, Chel. I hope the weather holds for your trip to Yorkshire! :o)

  20. I love the capture of those horses and foals and that lovely coloured streak across the sky! Have a great weekend, Chel!

  21. Lovely photos. The little rainbows in the sky are called "sundogs", they occur on either side of the sun when it's low in the sky at about 22 degrees from the sun and on the same level.

  22. Beautiful photos!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  23. Great photos, particularly the horses.

  24. wonderful photos, as ever :) Have a wonderful week-end in Yorkshire x

  25. Five lovely moments, the photo of the sky is so beautiful, and so is the photo of the horses! I hope that your sadness has or will pass soon. Thank you for joining Five On Friday. I hope that you have a great weekend away in Herriot Country! xx

  26. Five lovely photos. I especially love the one of the horses. Have a great weekend. Joan at

  27. Wonderful photos, you have such a great eye for a lovely picture. Hope you have a good trip to Yorkshire.
    Helen xox

  28. These were really 5 wonderful moments, the photos are of an outstanding beauty. Wish you a relaxing trip to James Herriot country and am looking forward to your photos of Yorkshire (we were there last year).

  29. Your shot of the horses is so lovely...the feet with the furry tufts are so cute! And the fuzzy baby...too darling for words.


  30. Chel, Oh my goodness ... these are wonderful moments you've captured. I love, love that first one with the red poppy, and I'm always drawn to sheep photos. Every picture is exquisite. You have a good eye!

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend...

  31. just beautiful….
    thank you, xxxxx Ale

  32. I love your walk pictures - so rural and natural. Unfortunately, my walks are all urban - no sheep or fields of wheat here, but I am lucky to have some green spaces in our neighbourhood. If I squint my eyes enough, I can imagine I am in the fields of gold far off in the countryside!

  33. You're such a blessed soul, my darling Chel, I'd love to have you nearer and hug you just now, in this moment !
    You portrait all the most beautiful things we can enjoy in Nature, thank you !

    Have a most beautiful end of the week
    with heartfelt gratitude and much love

  34. I LOVE that poppy picture! It is so effective.

  35. That first picture is amazing! I hope next week will be more peaceful for you.

  36. I love your pictures, especially the first one and the horses.

  37. Lovely. So excited for the next post. :-)

  38. Beautiful scenery that you captured so well. The photos could be framed. Hoping your week improves and thanks for visiting.

  39. Such evocative photographs! They are all wonderful - I am now on a mission to see a field of gladdies. Safe travels up north!

  40. What a delightful post. Such lovely moments and images!!

  41. Lovely photos, Chel, that sheep looks as though it's up to no good! xx

  42. Beautiful moments captured forever...:) Love them all! As soon as I read the name James Herriot, I recognized his name. I have one of his children's books around here somewhere! I look forward to that post. Have a delightful visit!

  43. Stunning poppy photo Chel, I love the horses, and I agree with Alison, that sheep definately looks dodgy! :-)

  44. Love the photos and the whole idea of 5 on Friday!

  45. Lovely photos. I am intrigued by that rainbow. I saw something like that a while ago for the first time, but sounds from what you say as if you see them quite often. Beautiful., anyhow!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x