
Saturday 19 September 2015

A Smell So Sweet!

A Smell So Sweet @

I’m sorry I couldn’t resist the header!  Seeing the portaloo in the middle of one of the fields of gladioli just had to be captured.  

What a place to be powdering your nose!

I know I keep posting photos of the Fens around my way lately, but any spare time I have has been routinely spent taking little Tia out to enjoy her new found freedom and socialising with other dogs and people in an open and safe environment.  Every evening is gloriously different.  The sunsets now begin as we walk along, different colours and cloud formations make patterns in the skies above us.  A sure sign that the official Autumn season is only a week away.  (Then the quick walk back when we realise the sun really has gone down!)

I haven’t written about Tia’s progress for a while (apart from her Facebook page) but Tia's confidence has grown in literally leaps and bounds! along with her beautiful golden fur (and her cheekiness).  In the car she jumps in, waits patiently for her restraint to be fitted, window down and her ears and jowels dance in the air as we drive down to the Fen to try out all the different public footpaths.  She spots the tiny turning onto the track and the barking starts!

We are now at the stage that she will choose which way she wants to go and we follow.  She also has made little furry canine friends and they run along together off lead and enjoy every moment.  It's surprising how many spaniel type dogs walk at the same time and to see her exploring without a care in the world is such a joy.  This evening she spotted five of them in the distance and off she ran, enough to say, "wait, I'm here, don't leave".  Luckily the lovely owners know she is deaf and laughed at her running towards them with us shouting "stop that dog!" (don't worry, we are not too close to the roads on this fen!).

Instead of the pitying looks at the beginning when we nervously first took her on lead with her shorn look, tail between her legs and not knowing what to do to please, we now have comments of ‘she is really coming along’, ‘she looks so much happier’, ‘look at her fur!’.  She has had her mishaps along the way, some serious (we won’t mention the hamster… RIP Felix), but with rescues you can’t be absolutely certain of their past.  However, the rewards are stunning.

My two teens now talk to each other as they walk ahead.  To hear them laughing and playing with Tia as she catches up with them is a heart filled moment.

Watching sunsets in the distance and listening to the birds give out their evening symphony, uninterrupted by any other noise.

Watching the ever changing Lincolnshire skies reflected on the water.

Sitting amongst the grass and watching the fauna dance around us in the evening sun.

Waving to a canal boat as it meanders its way through to Spalding – such a delicious surprise to me… and Tia!  Everyone on board cooing ‘look at that lovely little dog!’ – so proud I could burst.

This walk has been perfect for Tia and for us, knowing that she is safe along the footpaths and bridalways that are drawn through the fields while we talk, laugh and capture the ever changing landscape.

It won’t be long before these walks will have to be at the weekends due to the night’s drawing in, but I am personally looking forward to those days when I can make up a hot picnic lunch for me and Tia and sit on the blanket under one of these trees looking out at the sunset all snuggled up with a flask of hot tea.

So in the three months that we have now had Tia she has become a happy healthy little dog, full of life and mischief – but still snores terribly! 

I’ll end with a before and after of Tia, the inserted photo was after she had been rescued and was with her lovely foster family.  Amazing what three months can do!

Have a wonderful weekend taking in all the changes that the season is now offering.
Me, Mr Teen and Tia

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This week I am sharing with:

Sundays Down Under


  1. Tia looks adorable. Well done you and your family for looking after her so well. I have to feel sorry for Felix, though.

  2. Beautiful photos Chel, especially the reflected sky one. And what a change for your happy, cheeky pup x

  3. Tia's improvement is amazing. She looks so different from those first days. You've done fantastic "work" there Chel. Who says dogs can't smile? Tia is living proof that they do. I wish the poor thing could hear, though. But at least she has a loving family with lots of excellent food. Who could ask for more?!
    The Port-A-Potty (as we call them) sitting in the field is humorous. I had to look up what a Fen is. We call the Swamps here in the States.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  4. Such a happy ending for Tia and for your family - so much love....! Stunning photos of your beautiful evening walks. Too funny about the loo in the flower field, but I suppose that would be the ideal place for such a thing! It's always so heartwarming to hear stories such as Tia's. So nice to hear she is enjoying her life after such a harrowing start, and bringing so much joy and love to all of you after your loss. Happy trails! xo Karen

  5. Tia is a beautiful dog and I am so happy that you rescued her. She looks like she is one happy dog. Your pictures are beautiful. Love where you go walking, so may unusual things to see with Fall approaching.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  6. She is a changed dog, and maybe your family has also gained a bit of doggy happiness. The Fens are a wonderful place to stroll. All those wide-open spaces. (Tia's coat is beautiful!)

  7. You have done a wonderful job with her, she looks amazing and so glad for you all. A beautiful place to walk her.

  8. A great success for everyone..Tia looks a happy little girl now .xxx

  9. Pics 7 and 8 are amazing!!!!!!!
    happy weekend, xxxx Ale

  10. That is such a funny photo of the portaloo Chel you should send it to a magazine/competition! How gorgeous Tia is. Looks like you are having some beautiful September walks-happy week xx

  11. What a wonderful place to walk and I love the sky reflected in the water! Tia sounds like one happy dog - and her owners too!

  12. Hello, Chel!
    Thank you for this beautiful, heart-warming, and fun post.
    Happy Sunday!

  13. This was a real enjoyable post, you have done a great thing to rescue Tia. She looks so lively and full of self-confidence.
    It must be a joy to walk with her in this beautiful area.

  14. Wonderful photos ! I am glad Tia is fitting well and doing nicely with your family ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good week !

  15. Haha, had to laugh at your portaloo picture, too funny! Love how sweet Tia has blossomed...what a difference lots of love and patience makes. This post made me really happy; I can hear the joy!

  16. Thanks for the smiles---I about spat out my coffee on your first thought (port a potty). Tia is so adorable...thank you for sharing. Blessings

  17. Chel, amazing how Tia has come along so quickly - she is so pretty, those curly ears just asking to be stroked, and her coat shiny and healthy looking - all thanks to you of course! Love the photos of the Fens and where you and the teens are walking these days - but strange to see you in a jacket when here it's still very hot!

    Leave for France this week so will be cooler there I guess - I'll be in my jacket too I'm sure.
    Enjoy your walks - and the hot picnics ahead sound really fun!

    Hugs and happy week ahead - Mary

    Woof to Tia.

  18. Hi Chel! Thanks a lot for keeping the non-facebook readers of your blog updated with Tia's progress. It is so good to see how happy she is how lively she is.
    Take good care of yourself and of your family including the pets.
    By the way the portal and your header had me laugh like crazy. Thank you for that.

  19. Tia looks so sweet and adorable ~ congratulations on such a wonderful & happy little new family member!
    Love your captures from your walk ~ beautiful landscapes!

  20. I cannot imagine what the loo is doing in the middle of the field!?

    And Tia looks beautiful. Your post and all the talk of the dogs running off and talking to each other makes me think of The Starlight Barking, the follow up book to 101 Dalmatians by Dodie Smith. I haven't thought about that in years; thank you for the stimuli.

  21. She really is so very gorgeous isn't she!!!! You must all be so very happy - well, not Felix perhaps! Poor chap, sorry about him. I love the idea of you running along shouting at Tia when she can't hear you! At least most people won't know that! xx

  22. A lovely, heartwarming story about an adorable, little dog, and her new adventures in the pretty, pastoral countryside!

    Have a wonderful week!

    Poppy x

  23. Oh Chel! I am so, so glad that sweet Tia is coming along so beautifully...she sure looks like one darling, happy dog! You have given her a wonderful second chance in life, and I think it is so special that you've already formed a close bond with her!
    Your walks sound absolutely delightful...walking in the beautiful outdoors is something I love so dearly! And I felt like I was with always describe your outings perfectly!
    Have a blessed week ahead...and enjoy the coming Autumn days!
    Love and hugs!

  24. Hi Chel, I'm so glad to hear that Tia is happy and doing well. How nice to be taking the beautiful walks in the evenings.
    What gorgeous scenery and I too had a good laugh at the potty in the field! How strange!
    Bosco and I love taking our morning walks together too.
    Have a nice week.
    Julie xo

  25. Lovely photos. Tia really is coming on so well.

  26. That reflection shot of the water is brilliant Chel! Well done with Tia too, she looks a changed dog.

  27. Great to follow Tia's story and to see how far she's progressed in such a short time and lovely to see her so happy and joyful. Great photos too - particularly like the one of the sky reflected in the water x

  28. Look at that healthy and happy pooch! I can tell that she is VERY happy with all of you. The Fens are looking extra beautiful this time of year. Thanks for sharing with us, Chel!

  29. What beautiful photos! Tia looks like such a happy, healthy pup. So glad you rescued her.

  30. Aw, Tia is such a lucky little dog! Those walks look wonderful. I love the shot of the clouds reflected in the canal. I know nothing about the fens, except what was in an Inspector Campion movie. Are they really full of quicksand?

  31. Hi love your photos. I had to laugh at the portaloo. What a lovely, cute dog and she looks so happy. Joan at

  32. haha I often see porta loos in the fields around here, they just don't have flowers in them, probably potatoes and onions lol x

  33. Tia looks so much better, she looks as if she's smiling now. How wonderful that you found her. Beautiful photos, Chel. xx

  34. That first photo certainly did make me laugh! I hate using porta potties, but this one is actually a little inviting. lol! Tia is such a darling pup and I am so happy that both your family and her are adjusting so well. Loved the scenic photos Chel!

  35. Lovely update. I love that heart shaped tongue of Tia. :-)

  36. Bless your sweet heart for having Tia in your life and letting her show you what love is. She is so pretty now and she looks healthy! Your photos are amazing and I can see why she loves to go there. So many smells for her to follow! We love our little Charlie, and all the rescues that come through here. I so understand the happiness when sad little hearts open up for the first time and finally start living the life they should have had from the beginning. I am so glad mine rescued me. They have made me better than I was before.

  37. Oh, I am so happy to hear little Tia is doing so well! She has come so far and seems to be so happy and loving life with her new family. I know you all must love her dearly as it shows on her sweet little face. I do hope you are doing well my friend. Have a blessed and beautiful week!

    Hugs, Vicky

  38. She found the perfect family in you all.

  39. A lovely post Chel and Tia is adorable. What a beautiful place to take walks together. Happy Autumn to you!

  40. So nice to read that Tia is doing well, as always say, my favourite kind of before/after!

  41. I've been looking at a few of your posts and love the way you have captured the reflection of the sky on water. Particulalrly along those dykes as they receed into the distance.

  42. Such a sweetheart! Hope she will be on the mend soon after her dental appointment today! Hugs, Tia xxx


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