
Saturday 29 August 2015

The AUgust AUtumn Jobs

Sorry to all those who adore August, but I am dancing a very happy jig as we are in the last sighs of this month.  The nights are noticeably shorter with cool breezes being welcomed into the house as the evenings close in and the black cloak covers the green land.

This month has had me shouting out "Oh August why do you torture me?"  Many days have seen my home in darkness.  The blackout blinds shut out the hot sun and the garden door is shut to stop the hot air coming through the door like an overheating oven.  Thank goodness I have a regular plan for this month.

During August (my least favourite month in case you hadn't guessed), I start my autumn jobs as my way of coping.  From the first day of this month I start getting the house ready for the eagerly awaited cozy nights and the comforts of home. I always start with a job I don't particularly like doing but with the good weather, or shall we say, in between showers!, my washing machine goes into overdrive with cleaning curtains, throws, winter linens, cushions, door mats... you name it, it gets washed.

Wardrobes get looked into like staring in to see if there is actually a back, or maybe could things disappear into Narnia?  Teenagers!

Why do I bother ironing - really, why?!

In the garden I start collecting herbs for ice cubes to be used in the autumn and winter comfort food.

The August Autumn Jobs @

The lavender is trimmed a little to dry and use in pot pourri for restful slumber on crisp evenings.

The August Autumn Jobs @

Job upon job is planned and ticked off as I go through the month.  Then before I know it, September finally knocks on the door and I welcome her with open arms.

The August Autumn Jobs @

I have a couple of extra jobs this time around though with updating my trusty laptop with Windows 10.  Yes, I am a fan with only one problem in that my touchpad does not work with the upgrade, but in positive mood, I have to say that I have been trying to disable this for a while as one touch and tiles and all sorts come up as I type.  Now, I can touch it at my hearts content and nothing happens.  My little wireless mouse is a lot quicker than the pad so things are not so cumbersome.

Then the other job was to upgrade my phone.  iPhone 6 vs Samsung S6?  I went on so many sites to work out what would be best and settled on the Samsung for its camera as, after all, that is what I really want a phone for!!  Handy for when I don't want to carry the big one around (my back just will not survive).  

And so, with the wheat gathered in and the golden sunsets covering the fields with a warm glow it's time to say goodbye to August and welcome September... I have MISSED you!!

Do you have months such as these when you start to list the jobs to get you through?  I would love to hear how you plan yours.

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  1. Hi Chel. You sound so organized! Good for you to accomplish those things during the heat of August. I'm afraid I don't agree with you in seeing September arrive as we have had a wonderful August for great weather (much deserved!) and for being busy enjoying our beautiful province. The one good thing about September is that we get to fly and visit our sweet grandsons for 2 weeks. Really looking forward to that! Gorgeous photos...especially the sunset over the field. xx Pam

  2. We haven't had a hot enough summer here to even think of hating the heat! Oh well, maybe next year! Enjoy September! :o)

  3. Gorgeous photos! Sounds like you got a lot accomplished! I went in to the phone store before we went to Alaska and told them I wanted the phone that took the best pictures. I ended up with the Samsung and love it. Takes beautiful pictures. Enjoy!


  4. Hi Chel, well good for you getting everything organized and ready for the fall and winter months. I do that when spring comes with all the washing of everything so that it's ready for fall and winter. I love washing the windows in the fall too as I never get to in the spring. Thanks for sharing this beautiful photos.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and Happy September.
    Julie xo

  5. No wonder you don't like August! For me it's a month to be out and about exploring the world around us.

  6. Lovely photos Chel! I've been cleaning, painting walls, washing linens and hoarding craft supplies in preparation for winter. Been thinking about which phone to get next as well. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I always have a long list of things I want to accomplish in the summer because autumn means the start of teaching for me. I didn't get everything done this summer - I wanted to paint our bedroom and that will have to wait. But I've cleaned out and organized the kitchen cupboards and put a lot of canning and preserving into the freezer/pantry. And I do love summer, but it's not all fun and games.
    I hate to see summer go, but once September comes, I like focusing on being cozy at home. Nice to see a post from you!

  8. Hello my friend, I have to say that you're the first person in England that I have ever heard of anyone disliking August, I usually hear about people begging it and willing it to stay just that bit longer! I have to agree with you though, I don't care for August in Texas, I don't mind it in England, but I seriously detest it in Texas, we are still nearing 40 degrees every day... But I'm keeping positive because I know it's only a couple of months before it cools off!! We usually don't get cold weather until November... but it gets tad cooler in the day. You are so blessed to have lavender to cut! I love lavender, also... about windows 10, I have been avoiding it, I just figured out 8!!! OR is it 8.1? I forget, it's the latest before 10. I dread computer things, but yet... I can't live without my computer! Go figure! I hope you're having a great weekend, Tammy x

  9. Like you, I'm a September (and also springtime) girl! August is having its last, hot flush with temperatures of 32C around here! This summer has been unbearably hot for me and in continental Europe all records of heat have been broken during the past three months!
    Lovely pictures of your activities. I've heard abour freezing herbs in ice-cubes before. Does it work with basil? I have a glut this year!

    1. It's the humidity that gets me Sandra! Maybe it's my age!! As for the basil, yes it does. I chop it up so it does look a bit bruised, but I pack it in half way and then fill the ice cube tray with water halfway too. Then when that is frozen fill up the tray to the top to make sure everything is covered. I then put the ice cubes in a freezer bag and label this to use through the winter months. Have a lovely Sunday xx

  10. It seems to me, judging by the weather, that even August itself would rather be October this year.

  11. I too have been preparing for Autumn, ordering logs/coals and storing summer food away for the cooler months. I too have just put herbs into the freezer and hung some to dry. Last years lavender, I have just made into little bags for the bedrooms. Have a good bank holiday weekend.

  12. I have mixed feelings about August, living in Cornwall it gets VERY busy, and it will be a relief to be rid of the hay fever. As for my winter prep, I am knitting a chunky cardi.

  13. August is my most lazy month of the year, gardening is on the backburner, I like stretching summer as long as possible, so preparing the house for autumn starts here only in the second part of September or even October.

  14. I love all the seasons and welcome each one for its special pleasures. I've just come inside from gardening....cutting back and tidying up and you have reminded me to go and snip some fresh herbs for the freezer, thank you! A lovely post....happy weekend!
    Helen xox

  15. I have been denying the coming of September and autumn with it, but it seems that I will have to face up to reality soon! Although I am going to continue to deny it for as long as I can. After all the longer till autumn starts, surely that means the longer until winter is here!!! xx

  16. Hmmm.....we have 'Narnia' in our house as well (giggling), I am so fed up with black out drapes...yes, indeed, the days are getting shorter, the nights cooler. Not quite ready to give up the black out drapes just yet. I have a feeling summer will be rearing it's ugly head one more time before the end of September. I AM SO READY FOR FALL AND WINTER!!! (oops, sorry for shouting)

    Thank you for your lovely post, always a pleasure to read them. Blessings

  17. You are just like me concerning August. Not my favorite month either! Our weather in SE Georgia is often temperatures over 95*, even up to 100*, with high humidity many days. Yuck! I'm a Fall-Winter-Spring kinda gal. Plus, I lost my sweet mother in August of 1966, so, I've not been a fan of it since.
    I hope you found the phone that is just right. I'm such a luddite (and tightwad), still using the old flip phone from 10 years ago. *giggle* When it breaks, I hope I can still get the same kind.
    Hope your day is blessed! ~:)

  18. I'm always ready to wave goodbye to August too. It's so hot here and while September can be hot too, it is usually better than August. Plus it means we are one month closer to when it does cool off. I have to confess I don't do the jobs you talked about until the end of October. Again, it has to do with our weather. But then I clean and go through my closet and get ready for our cool weather! Really envious of those of you with more definite 4 seasons.

  19. Our temps have shot back to summer heat for a few weeks it seems. I do my lists seasonally and that is what will start happening in September and then in winter again...this is a perfect post for my quarterly meme Seasonal Celebrations which kicks off again tomorrow. If you'd like to join in check it out tomorrow at Gardens Eye View.

  20. I am always playing catch-up in August. We travel in July then I try to get all the jobs I've put off all school year done during the month of August. I'm proud to say, when I return to work next week, that I have stroked everything off my summer "to do" list and I can confident go into autumn ready for the changes it brings!!

  21. Hi Chel!
    Are you ready to send Mr. Badger on? Let me know. No rush.
    It was SO HOT today. I can't think about fall just yet. Maybe tomorrow.

  22. I tend to start thinking about jobs in springtime, but that's about it. I love August and just can't seem to reconcile your description of the heat with what we have experienced here...a lot of rain and only a few warm days in between, certainly nothing like the previous summers.

  23. Oh my, Chel, you have been very busy! I love that you freeze herbs for later use - I will have to try that. Mostly I dry mine. I hate August, too - so hot and dry.....I was supposed to stain my deck but the weather was tooooo hot! Finally, we have rain! My eldest son helped develop Windows 10 (he works at Microsoft). I am still waiting for him to come and upgrade my computer......he's very busy and a new Dad. I've been thinking of my autumn decorating but need to get moving..... Hope you are enjoying some cooler days soon! xo Karen

  24. I like August not least because it's my Birthday month :) Also it's the busiest month for our adventures away so it just goes by too quickly!

  25. Loving that shot at the end. - Was Windows 10 easy to install. I'm sort of afraid to do it.

  26. Being fair skinned and freckled I'm not too keen on too much sun and can't take the heat either so like you, find August difficult. However, September is my favourite month - warm enough to not need a coat, days still reasonably long but a touch of coolness in the mornings and evenings and the smell of smoke as the first fires are lit and the anticipation of cosying up at home as the evenings draw in - I'm looking forward to digging out the slow cooker again! Enjoy xx

  27. I am with you, hate the hot! We are experiencing upper 80 degrees F this week, not right for the beginning of September. I am ready for cool nights and fleece wearing days. Enjoy September!

  28. You have been busyy! August was definitely not hot here, feeling more like September!

  29. I'm not a fan of August myself, still a bit surprised that it went by so quickly.


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