
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Wordless Wednesday - Mirror Mirror

Wordless Wednesday - Mirror Mirror @

So still, so quiet, so peaceful.  A perfect Wednesday September moment.

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Come and join the party...


  1. That's VERY pretty, Chel! By the way, I'll get Kezzie's address to you soon!

  2. A mirror lake, simply beautiful!

  3. Hello Chel,
    Very wonderful picture.
    Great this area with the reflection of the sky. Amazing!!

    Many greetings,

  4. It IS a mirror! And a very lovely one.

  5. I love reflections...they amaze me! Enjoy your week sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  6. Hello Chel. I am so glad to welcome you to the Garden Spot. I have to admit to being a geek about England, hoping to make yet one more visit there. My family heritage on my dad's side comes from England with a relative coming to the new land on the Mayflower. I have been lucky enough to have toured England twice with university students studying to be high school English teachers. We visited pre-9/11 in 2001 and again in 2006. We began our tour in London where we spent 11 days in a hotel in Nottinghill. The tour was called a A tour of the Literary Geography of England which meant that we visited the and places where the greatest English writers lived and worked. So by tour bus we worked our way up to Grasmere to visit the homes of William Wordsworth, stopping in some of England's most historical and beautiful places. My favorite was Haworth where we visited the Brontes. But the most exciting, a place where I never ever dreamed that I visit was Stonehenge the day before the summer solstice.I do sound like a tourist, don't I? I think we will become good friends.

  7. Very peaceful. I also like the tan coloured cattle grazing in the scene!

  8. So lovely.

    Hope all is well with you.

    Jane x

  9. That is so lovely and peaceful. Makes one want to be there, sipping on a bit of tea and munching on a scone. (Yummmm)
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  10. That is lovely and a very nice reflection scene.

  11. I think I'll start participating in Wordless Wednesday, what a great idea...
    However, I know I can't compete with the perfection your photograph brings.
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend,

  12. So beautiful!!! A wonderful photo and reminder. xx

  13. What a stunning photo Chel, almost makes me think Constable painted it - bet he would have done a great job!
    Happy weekend, Mary x


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x