
Saturday 30 May 2015

A Cow Parsley Walk on a Brown Fen

Getting back into the thick of blogging takes some doing I can tell you.  Where has my mojo gone?  It's half term here but with the car out of action, Miss Teen deciding not to get up until the late hours of the afternoon, Mr Teen out and about in his new car and me having no furry companion to walk with, it has been incredibly... sshhhh... quiet! However, Friday came and my car was repaired, the rain had stopped, then a call from Mr Teen to say he will meet me at Brown Fen for a walk - Coco's favourite walk.

Back in April, the last time I was here, the earth was bare, but now it looked like a fairy tale.  The cow parsley swaying in the breeze and the brief sunshine.

The beautiful blue skies above reflected in the full drainage ditches either side of the sideless wooden bridge.

Again, a far cry from the last time I walked across here.

This walk is the Brown Fen Waterway Trail which is a sixty six mile circular route around this part of Lincolnshire, and no, I haven't done it (only by car!).

Looking either side of this bridge we saw the cow parsley gradually claiming the view of the fencing around us.

Fencing that just leads you straight into the waterways, but oh so beautiful.

Our cars were left on the bank and then you enter a very peaceful and flat landscape.  The wind still blows, but today it wasn't icy.  Instead it was gentle, clean and slightly warm, after all it is the end of May!

The farm land stretches out on one side across to the skyline with the new shoots of future produce making their appearance.

Looking across to Cowbit you see so much sky, and the wonderful clouds not too laden with water.

Now, is it me or does this cloud look like a Cavalier running across the sky with its ears waving behind it?... just me then!

The open, peopleless walk is clear in front of us as we listen to the gentle breeze blowing through the grasses and the birdsong high above our heads.  High in my mind, the last walk I had with Coco which was full of fun.

She was a very happy dog that day, and would have loved to have run through the Cow Parsley and Rape Seed that we saw this time around.

We walked onto the bridge while reminiscing and talking about what we had done today.  The blue sky still blessing us.

The sun shouting through the clouds and glistening onto the water beneath us.

The gentle waves brushing over the plantation below.

And the water reflecting the deep blue that was gracing it today.

A happy walk indeed!

Back at home only a few things have been completed this week - it has been an incredibly lazy one!  The roses have been woven into the trellis...

The view from the kitchen window (behind the rain!) now has the addition of spots of colour from Coco's memorial garden.

And a smaller version of Attic 24's Cozy Stripe Blanket has been finished from some left over yarn for a new puppy or older dog when we finish our search.

So, next week it's back to normal and the regular routine starts once again.  June already?  How quickly this year is flying!

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Monday 25 May 2015

Picking Things Up Once Again

With the half term week upon us, and a long bank holiday weekend, it was time to pick myself up and try once again to get a little normality in my life.  The camera was finally picked up at last and I thought I would start to get myself back into the swing of things by taking a proper look in the garden.  I was surprised at how much colour is peeking through the greenery.

My herb garden is reaching out to be picked up once again for the kitchen.  So many rich flavours singing to be married with different ingredients.  Maybe this week they will be fused with vegetables to be made into soups for the winter months.  Who knows?!

The welcome lilac of the chives ready to be chopped into mashed potato.

There are a few rogue plants in the herb garden which I love to see pop up and add interest (and bees) to this area.

The aquilegia with its frilly skirts make me smile as they dance in the breeze above the lemon balm.

The strawberry plants are popping up everywhere.  I am not fussy where they end up, as long as they are happy and bear us some fruit to pick up and enjoy during the next couple of months.

And the roses!  Oh the roses!  We have them popping up everywhere and they are so abundant this year.

Looking up, they wave hello in between the branches.  If only I was tall enough to sniff these heavily petalled beauties!

These buds will be within reach though...

I am putting together some plants and a little statue for a memorial garden for Coco which has been focussing my mind.  Lavender and rosemary being the first things I bought as she used to smell of these each day after some aromatherapy.  A pink rose to match her tongue.  There will be some holly to match her Kennel Club name of Mistletoe Moonbeam to remind me of her Christmas birthday, and then of course, a statue of a Cavalier.

Unfortunately, a visit to the garden centre proved to be fruitless for a suitable large ceramic pot, so I am on the lookout for one to put everything into, along with pink bulbs and seeds to give year round life.  Looking across to her favourite spot from the daisy patch where she loved to sit, will be very comforting.

So May, as with April, has been dark in my heart and mind, but there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel and I feel more at peace with everything.  Time to pick things up once again.

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