
Monday 25 May 2015

Picking Things Up Once Again

With the half term week upon us, and a long bank holiday weekend, it was time to pick myself up and try once again to get a little normality in my life.  The camera was finally picked up at last and I thought I would start to get myself back into the swing of things by taking a proper look in the garden.  I was surprised at how much colour is peeking through the greenery.

My herb garden is reaching out to be picked up once again for the kitchen.  So many rich flavours singing to be married with different ingredients.  Maybe this week they will be fused with vegetables to be made into soups for the winter months.  Who knows?!

The welcome lilac of the chives ready to be chopped into mashed potato.

There are a few rogue plants in the herb garden which I love to see pop up and add interest (and bees) to this area.

The aquilegia with its frilly skirts make me smile as they dance in the breeze above the lemon balm.

The strawberry plants are popping up everywhere.  I am not fussy where they end up, as long as they are happy and bear us some fruit to pick up and enjoy during the next couple of months.

And the roses!  Oh the roses!  We have them popping up everywhere and they are so abundant this year.

Looking up, they wave hello in between the branches.  If only I was tall enough to sniff these heavily petalled beauties!

These buds will be within reach though...

I am putting together some plants and a little statue for a memorial garden for Coco which has been focussing my mind.  Lavender and rosemary being the first things I bought as she used to smell of these each day after some aromatherapy.  A pink rose to match her tongue.  There will be some holly to match her Kennel Club name of Mistletoe Moonbeam to remind me of her Christmas birthday, and then of course, a statue of a Cavalier.

Unfortunately, a visit to the garden centre proved to be fruitless for a suitable large ceramic pot, so I am on the lookout for one to put everything into, along with pink bulbs and seeds to give year round life.  Looking across to her favourite spot from the daisy patch where she loved to sit, will be very comforting.

So May, as with April, has been dark in my heart and mind, but there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel and I feel more at peace with everything.  Time to pick things up once again.

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  1. Hello Chel, your garden is so pretty and really growing nice already! The flowers are so delightful after a long winter. So sorry to hear about the puppy. I hope you find the perfect puppy for you all! Enjoy the day and week!

  2. Your garden looks wonderful and such a perfect place to help you through these difficult days. The right dog for you is out there somewhere xx

  3. you did the right thing in my opinion. Not all dogs are a magic fit. You also probably need more time to grieve. I speak from experience and as yet we are still a dog-less household. The garden is looking lovely.

  4. Nice photos Chel, lots of great colour in your garden.

  5. It is better to know right away that you were not the right people for Pip isn't it, so although it is sad, I am sure that it is the right decision for the right reason as I know that you do not take these things lightly. Your roses are just beautiful! I cant believe that you have so many blooms already, I am very jealous! Your little memorial garden for Coco is a lovely idea and will be something for you to treasure and remember with in times to come. I am sure that the right doggy will come to you at the right time and you will know that it is right! Big hugs to you, lovely to have you back in blogland again. xx

  6. How wonderful to have a garden at this time of the year! Herbs and so many gorgeous flowers to bring you pleasure every single day!
    I love the little dog statue in your garden in memory of your sweet furry friend.

  7. Oh Chel. Your heart wis healing slowly. I am glad you are out enjoying your lovely garden - you really do have a lovely space out there. The right pup will come along and your heart will know you've met your perfect match. Thinking of you!

  8. Do you think that it was too soon to welcome a new pet?

    Your rose are well ahead of ours - we have planted several new ones this year that I can't wait ti see flowering.

  9. Chel - Your flowers are gorgeous! It probably was too quick to adopt a new pet. It's so hard to find one that even begins to compare with what we have lost. It'll show up unexpectedly!


  10. A difficult decision to make but you made the best decision for all concerned and the perfect little four legged friend will show up for you when the time is right xx The memorial area sounds lovely (as does your whole garden!)

  11. Hugs to you. I hope you find just the pet you are looking for. Your flowers are gorgeous, especially the roses. Just stunning!

  12. Your garden is looking lovely, and Coco's little memorial garden will be beautiful. I'm sure that you will know when the time is right for your next puppy. In the meantime I hope you are able to enjoy this wonderful time of year and the gorgeous flowers :)
    Cathy x

  13. Chel, your garden looks lovely and it's such a good idea to make a little memorial garden for Coco. I can fully understand you wait for a rescue King Charles spaniel, it may take some time before you find one, but that may be even better. I'm used to my busy border collie and I really cannot imagine to have another breed than a border collie.

  14. It's been a hard time for you all recently, Chel. Hugs to you all from me. Your garden is beautiful - the perfect place to remember Coco. :o)

  15. yep, sometimes the no's put us on the right path. How lovely to be a Cavalier household! brave to follow your instincts. X

  16. The gift of your spring brings color and the thought of scent to me - thank you! Your gardens are so lovely. I think your Coco garden will be extra special - a good reminder of a special friend. Dogs are so much a part of our lives and families. You will one day find a perfect fit again.

  17. How beautiful your garden looks, Chel, it must be of some comfort.

  18. Oh my Chel! Your gardens are just stunning! Those yellow roses are amazing! What type are they? I wonder if we have them here in the states. I love the Memorial garden for Coco. I have something similar for two of my beloved pets. I am planning to work on that area over the summer as well as some other areas. I will share some photos when it is complete. Again, I am sorry Pip wasn't the right fit for your family. I am sure the right one will come along when the time is right. Have a lovely week my friend!

  19. Your garden is lovely with everything coming into bloom.
    I think your plan for a little memorial garden for Coco is a wonderful idea. Don't rush to get a new pooch, you'll know when you meet the right one.


  20. I love your garden...and you will find the right companion when it is time. Blessings

  21. I am glad your mojo is slowly returning, Chel, and the memorial garden is a lovely idea. As Shakespeare's Ophelia says, "There's rosemary, that's for remembrance." x

  22. Your garden looks wonderful, a real joy to wander round.. wishing you sunshine and warmth.
    Amanda xx

  23. Beautiful flower photos! You have a gorgeous garden.

  24. Your flowers and herbs are gorgeous...can't believe the abundance of roses you have!

  25. I'm sure there's a puppy waiting for you, you just don't know it yet!

  26. Hi,
    Your garden looks lovely. :-)
    My prayers continue regarding your puppy.
    Sending best wishes,

  27. Your garden just couldn't be any prettier! I really feel for you having to make that decision about the puppy. Our dog is a rat terrier and people often think she's a Jack Russell. I will tell you that she's extremely high energy and definitely needs adventures daily. If that's not something you can do then you made the right decision. :)

  28. Your roses are beautiful. We don't have any flowering yet. The strawberries are doing well and I'm looking forward to eating them.

  29. I love your idea of a memorial spot for Coco. How sweet. I hope it will help ease your pain some. Everything is looking beautiful too. I pray you find just the right dog soon. Hugs,

  30. Your garden is looking gorgeous, Chel, those roses are just stunning. I'm sorry that Pip wasn't right for your family but I do believe things happen for a reason and the right little doggie will come along when you're ready for it xx

  31. So sorry that Pippin didn't work out, but you made a wise decision for all of you. He will find the perfect place, no doubt. I loved his name though. Even though the thought of switching breeds is good, once you love a certain breed, it is so hard to change your heart. The right little furry baby will soon come your way.

  32. That is such a loving tribute for Coco. The statue is so cute. I've done that for our dogs too. And I've bought a dog that turned out to not be for us. I think it takes courage to realize that and let the little guy (or gal) move on to a more appropriate home. Have courage, you'll find the right pup. The flowers & herbs are lovely! I can smell them from here. Hope your week is filled with joy and happiness. ~:)


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x