
Saturday 30 May 2015

A Cow Parsley Walk on a Brown Fen

Getting back into the thick of blogging takes some doing I can tell you.  Where has my mojo gone?  It's half term here but with the car out of action, Miss Teen deciding not to get up until the late hours of the afternoon, Mr Teen out and about in his new car and me having no furry companion to walk with, it has been incredibly... sshhhh... quiet! However, Friday came and my car was repaired, the rain had stopped, then a call from Mr Teen to say he will meet me at Brown Fen for a walk - Coco's favourite walk.

Back in April, the last time I was here, the earth was bare, but now it looked like a fairy tale.  The cow parsley swaying in the breeze and the brief sunshine.

The beautiful blue skies above reflected in the full drainage ditches either side of the sideless wooden bridge.

Again, a far cry from the last time I walked across here.

This walk is the Brown Fen Waterway Trail which is a sixty six mile circular route around this part of Lincolnshire, and no, I haven't done it (only by car!).

Looking either side of this bridge we saw the cow parsley gradually claiming the view of the fencing around us.

Fencing that just leads you straight into the waterways, but oh so beautiful.

Our cars were left on the bank and then you enter a very peaceful and flat landscape.  The wind still blows, but today it wasn't icy.  Instead it was gentle, clean and slightly warm, after all it is the end of May!

The farm land stretches out on one side across to the skyline with the new shoots of future produce making their appearance.

Looking across to Cowbit you see so much sky, and the wonderful clouds not too laden with water.

Now, is it me or does this cloud look like a Cavalier running across the sky with its ears waving behind it?... just me then!

The open, peopleless walk is clear in front of us as we listen to the gentle breeze blowing through the grasses and the birdsong high above our heads.  High in my mind, the last walk I had with Coco which was full of fun.

She was a very happy dog that day, and would have loved to have run through the Cow Parsley and Rape Seed that we saw this time around.

We walked onto the bridge while reminiscing and talking about what we had done today.  The blue sky still blessing us.

The sun shouting through the clouds and glistening onto the water beneath us.

The gentle waves brushing over the plantation below.

And the water reflecting the deep blue that was gracing it today.

A happy walk indeed!

Back at home only a few things have been completed this week - it has been an incredibly lazy one!  The roses have been woven into the trellis...

The view from the kitchen window (behind the rain!) now has the addition of spots of colour from Coco's memorial garden.

And a smaller version of Attic 24's Cozy Stripe Blanket has been finished from some left over yarn for a new puppy or older dog when we finish our search.

So, next week it's back to normal and the regular routine starts once again.  June already?  How quickly this year is flying!

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  1. Lovely pictures, I walked home from work this morning and its a beautiful day, shame I didn't have my big girls camera with me x

  2. Bittersweet memories Chel. Take care x

  3. Beautiful. I love cow parsley but hate the invading oilseed rape.

  4. such a lovely place to walk. What you call cow's parsley looks much like what I call Queen Anne's Lace. It's so pretty.

  5. It is a beautiful walk! I didn't see a cavalier - sorry! - but I did see a basset hound with ears blowing behind! Does that count... You are right about the blogging, I am still not back to it and I have been back "properly" for me for over a week now. It is hard. When you write all the time you just do it and when you stop it dries up! Like most things, you need the practice I guess. Or perhaps that is just me! Hope that you have a great - and dry! - weekend doing lovely things. Your blanket is beautiful btw! xx

  6. It looks like a lovely walk and I hope it wasn't too painful revisiting Coco's favourite stomping ground. Xx

  7. June? Already? Say what (smiles). Thank you for sharing your day, very lovely. Blessings

  8. Beautiful photos! A lovely way to keep the memory of your little sweetheart! I bet she was watching you and smiling! xxx

  9. Super photos Chel. How different that drainage ditch looks since the earlier photo. A lovely place for walking judging by the photos.

  10. That looks like a wonderful walk! Thinking of you as you mourn for Coco.

  11. beautiful walk …. thank you!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  12. What a nice walk you had. The difference since April is amazing, things have really greened up. I love your puppy blanket, what a lucky pup!

  13. What a beautiful job you did on that blanket. Hope you find an owner for it soon.....

  14. Amazing walk. I am always in love with the blue sky and green landscape, the perfect color combination. So glad the walk gave you happy memories of Coco as well.

  15. I enjoyed this walk with you very much! I love walks in the countryside in our country, but I think I'm in love with the English countryside, we've done many circular walks on our holidays in England, no not 60 miles, we choose walks until about 14 miles. Hope you soon find a puppy for your beautiful blanket!

  16. The sky is such a vivid blue against the lush green landscape...beautiful photos!

  17. Lovely walk, lovely views, and lovely little blanket! Sounds like a glorious week as well. Your roses are just so pretty! Have a splendid weekend my friend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  18. It looks like you had a good walk, Chel, with lots of happy memories tied in too. Your new doggy blankie is wonderful. I hope you find an owner for it soon. :o)

  19. Lovely! Those are some fine shots! It's always good to take time to see things from all different angles--you captured so many!

  20. You have a wonderful eye for photography. Your pictures are lovely. The roses are just gorgeous...if this is you with your mojo gone- I can't imagine what it is like around here when you FIND your mojo! xo Diana

  21. Wow that was a nice walk you had and love the photos! It is just beautiful where you live! it is hard blogging when the kids are home at least for me and trying to concentrate on writing! I love the puppy blanket you made. Do take care and hugs.
    Julie xo

  22. What a beautiful post, and what a lovely, lovely place you call home--No doubt, perfect inspiration!!

  23. It is a beautiful walk full of mixed memories , and it just shows how amazing nature is, in one month how lovely it looks especially the cow parsley.
    Amanda xx

  24. When the cow parsley blooms it always feels like the start of summer to me - I love it! Glad you managed to have such a lovely walk. I shall have to visit the fens one day - it looks beautiful there :)
    Cathy x

  25. I enjoyed this beautiful walk, Chel, a tribute to coco.

  26. Your pictures are lovely, it's amazing how spring changes the landscapes.

  27. Wonderful photos, Chel! The landscape is really beautiful and with all those pretty flowers it indeed looks like the land of fairies.
    Yes, all the images are beautiful, but the one of the window with raindrops is my favourite.
    Have a lovely week!

  28. I loved joining you on your walk and the cow parsley is a great favourite of mine. I love that you've made a new puppy blanket already - it's creating the right vibrations for the right puppy, or dog, to come your way!

  29. Hi,
    I enjoyed our walk together. :-)
    I too, can not believe it is June!
    Have a great start to the new week.

  30. Beautiful views, Chel. I had no idea that plant was called cow parsley. We saw many waterways on our train trip from kings cross to Durham, but the scene wasn't nearly as pretty in March. Glad you're enjoying lots of green and beautiful blue skies. I'm sure that cloud looked just like a Cavalier. I fully understand the loss you're feeling. Coco was your beloved companion. I still miss Bridger greatly, and he's been gone since May of 2013. I think there's something about those once-in-a-lifetime dogs. Thanks for taking us on the walk. I'm glad there are no sides to the footbridge.

  31. Your photos are amazing- enjoyed all the sunshine and color.

  32. Beautifully serene and full of Mother Nature;s kindness :)
    As a true Fen girl myself those Fen skies make my heart sing :)

    Tilly x

  33. Beautiful pictures and such big skies you have over your way! xx

  34. I wonder why it's called Cow Parsley. Maybe cows like it. They sure are pretty flowers.
    I know what you mean about walking places, doing things that you and a loved one used to do together. It's hard. It helps to just keep making new memories. Keep looking for another dog. There's one out there waiting just for you. Prayers and thoughts for you all there. ~:)

  35. Fantastic photos ! I can get soo pleasantly lost in fields like that I love it !!! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  36. Wonderful photos, Chel. The cow parsley is so frothy and delicate, like a tulle crinoline. How great to go on a walk with your son in such a beautiful area.

  37. What a beautiful post, Chel. I know it was a hard walk, because of the memories, but also lovely.

    I pray that the perfect dog will come to you soon.


  38. What a beautiful place to walk and such gorgeous photos!

  39. I've just read your post about Coco, sending big hugs to you. These beautiful little doggies sure do steal our hearts, don't they. I was aware of syringomyelia and mitral valve disease before we got Archie so I was very careful when choosing a breeder, looking at their breeding records and checking the tests their dogs have had but you still never know. I watch for the symptoms all the time. You're doing a great job at spreading the word for those who don't know about it, Coco would be very proud.

  40. Beautiful photos and I love the attic24 blanket, I have made a few myself ;)

  41. Hi Chel - oh, I know that feeling of longing for that special companion missing from your side.....A beautiful walk among the parsley and deep blue waters, and how sweet of your son to accompany you! I did see the Cavalier in the clouds! I'm sure it was a sign from your sweet Coco that you were not alone. Your beautiful puppy blanket will bring comfort to a sweet and lucky new companion. Thinking of your dear Mum, too, and hoping she finds a new companion soon. I will be looking for one, too. xo Karen

  42. Hello sweet Chel! How I have missed you and your precious blog. Life has been rather topsy-turvy as of late so I have not been visiting blogs as often as I used to.

    Your photos are stunning and were such a blessed refreshment to my heart. I hope you are well. Thinking of you and sending love and hugs your way.

  43. What a gorgeous walk. Coco would have loed it. But I know poochie was walking right there with you! In the sky? perhaps. i saw some long ears in that cloud too! Have a wonderful weekend!

  44. A beautiful place to walk, and the cow parsley is looking stunning. The little crochet blanket is looking cute.......hope you find your new little puppy very soon.
    Happy weekend.
    Helen xox

  45. Hi Chel. I'm behind in visiting your blog and enjoyed this lovely walk and the beautiful views. Just lovely! Hugs.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x