
Wednesday 18 March 2015

Wordless Wednesday - We Have Blossom

I do hope this image has made you smile!  

♥ Spring is here ♥ 

Take care

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This week I am sharing with:


  1. Pretty ! Ours wont be till at least the end of April but the air and land is getting warmer the melt has been on for a week now lots of grass showing and mud YUK !! and all the Spring birdies have returned ! Thanks for sharing lovely photo have a good day !

  2. Oh, these spring blossoms DO make me smile!! =D blessings ~ tanna

  3. it has indeed - a lovely sign of spring, and so very dainty. Thank you for sharing such prettiness :)
    Cathy x

  4. I agree very pretty and as I am in the same province as Country Gal, I agree it won't be until April/May until we see the spring blossoms on the trees.

  5. Oh yes, that is a lovely glimpse of Spring. Hubby and I just came back from a walk in the neighbourhood and already things are shifting from our Monday walk. No blossoms but you get the feeling that Nature is waking and stretching her arms out and rubbing her eyes as the warmth of the sun kisses her cheeks.

    Wishing you and Coco a lovely day (I just saw your note in the sidebar about her diagnosis -- I am sorry to hear that sad news).


  6. A lovely photo. A reminder of what is beyond winter - which we are just heading into. We've just had a very wintry blast going through this week, a reminder that the warm weather is almost over.
    Keep us up to date with Coco :)


  7. Lovely photo Chel! Spring has sprung here too! Loving the gorgeous weather and blooms. Have a blessed rest of the week.

    Hugs, Vicky

  8. It's a lovely time of year when the trees are covered with blossom.

  9. I'll bet y'all are so happy that Spring has finally arrived. Hope the warm weather sticks and it just keeps getting prettier. ~:)

  10. It has :) You are about 2 months ahead of my spring, so I am enjoying yours :)

  11. I did smile! I did on your last post too :)

  12. Gorgeous! Definitely smiling here.

  13. So beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing at

  14. That really does make me smile Chel. It's so beautiful.

  15. Oh yes, this made me smile, sweet friend :) Thank you for sharing Spring's beauty. Hugs!

  16. you do, isn't it gorgeous. Still cold here though! x

  17. Oh, I´m always smiling when I see first flowers and blossoms on your blogs, I love it.

  18. How lovely - your photo is gorgeous and it has definitely made me smile:)

  19. Wonderful blossom! My very favourite time of the year!

  20. Beautiful Spring blossom :o)

  21. There's just something very special about blossoming trees isn't there Chel. Perhaps the promise of spring, a new beginning, the awesome and complicated ways of nature, the knowledge that green in all it's myriad hues will soon envelope the landscape (along with horrific pollen here in my area, sigh!), and even delicious fruit later from many trees.

    I spy some blossoms here already - the Bradford pears and early cherries, and of course my Tulip magnolia. Our very warm spell came to an abrupt end this morning though - chilly and showers on the way. That's Spring for you!

    Hugs - Mary

  22. Oh, how gorgeous!

  23. Yes, you have made me smile today. :-))

  24. Yes, yes, yes. I LOVE blossom time.
    Happy spring to you Chel.
    Jacquie x

  25. Actually, Chel, that bottom branch curves up and LOOKS like a smile-so I smiled in return. Thanks for finding my blog and now I have found you back. I am your newest follower and will put you on my sidebar so I don't miss your posts.(I read from there).
    I read the previous post, too. You take phenomenal pictures!!!!! xo Diana

  26. Hello dear Chel!! Well.......I have some WONDERFUL news:). Guess what my dad came home carrying...?? My TEACUP! I couldn't load my email this morning to let you know, so I thought I would stop by your lovely blog and tell you! Aww...I just LOVE your choice - such a pretty teacup, and thank you for the sweet gifts - you are so kind!! :)
    May your day be delightfully beautiful!
    Hugs and love,


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x