
Saturday 14 March 2015

That's A Big Fish! Says Hubby

I must apologise for being a bit hit and miss in blogland this week, it's been one of those weeks where I haven't really worked out which way is up so I decided to spend my evenings just 'being'.  Sitting in my favourite chair and using pen and paper.  Sitting and planning a new project regarding my Grandad's research.  Sitting and trying to put the 1001 things in my head down into some form of sense.  But now, I count my blessings that my family are all happy and healthy and I can now sit here with Coco at my feet (snoring loudly!) and share a little walk with you we took a couple of weeks ago.

The Deeping Lakes Nature Reserve is such a retreat with its expanse of lakes, channels and woodland walks so it is always enjoyable to spend a little time here to blow away the cobwebs.  The day we went was certainly the right time to do that!  The wind blew ferociously through the limbs of the trees and the sparse foliage that surrounded us.  

"That's a big fish!" 

Said hubby while we just looked at the little waves in the lake wondering what he was talking about.

"There!" he said.  Then, when both me and Mr Teen adjusted our eyes, yes, it was big, but no, it wasn't a fish...

The whiskered snout, the grey head... no, not hubby!... this wasn't a fish, it was a seal!

Apparently he is a bit of a celebrity and they think he came into the lakes when the flood defences were down.  He looked healthy and content and would gently come up for air and then disappeared again for a few moments, then up he came again.  A local lady told us that the authorities were happy for him to remain there as long as he was healthy but I really do hope that he will be allowed to join his friends soon.

It was hard to tear ourselves away from him as the vision of something completely unexpected was so intoxicating, but the wind travelling at force across the Fens felt like it was ripping us apart.  The walk was so beautifully colourful and we were incredibly lucky with the clear skies.

We came away from the bank and walked down to the woodland areas, taking some shelter from the gusts of air.  The fauna around us, even though bare, was so uplifting.  The skeletons of last year's display were once again a joy to see.

Along with the new freshness of snowdrops, inviting us into Spring.

The decaying wood harbouring a nursery of new seedlings.

Along with some tell tale fencing protecting some expectant mothers.

All very content, even smiling for the camera!

The bird hides were a welcome shelter to defrost our ears from the windchill.

And the views were also very welcome!  However no Kingfisher today unfortunately.

The treelined walks are a pleasure to enter whatever the season.  Usually we do this in the Autumn (past post here) but it was nice to see so much light in the tunnels this time around.  Hubby and Mr Teen happily walking ahead while I captured the early spring sun falling around them.

The lake to the side of the walk gently licked the fallen limbs of trees making everything move in rhythm.  So relaxing.

It won't be long before the twigs of surrounding shrubs will be full of leaf and colour, but for now just the golden twigs against the blue sky is colourful enough.

Just a little welcome rest in a secluded corner, listening to the birds and occasional call from the sheep, mixed with the wind section of nature's orchestra.

I needed to get my thoughts together before I embarked on the next part of the walk.  Glorious mud!  Dotted with past walkers, bicycles, animal foot prints - reflecting the sun and the enjoyment the walk had given its visitors.

The wind was ever present, ringing in our ears, creating glistening waves on the lakes...

... and whistling through the beautiful golden grasses.

Rosy cheeked, wide smiled and content that this walk had been a wonderful memory maker.  I could even see smiles on the nobbly trees!  (or is that just me?!)

And so, tomorrow is our Mother's Day and I would just like to wish all the Mother's out there a very happy one whether you have children, furry babies or anything that you truly care about.  You are all so special, so incredible and so caring.  I have just seen Mumsy and made her open her presents early.  She is the most patient, kind and sweet natured woman you would ever hope to meet (making her open her presents shows that I have not inherited the 'patient' gene!).  She is my best friend, my confidante, my counsellor and a mother who is more like a sister to me.  I am so glad she now lives in the next village to me and that we can enjoy trips out and about again together and so incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful Mother as her.

So to all the Mothers out there...


Take care.

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  1. Happy Mother's Day to you, Chel. We celebrate it in May here in Canada. I loved the photos of your walk - all that glorious fresh air and blue sky would blow cobwebs right away!

  2. What a lovely post full of truly stunning photographs! Those sheep ARE actually smiling aren't they! Brilliant! Happy Mother's Day Chel, it's lovely to read about the closeness you have with your mum xx

  3. Chel, I've never heard of a seal in a lake! What a wonderful thing he spotted it!

  4. Oh, such a lovely post, a joy to read, I was transported.

  5. And a very Happy Mothers Day To You!
    I loved the walk , what a happy surprise to see a seal. That is so cute to see sheep smile at you.
    Wow even I feel refreshed after that walk in to spring. Thank!

  6. Oh Chel...this "walk" was just what I needed in the midst of this kitchen remodel. To say I'm a bit stressed is an understatement! Everything looks so lovely and relax in in your photos. How I wish I were there. I keep telling myself that all the work and mess will be so worth it when we finish. I am blessed! Happy Mothers Day to you dear friend and to your Mumsy too!

    Blessings, Vicky

  7. Are there any plans to take the seal back to the sea?

    1. In answer to Sue's question, yes indeed. The authorities will help him get back at some stage, but at the moment he is healthy so they are leaving him where he is.

  8. Lovely walk and what an unusual surprise to see a seal in a lake.........

  9. Deeping Lakes looks like a wonderful place for a walk. I hope the seal isn't lonely.
    Happy Mother's Day Chel.

  10. Happy Mother's Day to you Chel! I really enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

  11. Happy Mothers Day to you and your Mom Chel! What a lovely walk you shared with us and thanks for that. It must of been a nice walk and how exciting to see the seal! I loved the photo of the sheep and the water. Good luck with the writing for the grandad project too. Take care and have a nice Sunday and week.
    Hugs, Julie

  12. What a lovely walk.. great photos of the Seal and I love the 'smiling' sheep. Happy Mothers day to you too Chel.. have a lovely day :o) x

  13. The "big fish" looks happy enough. I hope he gets to be with his pals soon!

    Happy Mother's Day to you too, Chel. :o)

  14. I really enjoyed seeing what you saw on your walk . The colours and scenery are wonderful!
    Happy Mothers Day!

  15. Chel - love the photos and thanks for sharing your walk with us. Love those snowdrops but the momma lambs are just precious!


  16. What a lovely walk and a great surprise to see the seal in the water. The sheep are so beautiful, something I have always loved to see. Soon there will be lambs running around. What a sweet tribute to your mother for Mothers Day. I hope you enjoy your Sunday.

  17. Wonderful post and photos ! I had to giggle at the no not my husband bit of the snout and whiskers lol . Imagine seeing a Seal where you wouldn't expect it , that is funny makes one take a double look lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  18. super photos, have a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday.

  19. Happy Mother's day to you sweet friend! The snowdrops are so precious. I hope you have a pretty sunny day to celebrate! Sweet hugs, Diane

  20. Hello, sweet friend, and Happy Mother's Day :) It's been far too long since I have come by for a visit....please forgive me.

    Your photos always bring me delight - thank you for always being a joy and blessing. Hugs!

  21. Chel, I can't get over the beautiful place you live in! These photos are really something, and now a seal to boot. I love his whiskers.
    Have a great mother's day!

  22. Happy Mother's Day! Another few weeks and our weather should be fine for walking. In the meantime, I enjoyed going on yours.

  23. Lovely place for a walk, seen through you great photos. We have had some cold windy days were it goes right through you but the clear blue sky's make up for it. Have a lovely day..
    Amanda xx

  24. What a fabulous walk and what a surprise to see a seal in a lake! Beautiful photos as always, I would be collecting the wool from the fence if I was there :)

  25. Hey Chel,
    Wonderful shots!! Shot 1 and 12 are really amazing!!
    Nice that seal.

    Many greetings and have a nice sunday,

  26. Hello Chel, what a lovely post, and wonderful pictures, it looks a great place for a walk. I hope the seal isn't lonely.

  27. Looks like a gorgeous springtime walk, what a happy little seal, so cute! Gorgeous colours and textures

  28. What a lovely account of your day...and what a treat to see the "big fish"! Those unexpected surprises are such a blessing! Your photos and words are so descriptive, I believe I could feel that cold wind biting me and hear the rough waters moving. Thanks for sharing...and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  29. Such a wonderful surprise it must have been to spot to seal ... how cool is that -A great capture you've got there!
    I enjoy seeing the spring landscapes - and the lovely photo of your Mr. and Teen!
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  30. Hope you are having a lovely Mother's Day!
    LOVE all the photos, the seal, the lake, the blue skies, the snowdrops, the wool caught in the fence...oh heck, I love them all!

  31. What a lovely walk, you are so lucky to get Mr. teen out there with you too! The sheep are just lovely, and the snow drops and as for seeing a seal well that's just magic. I saw one in Stratford once in the river and apart from that had to go all the way up to Orkney! hope you had a nice day X

  32. It must have been so weird meeting a seal there! Happy mother's day to you!

  33. This has been a very enjoyable read and your photos are wonderful. Hope that your little friend the seal does get back to his pals. He must be enjoying the adventure. And a Happy Mother's Day to you and all UK moms everywhere!

  34. Beautiful post. I love the photos and enjoy learning more about the area you live. :-) The seal is so fun, that had to be interesting.
    Happy Mother's Day...a very special ending to your post.
    xx oo

  35. Hi Chel, Happy Mother's Day to you too. Ours will be in a few months. This is a wonderful post with so many interesting and beautiful photos. Of course, the seal is a treat. But I also like the smiling sheep and your interpretation of the nobby tree.

  36. Happy Mother's Day to you, too! Chel, all your photos are so beautiful... it was like getting to travel along with you. ;) And, yep, I think that knobby stump is smiling, too. You are so lucky to be so close to your mom and have such a wonderful relationship! blessings ~ tanna

  37. I imagine Mr. Fish got some second looks, and maybe even a third look , WHAT?

    I always thought that you would be in full bloom there by looks just like here, the snow melted last week and we are happily watching things prod the earth.

    Happy Mother's Day to you.


  38. Beautiful photos of your springtime walk! That seal, how cute and those sheep, lovely! I love going on walks and breathing in nature! Hope your Mother's Day was wonderful, Chel! xxx

  39. Chel, I've nominated your blog for A Liebster Award over at mine, only if you're interested, of course.

  40. A very atmospheric post, I can almost feel the wind, and hear it too :) How amazing to come across a seal, and the sheep really do seem to be smiling! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day :)
    Cathy x

  41. Hi Chel,
    You have a lovely, lovely blog. I found you on TO40 group. Looking forward to enjoying new friendships. :)
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  42. What a beautiful walk! It looks just the place to blow the cobwebs away. I like the smiling sheep:-) xx

  43. What a beautifully written reflective post. I feel quite refreshed and restored by reading this. You've really captured the beauty of the winter hanging on before it relinquishes to spring. The grinning sheep are great but what a marvellous treat to see the seal. He looks like he's having a ball. Just a thought though you might want to persuade hubby into a wee trip to Specsavers before you send him shopping. If he thinks that's a fish then I wouldn't want to send him for steak as he might just end up dragging home a bison....!

    Lovely thoughts and wishes for your Mum too. Treasure her while you can.

  44. Happy Belated Mother's Day, Chel! I felt the same about my own Mum, she was my best friend and I miss her so. Lovely walk that you took us on - such blue skies and water and I could almost feel that brisk wind blowing my hair. How startling it must have been to see the seal! Glad to know they are monitoring him. I love the photo of your hubby and son walking side by side :) So sweet. Glad you were able to get out in the fresh air for some head clearing. Happy St. Patrick's Day! xo Karen

  45. What a beautiful walk! I enjoyed it very much! I came over from the Over 40 Blogging Group on Facebook:)

  46. I enjoyed this nature walk and post very much :) Coming over from the FB 40's group :)


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x