
Friday 6 March 2015

Five on Friday - Springtime Colours

This morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing and I went outside into the neglected garden with my first of many loads of washing.  There is nothing that sings more to me of spring than the smell of line blown laundry.  This in turn made me want to fill my house with springtime flowers to reflect the sunshine outside and make the house smell of fresh linen and flowery scents once again.  Off I went to a flower supplier in Spalding to see if they had any colourful bounty, and I was in luck!  These wonderful beauties were coming home!

So, my Five on Friday are these welcome blooms.

1.  Narcissus - Dainty and incredibly fragrant (a bargain at £2 for four bunches)

2.  Broom - How could I resist this pretty pink to fall like feathers around the other flowers.  The fragrance is gorgeous.

3.  Stock - I couldn't pass by these highly fragrant little beads of colour.

4.  Iris - The paper like petals in their vibrant blue and yellow tongues screaming spring at me.

5.  Helleborus - Of course, in the garden there were these little gems being very shy and hiding their heads.

Altogether I have filled five containers with springtime gorgeousness and scent.  A vibrant shock of colour to cheer up some little corners of my home.  It's going to be a very content Sweetbriar Dreams tonight.

So that was my Five on Friday, but I do have a little extra thing to add - In my post last weekend I gave a little comment about a new camera.  Well here he is...

He is a Fujifilm Finepix HS50 EXR.  My previous camera was the HS20 EXR and I was so happy with that one that after months of looking through reviews of nearly all cameras, I kept coming back to this one as it does it all without changing lenses and that's perfect when I am out and about.  I still have a lot of playing around with it but I was so happy with the shots above and now know that, for me, this was the best choice.  For the HS20, this is now with Miss Teen as I just couldn't bear to sell it on - we have seen so much together!

Please join Amy at Love Made My Home for her Five on Friday link up to meet some lovely people.

Have a wonderful, colourful weekend.

Take care.

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This week I am sharing with:

Love Made My Home's Five on Friday


  1. Beautiful flowers, Chel. I managed to get our washing hung out (for the first time this year) on Wednesday. The smell of line-dried washing is glorious! I'm hoping that tomorrow is going to be the same as there's more washing to do. :o)

  2. Wow Chel, what beautiful flowers and I'm sure they are going to look beautiful in your home! This was such a nice 5 on Friday and a reminder that spring is on it's way. Have fun with your new camera!! Have a nice weekend.

  3. Gorgeous spring flowers, Chel! They look and, I imagine, smell wonderful in your home. Congrats on your new camera. It takes great photos! Have a super weekend. Pam

  4. Wow Chel...he's a beauty! And, the flowers aren't too shabby! Seriosuly though, such gorgeous blooms. I wish I had a flower market I could go to and buy bunches like this. I am so envious. :) Have a lovely weekend my friend!

    Hugs, Vicky

  5. what lovely flowers. Daffodils are so expensive here.

  6. Oh, the flowers! So pretty! I hope I can peg the wash on the line tomorrow! Hope! Have a great weekend!

  7. Chel, I'm trying hard not to be jealous! All that vividness and scent plus a new camera - the lens looks quite magnificent.

  8. You made a good choice, because the flower photos are phenomenal!

  9. Your spring flowers are so beautiful, really sunny and cheerful. And a new camera to boot!


  10. Beautiful shots Chelsea! That new camera is something else. Looks like it could do about anything. Congratulations on your new camera.


  11. Nice photos of lovely flowers! All our trees are blooming here too.

  12. My favourite shot is of the narcissus in the pretty blue and white vase. So much lovely colour in all these wonderful flowers! Wow! That's some camera you have there with a very serious and versatile looking lens!

  13. Wow what beautiful flowers! And lovely photos too. Wishing you a lovely weekend Chel. xx

  14. wonderfull flowers, I so want to get a cut flower area established so I can bring flowers into the house most of the year :-)

  15. eeeeee new camera!! :) I came home the other day and Mr had hung the washing out, I was like a cat on a hot tin roof all day thinking is it going to rain? or blow away? lol!

  16. Oh, what gorgeous flowers - such a delight to see them all this morning. The sun is out here, the air is milder and I can see the washing blowing on next door's line - all very encouraging, spring like happenings. My camera is a fuji film finepix but a smaller bridge camera - I like the look of your new one, thanks for sharing the information about it:)

  17. Such incredibly beautiful flowers Chel!!! They are gorgeous aren't they. A real sign of spring!!! Your new camera looks amazing and as though you will get some wonderful pictures - which you have already done with these wonderful flowers of course!! Thank you so much for joining in, I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

  18. Gorgeous photos of beautiful flowers! Your house must smell so heavenly. Enjoy these lovely blooms and your new camera too. Have a great weekend! X

  19. Oh! The colour of those Irises - gorgeous! And that is quite the new camera! Look at that lens!

  20. Absolutely gorgeous blooms, that first photo arrangement is stunning! I am obsessed with Iris's at the moment, that deep blue takes my breath away! Katie x

  21. Beautiful flowers, beautifully photographed. It's wonderful to see spring gearing up. I'm glad you kept your old camera in the family, I know I'm quite attached to mine as well, I wouldn't like to see it go. No doubt Miss Teen will love it and have many happy adventures with it. CJ xx

  22. What gorgeous blooms. You've made me want to run out and fill my home with flowers.
    Ali xx

  23. Oh what glorious bursts of color, thank you!! And congrats on your new camera. May you have a long and loving relationship!!

  24. WOW, beautiful flowers, gorgeous colours, stunning pictures. Enjoy your new camera :-)

  25. Flower photos are always enjoyable in my book. Here in SE Georgia, the Narcissus, Zephyr Lillys, and Yellow Jasmine are blooming on the roadsides already. It's looking like Spring! Hope your weekend is a happy one. Please give a loving pat on the head for Coco from me. ~:)

  26. Your flowers are so pretty. I'm intrigued by the broom; I have Spanish broom here and the stems look similar but my flowers are bright yellow. In the spring they smell like grape lollipops. Enjoy your new camera, it looks great!

  27. ..Flowers make the home so...homelike and beautiful! These are true beauties and what a delight to have their gorgeous colours and scents in your home!
    Lots of love to you on your Sunday, Chel!
    Hugs, Kelly-Anne

  28. You have got a great new camera! And I must say all these lovely colourful flowers made me so happy. I had my washing out yesterday for the first time, like you.
    Wish you a wonderful sunny Sunday, the weather is here beautiful too.

  29. You and your new toy made some GORGOUS photos, Chel!! blessings ~ tanna

  30. Wow! Those pics have stopped me in my tracks, Chel. Absolutely stunning. Have fun playing with your new toy - I look forward to seeing the results. x

  31. Beautiful flowers. Great photos!
    A perfect Spring post. :-))

  32. Beautiful flowers, a welcome sight. I love your new camera. My first digital camera was a Fugi, I loved that camera.

  33. Oh! I forgot to say that I'm excited about your new camera!

  34. My word how beautiful all the flowers are, thanks for sharing such a pretty and refreshing Five on Fridayx

  35. This makes me want spring to come a little faster so I can try to plant flowers. Though they usually die within a month, the month I haven't killed them is glorious!

  36. wonderful flowers, camera looks a little scary and a little nifty! I sure you can handle it :-) x

  37. That photo at the top, Chel, couldn't take my eyes off it. Beautiful.

  38. Beautiful pictures - I can almost smell the flowers from here!! As for the camera - wow, look at the lens on that!!

  39. Olá Chel!
    Enquanto você recebe a estação mais bonita do ano, nós aqui vamos nos despedindo do Verão!
    Suas fotos são muito bonitas e seu blog muito organizado e alegre!
    Um forte abraço brasileiro, para uma londrina orgulhosa!

    VitorNani & Hang Gliding Paradise

  40. What a gorgeous post, a feast for the eyes! I've never seen pink broom before, only yellow. I agree that I could almost smell your flowers, and that camera is a serious piece of equipment. Can't wait to see your photos :)
    Cathy x

  41. Gorgeous blooms, Chel - how wonderful that you can find all of these at the flower merchant. Our farmer's markets have not opened up yet so I am stuck with grocery store blooms. Your new camera looks very impressive! Such fun to play around with, I'm sure. We do get attached to our cameras - they share the world through our eyes. I have 4 of the little dears.....Hope you are enjoying this last lead up to spring and that the hubs is recovering from his ordeal. Hugs xo K

  42. Such beautiful, colourful flower pictures! Enjoy your wonderful new camera,
    Happy weekend.
    Helen xox


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