
Friday 20 March 2015

When the Sun Smiles ♥

Well, it had to be done!  Sixteen years ago I stood in my parents garden pregnant with Miss Teen and enjoying watching Mr Teen toddle around as we witnessed a total eclipse over London.  Time stood still as the birds roosted and the dusky darkness enveloped us.  Now, sixteen years later, Mr Teen stood with me in our garden as I set up the tripod and took a stupid amount of photos of the partial eclipse and Miss Teen was at school in her penultimate year - where does the time go?!  Here in Lincolnshire it was cloudy but when the cotton wool covering cleared I got busy trying all the different filters on the new camera.  PaNiC set in as nothing picked up the spectacle above our heads and the safe place where I have put all my special filters was, well, that 'special safe place' where no one knows where it is (including me).  How I wished I was on the jet fighters that were flying above our heads (me thinks that it was a little too convenient to be having a dog fight just as the eclipse was happening - or is that me being sceptical!).  "Try my sunglasses" said Mr Teen and handed them over to me.  Not to put on you understand, but to put over the camera lens...  


Once the sun had shooed the moon out of the way the day was just glorious!  The warmth was intoxicating and, you'll be proud of me, I went out without my coat to the daffodil fields to capture some sunshine rising from the earth.  Our little corner of Lincolnshire is known as South Holland... I wonder why?

In the distance the tallest mill in the country, Moulton Mill, stands proudly with its newly installed sails.  Alongside, All Saints in Moulton which was struck by a tornado a few years ago - now repaired (note to self... I really must take you on a little trip to Moulton one day this year!).

But, the daffodils!  Acres upon acres of the beautiful nodding heads swaying in the breeze, high on the mounds of earth, all at different stages of showing off their blooms.  As far as the eye can see.  A heart lifting moment.

Can you imagine living in these houses with the happy view.

This section was only the start.  We drove along the narrow, quiet lonely lane that is used so sparingly that it has grass growing down the middle of it and out of the pot holes!  For about two miles there was row upon row of daffodils, some stopping in the distance due to cottages, and some just disappearing into the horizon.

Kneeling down to be at the same level with these little parcels of sunshine was such a treat along this lane with no interruptions.  Above us we could hear a skylark, and nothing else... heaven!

Other fields around here are being harvested with the workers walking along in lines to pick those in bud.  The speed they work is breathtaking.  Bending over picking daffodil after daffodil, quickly tying them and then working on the next bunch.  Hundreds of workers gradually moving through the fields and wooden crates full of the budding bounty to be put in the cold houses for the supermarkets.

These fields however haven't been touched yet, but even after the workers go, there are thousands left behind to feed the bulbs for next year.

As for my house displays this weekend - pink roses, unusual white tulips and narcissus for their gorgeous spring scent, along with a touch of rosemary.  Seven vases and little containers have been filled this time and dotted around giving me smiles all around the house.  So here's some flowers from me to you my lovely readers.  Thank you so much for visiting and commenting, you really are sending sunshine through my screen.

Next week... London!  We are visiting the Museum of London, this time for a day.  Yes, to listen to my Grandad in the exhibition again, but also to really drink in this amazing place.  I now have a permanent link on my side bar if you want to make a virtual visit ♥ 

Take care

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  1. Oh wow! That is a stunning image of the eclipse!
    I'd love a walk through the daffodil fields too!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day Chel. I didn't see the eclipse this time, but I clearly remember the last different our lives are after 16 years.
    Have a great weekend.
    Jacquie x

  3. those daffodil fields are wonderful. I have a step-sister who lives in Lincolnshire, no idea where though. We're not close.

  4. Great photo of the eclipse, Chel! The fields of daffies look amazing. I bet the smell is divine! :o)

  5. I am so immensely jealous (smiles)! No spring flowers here, it was snowing and it is still very cold. Beautiful, beautiful....and thank you for your lovely blog and sharing your family/life with us. Blessings

  6. What lovely, lovely photos. The eclipse - good for you for catching it. The daffodils are truly a welcome spring sight.

  7. That Mr. Teen is one smart young man. Love all those fields of daffodils. We have fields of tulips in May (hopefully).

  8. Hi Chel! I love all of your tours! The dafs are GORGEOUS! I love them!
    Thanks for the smiles!

  9. I enjoyed your photos very much. It was great to see a photo of the eclipse! I came over from the over 40 group

  10. What a gorgeous field of spring flowers to behold!

  11. Sounds like a lovely day dancing among the daffodils! They are simply breathtaking! The solar eclipse photo is pretty awesome too. How clever of your son to think of using his sunglasses! I hope your weekend is just wonderful my friend.

    Blessings, Vicky

  12. Oh how lovely I could stay out there all day and just drink in all the beauty of the Daffodil fields . Wonderful photos and hey I have done that with sunglasses and my camera a few times . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend and happy first day of Spring !

  13. Oh my goodness real true daff fields....haven't seen those in ages. And I guess we missed the sun too, it's cloudy and raining here, lol. Well 0 for 2. But your lovely shots will brighten up any cloudy day.


  14. Nice daffodil pics! The flowers are blooming here too.

  15. What a wonderful image of the eclipse! Wow. Those daffodils are just gorgeous. I can almost smell them in my mind. Enjoy listening to your granddad in exhibition. xo Diana

  16. I loved the eclipse, it was so exciting and yesterday was such a great day. Good spirits all round! Amazing to live near the Tulips. X

  17. Lovely image of the eclipse. It was super to see your photos of the daffodil fields and Moulton. We go there once or twice a year to visit a dear friend who is in the Abbeygate home next door to the mill - we usually have a cuppa at the mill with another friend whose mother is in the same home. I've enjoyed seeing your photos:)

  18. What a lovely story and a brilliant photo of the eclipse! Those daffodil fields are wonderful-we have them here in Cornwall but I had not realised that Lincolnshire was so known for this. Lovely pictures and gorgeous flowers-have a lovely weekend xx

  19. wow that's a great shot of the eclipse. Didn't see a thing here it was very overcast, it did go eerily dark. Lovely daffodils and your flowers are gorgeous, the white tulips are exquisite x

  20. Wonderful shot of the solar eclipse with the courtesy of Mr Teen's sunglasses! I just love those joyful daffodil fields. It's spring at last!

  21. Such a gorgeous sight. You are so lucky to live close enough to something like that and be able to witness it. Here wild daffodils are popping up all over the big and along the country roads. It's just heaven.

  22. A great eclipse photo! I love the fields of daffodils, so yellow and sunshiny on a spring day! What a delight to be surrounded by them, drinking in all that colour :)
    Cathy x

  23. That's a great photo of the sun - and the sunny daffodils! I could feel the sunshine on my face just looking at them! xx

  24. Definitely the best pic I've seen of the eclipse - thankfully Mr. Teen had great sunglasses at hand!

    Oh Chel, those daffodil fields are incredibly beautiful - I had no idea Lincolnshire grew them for the commercial market - and how lovely that they provide spring color all around the pretty villages. Mine are brightening up the garden in their own small way - and I see pink tulips starting to bud - so all is well. Your cut flowers are lovely too - your house must be a delight to walk through with so many vases of color.

    Have a special weekend dear - hope the sun shines and the daffs continue to smile!
    Love, Mary

  25. Oh, you lucky woman with those fields of daffodils!!
    You should appreciate the flowers that you can get in England. I always buy them for my in-laws when I am there. They like them but it means I get to enjoy them too! xx

  26. It was so cloudy that I took a photo filterless - it didn't really get as dark as I expected. Are the daffodils in your area later than usual .

    1. Hi Sue, I've had a look back and about this time last year ALL the daffodils were out, so the fields that I took photos of this week are quite behind compared to last year. Take care. xx

  27. SOOOOO beautiful! Pure springtime! =) blessings ~ tanna

  28. Daffodils are my favorite spring flowers. Love that photo with the windmill in the background. xo Laura

  29. Beautiful eclipse photo - glad you managed to capture it in the end! And lovely daffodil pictures too x

  30. Wonderful, these sunny daffodil fields are great! When I saw the picture with the mill on the background I thought at first glance that it was in our country, haha.

  31. Great photo of the eclipse.. it was too cloudy here to see anything. Those daffodil fields are wonderful :o)

  32. I'm jealous. :) The eclipse was not visible this time in SE Georgia. So glad you snapped some photos. Quick thinking on Teen's part with the sunglasses. Who'da thunk it? *giggle*
    The daffodil fields are gorgeous. (I always call them Daffy Dills just for fun.) I could live in the middle of that. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. We've been buying flowering plants this week and are busy getting them planted. Except for the gnats (pesky things!) the weather has been almost perfect.
    Hope your weekend is safe, happy and relaxing. ~:)

  33. Popping over from Over 40 Bloggers on FB and wow is all i can say...we did not get to see any of the eclipse and oh be still my heart with those acres of daffs....they are stunning as are your pictures of them.


  34. That photo of the eclipse is stunning! And the daffodils are not bad either :-)

  35. Lovely photos, we didn't see any of the eclipse as it was total cloud cover :( I love daffodils so much! Spring is getting here!

  36. I love to see the fields of daffodils, we grow a lot of them in Cornwall. Someone who worked on one of the daffodil farms told me they have to be picked at exactly the right time. It they don't have enough pickers at that time the daffodils have to be left, one day late and they are no good for shipping. No wonder they work so quickly!

  37. Hi Chel,
    such a great capture of the total eclipse - your son dis great work!
    And your daffodils ... oh boy, the fields and close ups ... Welcome spring! I hope they will bloom here as well in a week or two (It was snowing here yesterday - can you believe it ... just a few snowflakes, but it was C O L D :)

  38. Oh, you were so lucky to see the eclipse! Your picture is wonderful!

  39. Fantastic picture of the eclipse, Chel! The pictures of the daffodils are lovely as well :)

    I hope you're having lovely Sunday.


  40. Well done, fab photo. If we'd tried we couldn't have taken a photo of the eclipse as it was so cloudy here in London. And my daughter's school had set out so much science stuff to make an ocassion of it too. All disppointed. We watched it on the telly.

  41. The daffodil fields are so pretty...thanks for sharing a bit of spring!

  42. Hi,
    Daffodil's are my very favorite flower. They were my wedding flower.
    Thank you for sharing this fun post today.

  43. Hi Chel, wow that photo is amazing of the eclipse. Oh how pretty the daffodil fields are! I can't wait for the London trip! Hope you have a nice week! Love the last bouquet of flowers.

  44. Hello dear Chel
    This is beautiful - the vast flat landscape filled with yellow daffodils just takes my breath away!
    Oh to hear a Skylark - I've been brought up on the great English poets who wrote so beautifully about the nature of England.
    After a short tour of southern Ireland we are travelling through the english countryside to spend a few days in London before visiting our family in France!
    I could easily settle into english village life and all that goes with it...sigh!

    I've just come from Kelly-Annes blog and admired the beautiful teacup set you sent her - charming!
    It's been a fun swap as always.
    Shane x


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x