
Sunday 1 February 2015

This is London Calling... and it's Raining at Selfridges

This says it all!  Why is it that whenever we decide to take a trip to a certain department store, it pours down?  We were very undecided all week but then agreed that if the snow kept away, we would visit Selfridges for a surprise belated Birthday lunch for Miss Teen's friend, then go onto the National Gallery and finish up at South Bank.  A lot to pack in but with planning it was doable.  So, for the first time this year may I take you on a little trip out and about in London?  Get your cup of tea and have a little snack while I take you for Part 1 - Selfridges!!

Why Selfridges?  Well, with the new series of Mr Selfridge, I felt the need to walk through those revolving doors again and enter the shopping wonderland within.  The entrance is incredibly ornate, and it would have been very satisfying to take lots of photos of the intricate details but it was Saturday (am I mad?!) so the entrance was incredibly busy with no one caring a jot that you were taking photos! Across the road was the best place to see it but of course the rain wanted to make an appearance on the lens too!

Above the entrance the beautiful Queen of Time, still ticking away and singing out with each hour.

As we dodged the perfume counters with their perfectly presented assistants and perfectly aimed spray of all the perfumes imaginable, we headed towards another scent that we craved... chocolate!  Yes, Selfridges have a chocolate library surrounded by other counters of more chocolate, macaroons, different sweets and nougat.  Heaven.  One counter had these delicious strawberries in cones, coated with chocolate and chopped nuts.  I made the assistant laugh when I said that she had the best job in the world (I hasten to add that she was about the only assistant who did crack a smile on this visit - I am sorry but some assistants were just so rude).

After much thought and feeling overwhelmed by the amount and types of chocolate, we settled on a select few for small gifts, including some Selfridges chocolate coins with the store embossed on the foil.  What I completely forgot was some for me - another trip during a week day will have to be booked (the week day assistants seem to be happier in their work and I'd feel happier giving them my time and money).

As we were packing a lot into the day there wasn't a lot of time for browsing, so we gradually made our way up the escalators through the different floors.  

Past the Selfridges cinema - yes, cinema!

And a lovely lunch at the Selfridges Kitchen.  This place has all sorts of different foods to tempt you with, Indian, Lebanese, the Grill, Sushi, Delicatessen etc etc, so something for everyone.  With a brief sit down and thinking through what was next, we then set off to go and look at the other attraction that Selfridges do so well - windows!  The weather was still very wet but I had to capture some of the windows whose theme was 'Bright Old Things' (an interesting link is here).  Selfridges windows were beautifully polished so the reflections of the buildings across the road were lovely to see mixed in with the contents of the windows.  This manikin had cameras and flash guns and bulbs for a head...

Look at the cameras!  I even spotted one that was my first SLR all those years ago - a Praktica!  So many shapes and sizes, instant, SLR, box.  I bet these were so much fun to collect.

This window was totally retro with an old tape recorder/radio as a head...

The window was full of things that I could remember from my youth (even the UB40 vinyl)!!

Then there was this window, full of golden items...

Each little nugget was something recognizable...

Aerosols, paint cans, brushes, tin cans, jars, shampoo bottles, so many items all collected and producing such a beautiful eye catching display.

With bellies full, hats on and umbrellas up, we made our way back to the tube to go to part 2 of our trip... The National Gallery.  In front of its entrance Trafalgar Square's sculptures in the fountains were reflecting everyone's faces with dripping noses!

To be continued...

I hope you have had a great week and weekend.  I am now going to put my feet up and catch up with some blog reading (and of course have some chocolate if my kids allow me).

Take care.

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This week I am sharing with:


  1. Fabulous pics, even in the rain Chel. Thanks for taking the time to show us unusual parts of Selfridge's - no idea there was a movie theatre in there Those window displays - fantastic - especially the golden objects which must have entailed a lot of work!

    Looking forward to your next episode - love it when you take us along in the city. Well, love it wherever you take us actually!
    Hope you managed to get some chocolate.
    Hugs - Mary

  2. do you know I don't think I have ever actually been inside Selfridges!!

  3. I've enjoyed your tour of London in the rain, especially the wander around Selfridges. I watch the programme, but have never actually been there - it's fascinating seeing the real thing. The chocolate library sounds amazing, but it's probably a good thing that I live a good distance away! :)
    Cathy x

  4. I don't know how many times I've been in Selfridges (though, personally, I dislike Oxford Street intensely) - but I never knew it had a cinema. Always enjoy the smell of perfume counters! Fabulous tour, Chel - EXCELLENT photographs; you have an extremely talented eye.

  5. Those window displays are fab. Oh I do not like shop assistants who are miserable. I really don't understand their attitude, surely it makes their day better if they smiled. I scrolled down to see your last post. Coco looks absolutely worn out. Our son's dog seems to have decided to sleep during the day and stay awake all night. I am ignoring the chocolate it is making me hungry :)
    Have a lovely week.
    Ali xx

  6. A Practika was our first SLR too. Maybe the assistants should realise that without customers they would lack a job.

  7. AWESOME!!!! Well..dear friend, it is snowing here in western NY-expecting upwards of 18 inches or more and we just got the notice that all vechiles have to be off the streets. ANYWAYS--I always enjoy your "trips"--one day I shall get to London/Great Britain. Thank you for the smiles!! Blessings

  8. Thank you for the tour, the windows look great. Looking forward to your photos from the National Gallery

  9. I haven't been into the London Selfridges for many years, I would love to go again.

  10. Oh such a wonderful trip - perfume, chocolate, and shopping :) I remember doing these trips with my mom - so lovely!
    London is fantastic, even when it rains (As long as the shops are open - right :)
    Love your last image of the statue - awesome!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Rain or not, the trip to Selfridges looks so fun and interesting. I'd be seeking out the chocolate too while quickly passing the perfumes. I can't wait to read 'Episode 2' of your London trip! Have a wonderful week Chel.

  13. So much beauty!
    And such appealing photos!

  14. That was fun! I feel like I was there too. Enjoy the chocolate. I have a weakness for Lindt 70% Dark Chocolate. Drool!
    I wanted to also say Thank You recommending A Bit Of Britain. I'm enjoying his blog too. :)
    BTW, I just noticed your cute little dog is ill. This makes me so sad. I love all my dogs too. I pray a cure or treatment can be found soon.
    God bless from America. ~:)

  15. What a store! Looks like there's something for everyone. Love those fancy strawberries. That's what I'd buy.

  16. Fun! Thank you and I can not wait for more. :-))

  17. Oh what a treat you have given us Chel. I can't remember if I have been to Selfridges!! if I have it was a long time ago,your post has made me want to go.I love your photos, particularly the view from the elevator, the Queen of Time and the gold windows. Looking forward to the next installment :-)

  18. Looks like part one of your trip was great - apart from the sour-faced assistants! Am looking forward to part 2. :o)

  19. Loved the tour---next episode please!

  20. I always love your London trips and cant wait for part two. You seem to have hit on an almost one stop marvellous visit esp. as it was so bitterly cold and miserable. I've got the kettle on, roll on part two.

  21. Such a fun tour! Those Godiva chocolates look divine. The windows are just amazing! I shared a few windows on my post today as well. I too am home with my feel up now and catching up on my blog reading as well. Have a blessed and beautiful week my friend!

  22. Really love the window of golden items, that is really something. xx

  23. I have enjoyed this trip to Selfridgws with you and look forward to part 2.


  24. I did a marathon viewing of two seasons of Selfridges via Netflix when my husband was out of town a couple of months ago. I didn't know there was a new season - how fun. The window displays are so creative - amazing talent out there. How great to eat lunch and poke around the store. Too bad the clerks were not more cheerful. Thanks for sharing your day out with us.

  25. Such a lovely visit to Selfridges through your camera! I love the shot taken from above and the outside statue with the clock! It's good to know for my next visit that the restaurant is good! A cinema too - all without getting wet when it rains! One could spend a whole day in Selfridges. Sorry to hear about rude assistants - Mr Selfridge would certainly not approve! However, I expect all nerves are a bit frazzled on Saturdays. I love the last photo of the statue looking as if she's upset about something with the raindrop rolling down her face.

  26. I had no idea they had a cinema!! How amazing is that. Sorry that you had to contend with rudeness, we had something similar in Fortnum and Mason last year - apparently my chocolate purchases were not appreciated there. Perhaps they just don't like selling us chocolate! That gold window is just amazing isn't it! xx

  27. It's been so long since I have been to Selfridges and your post has made we want to go now!xx I love watching the programme and thinking back to the many times of charging down Oxford St in my lunch hour, looking forward to part 2...x

  28. Wow! Selfridges really does have everything doesn't it? That "golden" window is amazing, isn't it? Of all the big department stores in London, which ones would you recommend the most? Harrods? Liberty? Selfridges? Or should we make time for them all? I've already made a tea reservation at Fortnum and Mason so we'll be seeing it for sure! XOXO

  29. The picture with the statue with her nose dripping is amazing: she almost seems alive there!

  30. Wonderful shots of Selfridge's - I love that last shot.

  31. Yes, WOW what great shots of Selfridges. Too bad it was raining for your trip into the city! It is such a nice store and I bet you had a great time. Thanks so much for sharing these lovely photos with us. I look forward to part 2 at the national gallery. Have a wonderful week this week! Hugs from across the pond.

  32. You have just made me think that I have never actually stopped to LOOK at Selfridges!! I can remember my Mum taking me to see Father Christmas when I was little, we sat on a 'train' and presumably the scenery moved while the train wobbled!! I thought it was the absolute best!! Many years later I took my boy's back to relive my memories, and for them to see Father Christmas, but as usually happens when you try to recapture the past, Father Christmas was a big let-down, the present was rubbish and to crown it all, we couldn't even leave Selfridges because there was an armed raid going on in one of the side streets!!! Times had changed - big time!!! Love the picture of the statue's 'dew-drop'!!! X

  33. Even in the rain your photos show the store looking magical especially the windows.

  34. Oh thanks for your very wonderful photo tour and commentaries ~ Beautiful photography!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

    ps. New England is buried in Snow! so appreciated your photo tour so much!

  35. Queen of Time photo hit me the most -- but then again I have to say number 7 is breathtaking - that's a long way down - wink! Number 12 had me giggle as I am thinking that is clever of you to take such a shot (is that your body's reflection with that thing on your head or m I up in the night )- wink!
    I have enjoyed myself seeing all your sight seeing photo images - they ALL are wonderful done..

  36. We can definitely send Mr. Badger to your house for a visit!

  37. That sounds like such a wonderful day! Even in the rain.
    I also like Mr. Selfridge - Amanda Abbington rules!

  38. We've started watching the new series of Mr Selfridge - love it. We don't really have an proper department stores left so I really miss the magnificent window displays. Your pictures are great.

  39. That was such fun - thank you! I've followed the series and look forward to the latest season which will soon air here. Your photos are great!

  40. I so enjoyed seeing this and I haven't seen the series. I did see "The Paradise" and loved it.

  41. What fun! It's always funny to see how the things of our youth is now so historical. lol
    Take 25 to Hollister

  42. Thoroughly enjoyed this visit. I have not watched the series yet, but I want to.

  43. Thanks for this nostalgic trip into Selfridges. I did a lot of long day charter train trips at the turn of the century with only cold snacks on board. It was trio risky time wise to have anything hot later so I struck on the idea of a hot Selfridges lunch, essentially first port of call after a long journey. I never realised they had a cinema but then again it was time to rush out to check out the next site on the list. Unfortunately the charter company went bust and my trips with the east coast mainline companies have become less frequent (twice in 10 years) as other things become more pressing.
    Enjoyed the photos.

  44. I"m just catching up on my blog reading, Chel, and was happy to start with your trip to Selfridges. I cannot remember if I was there - I kind of doubt it, I think I would have remembered such a gorgeous store!

  45. Thank you so much for taking us along .I love Selfridges but have not been there for a long time! Fun pictures .

  46. So fun to see the actual store of the new television series! I think that you could spend an entire day there and still not see everything. This would be my daughter's dream store! Thanks for taking us along! xo Karen


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x