
Tuesday 3 February 2015

A Sprinkling of Narnia

Last night we got a little surprise!  White stuff was falling from the sky and (so excited!) settling!  So off we went to sleep, dreaming of being snowed in and having a very rare snowball fight in the morning.  Well, let's just say we were ever so slightly VERY disappointed.  Yes, a little slippy slidy, but school and college coaches were still making their stops and I was able to drive to the main road.  Ho hum!  BUT, the Narnia lamp post was waiting for me at work.  A little sprinkling of Narnia to greet me on this white morning.

(I did say a little sprinkling!)

Would you like to see more?  Well, I waited a little while until the light was right before I walked around Peterborough Cathedral, but not too long otherwise our huge snowfall would have melted.  It was so deep!

One sneeze and it would have blown away, but hey, humour me!

The Cathedral from the Cloisters looked stunning against the blue sky, especially with its white carpet against the ancient walls.

The quiet grave stones looked stunning with the remains of the snow and the green moss drinking up the moisture.

Yes, Peterborough Cathedral had a sprinkling of Narnia today, just enough... we don't want to be too greedy now do we?!

Thank you so much for your visits and comments this week on my Selfridges post, I am just working on part 2 (note to self... stop taking so many photos!!).

Have a wonderful week and keep safe and warm!

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This week I am sharing with:
Roses of Inspiration Link Up Party


  1. Chel, here in Shropshire we haven't even had as much snow as you all winter and we are VERY disappointed. I LOVE the photo of the cathedral against the blue sky (and we have had very blue sky today). Keep warm. x

  2. Lovely photos, nice when it's like this, we have had snow on and of the last three weeks here in West Yorkshire, not enough to close work though :( The cold weather has frozen the mud now so it's easier to get round the park.. Dam cold though..
    Amanda xx

  3. I love that Narnia lamp post! And the mossy stones with the snow is stunning!!! So happy you all got some snow to enjoy for the season! Wishing you a lovely week! Nicole xo

  4. Lovely photos, we had a little sprinkling, I got very excited and then it was gone!

  5. That's beautiful, and a touch of Narnia would be delightful, but the cold air would reaffirm why I enjoy life in Southeast Georgia ... much warmer! *giggle* Thanks for sharing your magical day with the rest of us mere mortals. *grin* Sparky ~:)

  6. Mmmm. I commented but it asked me for my ID so it doesn't look like it went through. Let's try again.

    We've had a slight dusting of snow this evening. I don't have to go anywhere until Thursday so, as long as it's gone by then, it can do what it likes tomorrow! :o)

  7. Your photos are lovely, especially the Narnia lamp post. xx

  8. Snow makes every thing look beautiful in the dark gray and brown world of winter.
    We have not had any snow yet. Love your lovely walks.

  9. Such beautiful photos Chel. I am a bit envious of the lovely snow. I do not like the cold at all so I could never live where it snowed a lot, but an occasional snow would be nice. Oh well, I will enjoy looking at yours. Have a lovely week! I look forward to part 2.

    Hugs, Vicky

  10. The third snowy post I've read today from England! Love it. It certainly looks pretty around the Cathedral and of course, the Narnia lamp post looks wonderful. Stay warm.

  11. Oh it all looks so winter wonderland lovely! A sprinkling of snow is plenty to add an air of magic everywhere!

  12. Very pretty, especially against that blue sky!

  13. Your photos are so pretty, Chel. I love skies like that after a snowstorm, so crisp and blue.

  14. Snow always makes everything so pretty - and when you start with a setting such as the cathedral it is stunning!
    Now to go back to look at the Selfridge's post. I've missed so much!

  15. So beautiful. I loved the Narnia reference.

  16. So pretty! That lamp post looks just like Narnia and I love the images it conjures up from the movie! You can have some of the snow we have in Upstate NY!!!

  17. Dear Chel, I would be more than happy to send you our snow. (giggles)--you can have all 2 feet of it! Thank you for the smiles, it is like I am there. Blessings

  18. Enjoy every flake, Chel! I'd end you some of ours but I fear it would melt too soon! XOXO

  19. Chel, such a magical dusting of snow - like confectioner's sugar! Perhaps you will run into Mr Tumnus!

  20. Such amazing photography with incredible buildings.

  21. How pretty! Lovely photos. I love snow, but our part of the world has been in a drought this winter. Our mountains just barely have enough of the white stuff for skiing. Send some of that our way! :)

  22. The lamp posts with a hint of snow look very Narnian and magical, and I love the stone of the Cathedral.

  23. I love your Narnian lamppost. Now where's Mr. Tumnus?
    No snow here on Canada's west coast. I keep hoping....

  24. But why do you drive to work? Can't you just go through the wardrobe?

  25. It's funny how snow has this exciting feel to it, isn't it?! I'm just the same! We actually had quite a heavy snowfall at the beginning of the week and the cars were edging gingerly along my street which is on a slight hill! Love the lampost with a sprinkling of snow and the lovely captures of Peterborough Cathedral!

  26. I would love some snow, too!!!!! ;oD
    xxxxxx Ale

  27. The cathedral looks beautiful in the snow doesn't it!! How wonderful that you could capture the lamppost for your series in the snow too! xx

  28. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your posts Chel!! Your words and pictures always captivate me, and I just want to see more. Your London posts are always fantastic and informative. The Cathedral does look AMAZING this time of year. You've definitely taken me to a magical place. Thank you xx

  29. The best type of snow was the type we had just after Christmas. At home no snow, a ride for a few miles and deep snow to trudge in and take photos of and then leave behind.

  30. The cathedral looks wonderful in the snow. We had a little bit here, just enough to be excited, not enough to stop a normal day :o)

  31. Wow the Cathedral looks so lovely in the snow, we haven't had anymore really a odd shower yesterday that lasted about 20secs, keep warm and have a good dayxx

  32. I too could send you several feet of snow.
    Could you please send me one of those buildings or at least a lamppost!

  33. You have had far more snow than I have had this year. The cathedral looks lovely with its sprinkle of snow. x

  34. The Peterborough is beautiful with the snow and the blue sky! We've had very little snow this winter where the Eastern US has way too much.

  35. We had the exact same sprinkling of snow, like powdered sugar in Brittany... It was beautiful... The black ice before I reached the main road wasn't so fun!

  36. Oh Chel, you live in such a beautiful and majestic place - I never get tired of seeing your photos :) The snow is beautiful! Did it melt already or do you still have a little?

    Thanks for sharing at Roses of Inspiration - I love it when you link up. Hugs to you!

  37. Stunning cathedral photos against that blue sky! Your Narnia lamp post is perfect in the snowy setting, and your comments on the snowfall made me smile. You've had more than we have here, though, as we're still waiting to have some which actually settles. Still very cold, though :)
    Cathy x

  38. We just love the Narnia lamp post. I am sharing your post with my boys. :-))

  39. Love the shots of the magnificent cathedral and the cemetery. The dusting of snow adds beauty to everything. Here we have a bit more than a dusting (About a foot of snow), so we tend not to appreciate it as much--but it still is beautiful.

  40. This is lovely. Just the right amount of snow. Enough to make everything look pretty without being hard to get around in.

  41. From where I'm sitting it looks absolutely gorgeous (the white stuff!) and the Cathedral is stunning!

  42. I always forget that some people are thrilled to get snow. Lovely photos.

  43. So lovely photos ! I like vey much the one with the green moss ... really beautiful ! have a lovely and warm week !

  44. So very beautiful! My friend who lives in Bristol sent me the most giddy picture of the snow falling -- it's not super common in the UK, is it? (Meanwhile in the American Midwest, we're completely buried in the stuff...)

  45. What a magical wonderland. Of course it does not hurt that you have such beautiful old building to have in the background. So lovely.

  46. Stunningly beautiful cathedral and grounds - I feel peace just looking at these lovely scenes in the snow.
    Thank you Chel, and many thanks also for your good wishes.
    Mary x

  47. Aww Chel, I love those photos of the cathedral sounds and the light sprinkling of snow. It does make everything look so pretty! Have a nice day and lovely weekend. Keep warm. xo

  48. Very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  49. I think that is just enough. Makes everything look pretty without causing too much fuss! xxx

  50. It looks so peaceful there with the slight dusting of snow. Snow seems to muffle all sound in a lovely way, doesn't it? Beautiful photos. xo Karen


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x