
Saturday 24 January 2015

Spring Flowers and Chocolate! Perfect!!

It's been a quick week, I blinked and it had gone.  I'm not complaining but my camera card was sadly lacking and panic set in on what to write this evening!  However, it's amazing what chocolate and spring flowers can do to awaken creativity.

Yes, happy spring daffodils, hyacinths and the gorgeous and delicious Cadburys mini eggs.  We can't get enough of these chocolates encrusted with a crunch shell in this house!  

Of course I did go out during the week but kept to Peterborough (lunch times may have been spent buying secret stashes of chocolate eggs).  I love the Guild Hall on Cathedral Square and the entertainment that surrounds it.  Today there were Gospel Rappers - just standing by the steps with their mics and concentrating on their messages.  They were brilliant, with every word so clearly heard.  

Also on the camera card - the Narnia lamp post!  Another image that hopefully will gradually be filled in as the sap rises and the leaves begin to unfurl once again.

At home, me and Coco have been on longer walks.  We have tried to go as far as we can comfortably as her medication is quite limiting, but I had to show you how she is at the end... shattered!!  She is a brave little thing and is coping so well.

Next week there will be loads on the camera card as London is calling!  Not sure where we will be going yet, we have got as far as Kings Cross on the train in our minds but we still have to agree on where we will be visiting.  I'll take you on the magical mystery tour next weekend!!

Can I also let you know about a Facebook Group called 'Authentic Bloggers' (the link is in my side bar).  This is a closed group to meet fellow bloggers and share information and advice.  I am new but so far I have loved every day getting to know people on different platforms.  See you on there!!

I also need to say a very very big, huge thank you for all the comments on my last post on the button heart.  For those who are going to have a go, Enjoy!!

Have a wonderful weekend and see you in London!!

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  1. Oh, to have the historic and beautiful architectural buildings to photograph! You lucky girl you.

  2. Beautiful photos! I actually thought those cadbury eggs were grapes when I first saw the picture. Delicious-looking either way...

  3. Aw! Coco is so darling! I love your photos today! I want eggs now.

  4. Chel, sweet little Coco is down for the count! Puppies are extra enduring when they are napping! :-) Those flowers are gorgeous! I've never had mini Cadbury eggs but I do partake in the chicken egg size ones. mmm

  5. Looking forward to the London jaunt!! Am having City withdrawal symptoms at the mo!! I wonder where you will take us?!! Have fun!! X

  6. Look at that sweet little Coco, she is a trooper! I too love those candy eggs. They are my favorite Easter candy! I haven't bought any yet, but rest assured, I will! Love the lamp post photos and look forward to the next one. Have a blessed and beautiful Sunday. Have fun in London!

    Hugs, Vicky

  7. Chel, I don't dare start buying the Cadbury mini eggs yet! They are my spring downfall and I hide them and eat every single one myself. Your photos of them are beautiful. Also, I love the Narnia lamppost with the sunset sky behind the tree. Sweet Coco. Oh my. She's adorable all flopped on the floor after her walk. Good girl. Have a wonderful time in London and I'll look forward to you photos next weekend. Blessings. Pam

  8. Dangerous those Cadbury mini eggs are for me I love them lol ! I love chocolate lol ! Yes chocolate and spring flowers how wonderful . Sweet Coca napping . Have a good time in London looking forward to seeing and hearing all about it here . Wonderful photos I am raiding the cupboards for chocolate now lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  9. I love the flowers and the chocolate eggs are so pretty! Coco is so adorable. I am looking forward to you London trip photos! Have a wonderful time in the city! Have a nice Sunday and week!

  10. Spring flowers and Cadbury's -- sweet and sweeter. We can't get the English Cadbury's over here :(.

  11. Chel, the Guild Hall is beautiful. Sweet little Coco. She looks exhausted. I love the Narnia lamp post photo. The composition and the colors are fantastic. Have fun in London.

  12. Right about now, I'm feeling a little like Coco. I like that sunset, the silhouetted tree, and the lamp. Enjoy the chocolate eggs.

  13. New to your blog and I am enjoying it tons (love the photos) and all that you share -- I'll be back..

  14. I so wish that we were hanging out in London together! But we will catch a cuppa together soon enough!!
    That puppy is gorgeous!!! And as for Spring... I can't wait for it!
    Much love,

  15. I know what you mean about the week going fast! I'm in the need of spring flowers too and have just picked up a sweet basket of hyacinth bulbs. I love your Narnia lamp against the bare trees and that sunset sky. Looking forward to your next London post!

  16. Time is really flying for all of us, I think, Chel. I want to send love and prayers to your Coco, she is precious. I look forward to your time and pictures in London...let me live vicariously through you!

    Jane xxx

  17. Flowers with anything = perfect, chocolate with anything = perfect, together, absolutely!

  18. Love the lamp post photo and also the lovely photo of Coco. I'm glad that she is coping well, long may it continue

  19. Spring flowers and chocolate, the perfect things to feel comfortable on a dreary day like this.

  20. Oh Coco! That photograph couldn't sum up 'shattered' any better! Hope she's recovered by now x Jane

  21. The photo of the flowers and mini eggs is beautiful - those spring colours are so uplifting. I'm trying my best to avoid Eastery things so far, so I'm ready for it when it comes, but those eggs are very tempting! The Narnia lamp photo captures a winter afternoon perfectly, and little Coco is very sweet. Hope you're having a good weekend :)
    Cathy x

  22. Love the photo of Coco - it says it all after a walk, doesn't it? I haven't had a Cadbury's mini egg yet - or a Creme Egg either!! I think I need to get that sorted this week! :o)

  23. Beautiful. Thanks for the smiles. Blessings

  24. Sweet little Coco, she does look worn out and hopefully bounced back later. I kinda feel the same way after walking these days but it's still the best and most fun way to get exercise - and fresh air!

    Love the pic of the glowing 'Narnia' lamp post and bare trees - winter evenings can be so beautiful
    Looking forward to your next London visit Chel.
    Love, Mary

  25. Mini eggs already? I haven't seen in the shops here yet. Hubby and I are trying to cut back on sweets so even if I saw them, I would have to leave them behind! Or maybe I could buy them for a Saturday night treat? Me thinks, yes!! Looking forward to seeing pics of your London trip ( I'll blog about our trip to a "castle" later today. Check it out!)

  26. Love that first photo!
    Cannot wait to see your photos from London! Enjoy!
    Happy Sunday xxx

  27. Oh wow, I don't know which photo I like the most, the flowers and one of my favourite choc treats, the beautiful building and lamp post or your lovely King Charles reminding me of my own much missed pet. I'm looking forward to your London trip x

  28. Hello Chel,
    Very nice shots!! Shot 3 and 4 are really great.
    A wonderful building and a beautiful light with amazing colors of the sky. Great how you've photographed it.

    Kind regards,

  29. Oh god I eep seeing those mini eggs in the shops and I love them but once I start eating them there's just no going back...

  30. I can almost smell the flowers...Have fun in London
    E xx

  31. Those Cadbury eggs do look delicious - and the street lamp in the setting sun is so pretty ... Coco is taking you out each evening to walk (I'd need a dog as well to keep me company during the walks :)

  32. Poor Coco being so worn out. I hope the meds keep working ok for her. I love the idea of you heading off at lunchtime to build a chocolate stash!! Mini eggs are so delicious aren't they! xx

  33. Hi again Chel, thank you for your comment on my blog, and sorry - I had no idea I am a 'no replies blogger'! I shall have to investigate, but bear with me as I've been on a learning curve with the technical side of blogging this year, and will get there in the end!
    Cathy x

  34. Oh no, the mini eggs!!! Love them.. must think about how I can sneak a bag into the shopping trolley unnoticed.

  35. Beautiful photos, pretty flowers and gorgeous chocolates, a lovely compilation Chel. I hoard Cadbury mini eggs, I adore them and can't bear it when they're gone, so I stockpile as many as I can!

  36. Coco looks so cute: she was so tired that she fell asleep and missed her pillow!

  37. The chocolate eggs do look beautiful, and I just love having Daffodils in the house.
    Amanda xx

  38. The chocolate eggs do look beautiful, and I just love having Daffodils in the house.
    Amanda xx

  39. Spring flowers and chocolates sound like the perfect way to get through a winter day. Looking forward to reading about your upcoming trip to London!

    1. And I meant to comment on the beautiful lamp post photo!

  40. Cocoa is absolutely gorgeous! I loved seeing these images....made me miss my time in Europe all those years ago...Beautiful images each and every one!

  41. Hi Chel :)

    Coco is absolutely darling! I'm a sucker for little dogs. I'm glad she's doing well on her medication. It's hard when your baby doesn't feel well.
    You have a beautiful blog and your pictures are lovely. The only problem is that now I want chocolate LOL


  42. FUN! Looking forward to the trip to London. :-))

  43. Your post was so lovely but I wish I'd never seen those Mini Eggs! :)

  44. Have just asked to join Authentic Bloggers. Thanks for the tip. Wonder where you will go from Kings X. Have you stopped by for coffee at Drink, Shop & Do? It's just round the corner from the station. Worth a visit.

  45. Enjoy your trip to London! I'm planning something to do with crochet and mini chocolate eggs. If it works out that is.

  46. I always enjoy stopping by here...I love your beautiful pictures and hearing of the wonderful places you go! And your sweet, little dog! So precious! Thank you for sharing your life and thoughts and blessing us all who visit your blog. God bless you in return!

  47. Hello, Chel
    Thank you so very much for coming to follow my blog!
    Oh! Your dog Coco is so precious. Such a sweet adorable face! Ah! The chocolate Cadbury eggs look scrumptious. I must go find some for myself! And the lamp post is so 'N a r n i a n' ...awesome! You are my armchair travel blog. Thanks for all of your intriguing photos.
    warm hugs
    Teresa in California

  48. Cadbury eggs with that crunchy outer linking, ooh yea! We enjoyed getting those in Canada when we were living there.
    Your photo of the tree and lamp post is stunning.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.


  49. Oops! I wanted to say, outer lining. :-)

  50. Hi Chel, for someone who only has a few photos on your photo card, you certainly know how to Wow us! That Narnia lamp post is simply stunning and of course, the lovely Guild Hall with its gorgeous windows and archways! I love the flowers and realistic little eggs, but my favorite photo today is your sweet little Coco. Oh, those little tired paws are too precious! I am looking forward to another trip to London with you! Hope your weekend is full of sweetness. Hugs xo Karen


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x