
Monday 19 January 2015

Hotch Potch Button Art - A Quick Valentine Ta Dah

It has been ages since I attempted any crafts and so with a quiet weekend and my car keys having a rest, out came the sewing basket and a few bits and pieces.  A little creativity to focus my mind after looking at map after map of my Grandad's research.  Buttons, fabric, cotton and an embroidery hook... what could I make while the Sunday roast was in the oven and filling the house with gorgeous smells?

I have seen lots of different creations just lately using embroidery hoops, lots of different ways to display art and create such tactile happiness.  I loved the buttons I had recently bought with lots of different patterns and different cream and pastel shades and knew exactly what I wanted to create.

With Valentines Day coming up and the fact that I love hearts (I have them everywhere!), I soon had the outline in place.  Valentines Day is not usually celebrated in our home, instead we have a certain Mr Teen's birthday and that quite rightly is forefront on our minds each year, but there is nothing wrong with having another heart to adorn our walls.

I can't tell you how happy this little project was making me feel.  So quick and easy, and so pretty.  I just had to have the touches of signature pink in there didn't I?! 

I loved my hotch potch of different buttons.  Flat, domed, raised, convex, concave, cream, white, pink, beige - a happy mix.

About an hour later the heart was filled with all of these gorgeous buttons.  The heart was fit to burst
and I had to stop - too much??

So, here we are - my first project for the year!  A nice simple one to fit in between writing and Sunday roast.  An hour very happily spent!

I hope you are enjoying your January and getting ready for your little Valentines preparations.

Have a wonderful week.

Take care.

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Sharing with Stephanie at the Roses of Inspiration Link Up Party, The Five Star Frugal Link Up2015 Spring Craft Blog Hop, and Tweak it Tuesday

The Enchanting Rose

My Pinterventures


  1. Chel, that is absolutely gorgeous. It's perfect! I love it. :o)

  2. Oh how I love this!!!! I have buttons...I think I will use/borrow your idea. Blessings

  3. Love it and no, not too much at all! Such beautiful buttons too. You may have inspired me to make something similar for Valentine's Day as well. Have a wonderful week my friend!

    Hugs, Vicky

  4. Hi Chel....
    That is simply adorable....perfectly perfect!
    Enjoy your week...
    Linda :o)

  5. That's so sweet, Chel. A perfect little heart of buttons for Valentine's Day. I love quick projects like this.

  6. That's really cute. So creative!

  7. This is so sweet! It took a bit of sewing work but I love the variety and texture of the buttons. Well done Chel!

  8. That is lovely Chel, and so simple. Simple is often best, isn't it?


  9. I kinda have a "thing" for buttons too. I still have the very old button jar started by my step mother (I keep it for sentimental reasons, really). That's very clever what you did with some of yours! You know I'm gonna have to totally steal this idea. *giggle* Maybe some in the shape of a butterfly? Thanks for the great idea. God bless. ~:)

  10. Very pretty project! The buttons are beautiful! I remember playing with my mother's button collection as a child.

  11. This is so pretty, you really have a wonderful collection of buttons. I would find a sweet spot to keep it out year round...maybe near a family photo?

    Jane xx

  12. How lovely! And what beautiful buttons!
    You must have been the most relaxed bunny on the street by the time you finished it :-)

  13. That is so pretty and clever! I love how it turned out. Anyone would love to receive a Valentine like this.

  14. It is beautiful!! I love it. I had plans for some valentines button art of my own, but couldn't get it to work, but now I know what I need to do thanks to you! Thank you for that, even though you didn't know! I totally love yours, the antique and different sorts of buttons are so pretty and the touch of pink really sets it all off. Beautiful!!! xx

  15. Oh Chel, you seem to have a collection of beautiful buttons and you have created a wonderful heart using some of them.
    Thank you for sharing this lovely idea!

  16. Chel, ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I love it! The pattern is very balanced and pleasing to look at.

  17. I'm in awe!! That is so beautiful.

  18. Hi Chel! I DO love Valentine's Day! I love the flowers and the chocolates and ALL the hearts! Your creation is gorgeous! Well done!

  19. What a beautiful array of buttons and so prettily arranged into a heart on that embroidery hoop!

  20. This looks like such a fun project and turned out great. I have old buttons in a jar, I should make a small heart with them. Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  21. I love this!!!! I love yours so much that I'm going to make one too! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. This is really pretty, and I love the mix of buttons - very effective :)
    Cathy x

  24. It's so pretty, my friend! I absolutely love it! I think I might have to dig through my old buttons and make a sweet little button heart.

    Thank you, dear Chel, for sharing at Roses of Inspiration. Happy week to you!

  25. Over here from Stephanie's link party --
    What a fun way to use such pretty buttons! Lovely little Valentine!

  26. Absolutely adorable! And a great way to use a hoop! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Oh Chel, this is absolutely beautiful. My mum had a large tin of buttons, I have a jar of them, I tried making a necklace once but it was a disaster! :-)

  28. Artistic and pretty! You are one multi-talented lady.

  29. It's beautiful, Chel. I can't believe you made it in an hour! x

  30. It's great Chel, I love the combination and the colour. Thanks for sharing
    Erna x

  31. I love your sweet valentine. And your buttons are amazing!

  32. Gorgeous, I love your little pop of pink in there! Great way to start the year off of your projects!

  33. Hello, This is just so pretty! I feel so inspired! I am always just drawn to buttons, pretty ones, vintage looking ones! I did put this on Pinterst! Blessings, Roxy

  34. Beautiful. This is so fun and I love buttons.
    Thank you for sharing.

  35. I love this-Oh so beautiful :)

  36. Oh dear Chel, I adore this sweet button heart!!!
    A perfect project with Valentines soon - I have a thing for buttons, especially vintage ones plus I have a heart theme going on in my house too!
    I would love to have more time to create - I'm currently working on a new collage for my giveaway and I'm really enjoying doing it!
    I've just joined your blog again - I'm sure I did so a long time ago!

  37. Dear Chel,
    that's very beautiful !! I love buttons!
    Greetings from Italy
    La Sportina

  38. That is so pretty and so easy and fast to do. I am going to try that one myself. Love those buttons you used and the pink ones are perfect in the heart. Love your blog and I will be back.

  39. Hi Chel, your button heart craft is so pretty made on the embroidery hoop! It's perfect for Valentines Day!

  40. This is just so pretty. It would make a wonderful wedding gift.
    Ali xx

  41. Very creative and pretty. Thanks for sharing in on the Spring Craft Blog Hop!

  42. Wow, that is beautiful!! You always have some extra buttons laying around and now I can use some of my leftover fabric, too!! Love it! #SCBH2015

  43. It's so cute, I love the designs on the buttons, and they add texture and detailing that make it even cuter.

    What a fun project...bonus that it was a quick one too.


  44. Chel, I love your buttons heart! So delicate looking. Thank you for sharing with us.

  45. Ooooo I love it Chel!! Gorgeous! Tammy x

  46. This is the cutest! Great for Valentine's Day decor.

  47. What a charming button heart.

  48. Hello Chel. This is just beautiful and I wonder if you'd do me the honour of sharing at my new Five Star Frugal Linkup? We're sharing ways to live elegantly for less, and I think this really fits the bill...Mimi xxx

  49. How beautiful and what a great idea! Love it! Happy weekend, Chel!

  50. That is just breathtaking! What a perfect Valentine's Day project. I love anything using bottoms.


  51. Like so many friends here, I need to rummage through my huge stash of buttons, it's been ages since I took time to create something pretty! Love what you made here Chel - and will be wishing your teen a happy birthday time on St. Valentine's Day.

    Hugs - Mary

  52. Love this... now I need to go out and buy some fancy buttons to make this. Thanks for sharing this at our Spring Crafts Blog Hop. Marlys @ This and That

  53. This is truly beautiful and so creative, Chel! Aren't buttons the loveliest things?!! Thank you for inspiring us today:). Blessings, Kelly-Anne

    1. Dear Chel, just wanted to say thank you for your sweet visit on my blog! My mother also celebrates her birthday on Valentine's Day:). Hugs to you! Kelly x

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Lovely Chel! I love hearts and buttons....the perfect mix! X

  56. Just popped over from Amy's blog. Love your heart hoop that inspired hers. Think I need to give this a go too.

  57. I hope to have sorted my no reply blogger problem, could you help me and check? thank you x

    1. Hi Selma, I've just emailed you and you are all sorted :-) Take care xx

  58. Oh I'm so glad I found this post. I love buttons and what a darling idea. I would have to use glue because I can't sew on a button. Beautiful!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x