
Tuesday 30 December 2014

A Review of 2014 at Sweetbriar Dreams


Winter has just blown through with an icy blast and the dark nights are tinged with a whitish glow from the snow settling to give an untouched carpet of glistening threads.  The cosy evenings have been spent curled up in my favourite chair looking back at 2014 and the smiles that it gave me. The photographic bounty that myself and Mumsy have collected over the year is worth more to me than any piece of jewelry.  Those memories that can instantly take you back to the places that have filled you with emotion and joy, the excitement of showing my two teens places that I have known and loved all my life, the discovery of going to places with them for the first time and then sharing these with you.  Yes, 2014 has been a good year, and in a way, one where I have learned much more about myself than previous years.
 Twelve months ago I chose 'Change' as my word for 2014, but what word could I choose for 2015?  Words have floated around my head for days now but three came to me and they filled my heart, 'Inspiration', 'Time' and 'Patience'.  I love to write but noticed in my recent blog writing that this wasn't coming through as I wanted it to.  Maybe because I am in such a rush so often with a full time job and the trials and tribulations of guiding two teenagers into adult life.  Sometimes as I write a blog post or thoughts in general, I am interrupted to the point of distraction, I need time and inspiration to create and my patience is tested.  At the end of a trying day, it is nice to have those moments to yourself where you can be, well, you.  How I would love to sit in a book lined study at a circular table filled with papers, notepads and pens, overlooking the garden and letting my creativity run onto pages, but sadly this is not my reality.  So, one of my goals for 2015 will be to create a little area just for me where I can shut myself away for just an hour per day to gather my thoughts, and plan our days out.
My main aim for 2014 was to keep teaching Miss Teen about the delights of London, letting her get the feel of the place.  My heart has obviously always belonged to Greenwich and the Isle of Dogs, however Miss Teen certainly felt more at home in Camden Town and the South Bank.  Mr Teen only came on one trip due to his start at College but with his visit to St Pauls he certainly made me climb further than I had before - to the very top!

There have been four outstanding moments though for me in 2014, things that will not be repeated and were real memory makers.

 Lunch and attending an installation into the House of Lords.  How I would have loved to have taken photo after photo in there, but there were security restrictions.  Memories of that day will always remain with me and my thoughts of my Grandad walking those very same corridors during the War, but not as a Lord of course! (memories of the day can be read here)
♥ Visiting the Archbishop of York's Palace, Bishopsthorpe, back in July (my post on this day is here).
♥ Visiting the Tower's poppy installation, hearing my ancestor's name being read at sunset and then receiving a poppy. (My posts were here and here on this truly once in a lifetime event)
And then of course one of my happy days in work where I climbed the scaffolding on Peterborough Cathedral! (my dizzy heights were written about here)
This year I took many many photos!!  However my favourite photo of the year?  Well it had to be these two sharing a joke outside Buckingham Palace!
Crafting has taken a back seat this year unfortunately, I really must make more time for this!
 However the writing continues for my Grandad's book, there is a lot more to do and maybe to spur me along, I need to include this more in my blog writing.

So, to my lovely Readers, a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.  Thank you so much for following me along my journey this year and joining me on my days out.  Your support and comments have been so special to me along with the friendships built up as we follow each other along the way.  Here's to a fantastic 2015!

Oh, and my word for 2015, encompassing 'Inspiration, Time and Patience'... "BALANCE"... 2015 will be my see saw year where I try to balance those three words.

Take care.

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  1. I hope you do find that special place where you can set aside pens and notebook and take time for yourself. Nearly impossible with a young family, but perhaps. Your photos are, as always, gorgeous. I'm sure that if I lived in your country I would never stay home. LOL It was -25 C. at our house this morning, but a great fire in the stove and lots of projects keep me contented to stay in the house.

    Have a wonderful week and Happy 2015.

  2. It's been lovely following you along this year. I hope you find a space of your own to enjoy some me time and time to create more amazing blog posts . I never realized you had a word for the year. I found this really inspiring and has got me thinking. Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year.
    Ali xx

  3. Oh Chel...I loved this post. You are such a lovely writer and photographer. I so enjoy my visits here and am always excited to see a new post up. I hope you are able to acheive the balance you are striving for. I have been trying to decide on my new word for the year as well, but haven't made up my mind. Soon...:) Have a lovely week my friend.

    Blessings, Vicky

  4. What a wonderful round up of the last year, I loved reading this post.

    A very happy new year to you and yours!


  5. Hello Chel, your photos throughout the year have been just fabulous! My son is now 22 and is buyin a house of his own, so I am missing the teenage years, enjoy them.. I wish you all the best in 2015! A happy & healthy New Year!

  6. I've enjoyed reading all your posts, Chel, and looking at all your beautiful photos. Here's to a happy & healthy 2015! :o)

  7. Hi Chel. I always enjoy my visits here and all your wonderful tours of England and London. It's a learning experience for me and like an armchair traveler, you take me to places I'd never see. I think 'balance' is a good word for the year 2015. I wish you and yours all the best in the new year. Blessings. Pam

  8. Well, you've certainly packed a lot into the year, and I've enjoyed following along. With very best wishes for a happy, healthy and balanced 2015!

  9. Hello Chel. I just enjoyed your tour of England! May you have a wonderful and blessed New Year!
    I am still praying about a word for 2015...
    Blessings, Roxy

  10. What a lovely post, Chel. A vibrant life well lived in 2014. So glad you shared a glimpse of it all in this one post. Liked your thought about these photographic memories being more treasure than any jewel.

    Enjoyed reading about your thoughts for 2015 and your 'dream' of a booklined room with a circular desk and lots of paper and pens on it. That's a lovely dream. Hope you can carve a space and place that gives you the same pleasure in your 'real' life.

    Here's wishing you a very Happy New Year,

  11. I like it friend! I think that focusing on all of those words is such a great way to start the new year! You are so right on finding that balance and inspiration in all that we do. Wishing you a blessed New Year friend! Nicole xo

  12. Fab photo collections and nice recap! Here's to more great adventures, and awesome photos, in 2015!

  13. Balance is a great word Chel! It encompasses so many things. I always come away from your blog feeling as though I have just returned from a fabulous trip. Love the photos and history that you share! The little trickster photo is fabulous!

  14. A lovely walk down the memory lane of 2014, Chel! I am so glad to have shared this journey with you across space and time! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your fabulous corner of the world. You have taken us on some lovely excursions and shared your home and family in such a welcoming way. Wishing you and your loved ones the very best that 2015 has to offer and many more wonderful adventures! hugs xo Karen

  15. Happy New Year and I hope that you succeed in your balancing act.

  16. Life is generally a balancing act every year! Hope 2015 is good for you. Happy New Year.

  17. I loved reading your adventures of 2014 and hope to continue this in 2015.
    Wish you success with the balancing act, I think life is one long balancing act, and a Healthy and Happy New Year.

  18. A beautiful post full of happy memories and gorgeous photos. Balance is indeed a good word for 2015. Happy New Year!

  19. I hope that your New Year will be wonderful! Best wishes for all good things in 2015 to you and yours! I hope that you have a great year of balance in your life and in all things. xx

  20. 2015 blessings to you and yours, Chel. May you find the balance you seek and that little piece of quiet where you can gather your thoughts and dreams each day. I haven't blogged in a year - mainly for the same reasons you find it so hard, but I plan a colourful year much like the one you had in 2014, and feel I may need to share it with the world like you do so eloquently each and every time. Thank-you for sharing your adventures. I look forward to many more in 2015! Hugs to all!

  21. A very Happy New Year for you and your family. Thanks for sharing 2014 with us. I love your photos ( especially the poppy onnes ). They make me feel a little homesick, I was bor n in the wrong country :)
    Hugs and a wonderful evening from Amsterdam
    P.s. I love the 2015 word .

  22. I wish you all the best with that Chel, Happy new Year! X

  23. Happy New Year to you! You really do have a lovely blog. I am glad I found you. x

  24. A great year Chel. Happy New Year.

  25. Happy New Year, Chel. I always enjoy your posts, whether you are out and about exploring your beautiful country, creating or gardening. I wish you much joy in 2015 as you Balance through the year.

  26. I just adore watching your pictures! "Balance" is such a great word... I could choose that one as well!

  27. Oops, forgot: Best wishes for the New Year!

  28. Wonderful pics, thanks for sharing! Wishing you lots of luck, health and creative hours in 2015, Happy New Year!!
    All the best, Nata xxx

  29. How, I love and adore England! Every last detail. Every beautiful picture. And that poppy installation made me cry. You may or may not know that I am a huge, HUGE fan of Churchill and have read everything I can about him including his speeches. And when I see those poppies, I cannot contain myself. Thinking of all the lives lost. The sacrifices made. I read something fascinating recently about the British pilots who trained in Florida under the Lend Lease program (prior to America's entry into the war and permissible under the neutrality legislation that Congress enacted post WWI). After years of war rations, these young British aviators often made themselves sick on arriving in Florida where they had such plenty for breakfast: eggs, butter, bacon, sausage, toast, biscuits ( what in England would be rolls or scones), jelly, and lots and lots of fresh orange juice. I have a friend, now deceased, who entertained many of those young pilots during their stay. She told me they did everything in their power to make their stay as hospitable as possible. She was the quintessential hostess, too. And she said, with tears in her eyes, that they didn't know what happened to a lot of the boys and were often distressed to hear how many of them went down in their planes. I wish she had lived long enough to see this memorial as I feel she contributed to the war efforts in England.

    I am still waiting to hear from my friend about the areas she hopes to visit.

    Love to you, Chel, and all good wishes for a Happy 2015!


    Sheila :-)

  30. This post was beautiful, I love both your writing talent and your photos! :)

  31. Lovely post. Thanks for reminding me where we met on here, it was Peterborough Cathedral haha, thanks for looking me up this year, it was worth it to see your work.
    Your post puts into perspective how difficult the time constraints of life can be. I know my output is comparatively small with issues I have to deal with away from here.
    Best wishes for the New Year to you and your family.

  32. Happy New Year- I enjoyed your year end review!

  33. Happy new year to you, what a busy year you had last year, I hope you balance this year!

  34. I'm so glad I met you, even though it was recently and I've missed so much of the events in your life this past year. Your pictures do tell a story, you've had some great times! And your feelings and prospects...very much like my own. Balance is a perfect word, if you seek it, you will find it, I'm sure.

    Thank you for your visits, Chel! And a very Happy New Year to you!

    Jane x

  35. Wow Chel - you should take photos for the London tourist board - that first montage is begging to be made in to a calendar! You've packed such a lot into your year - no wonder your crafting has taken a bit of a back seat! I look forward to seeing some crafty ventures appearing over the next year! A wonderful new year to you and your family x Jane

  36. Such a lovely review of your year in photos, Chel! Your word Balance sounds like a very good choice, I look forward of following where the word is going to take you ... I have chosen Simplify - Let's keep up with one another's journey with our words!

  37. Balance....I really like that word. I'm still trying to decide on one. And I've loved all of your photos this year. My favorite might have been one of those with the Santas from a couple of weeks ago. Happy New year my friend! I've enjoyed each and every photo you've shared and would love for you to write more in the coming year. Sweet hugs, Diane


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x