
Friday 2 January 2015

Blowing Away the Cobwebs

For my first post of 2015 I am sweeping you away on a very windy walk.  This is a local walk near Cowbit that myself and Mr Teen regularly frequent and due to the fact that I had a fall on the ice last week, I just needed to be local.  With me just beginning to feel a little more human again (the fact that the ice has also melted has helped enormously!), with bruises beginning to heal and a headache finally beginning to subside, off we went to brave the elements and blow those cobwebs away.
Getting out of the car was a triumph in itself!  Let me explain, the place where we park is up on a bank which stretches a few miles.  This bank is one of many flood defenses in the Fens and stops the flooded areas reaching others (the bank is to the right of the shot below).  The wind whips up a storm on these wintry days so when we opened my car's doors the air practically popped our ears!
"It will be better when we get down the bank", I shouted to Mr Teen, bless him, he believed me!  Yes,it was slightly better but as we came away from the bank wall the incessant cold icy blast dug dip into our ears and stung our cheeks.  However, this was our first walk of 2015 and we battled on.
The camera was held up on a few occasions only to be knocked back or to the side, however that's half the fun isn't it?  Unfortunately the gloves weren't on as they were hanging on the washing line to dry (an unfortunate incident with cleaning up after Coco (my dog) last night when going for a short walk!), so my hands were blue with cold.
I wondered if these dog walkers on the opposite bank had the same problem?!
Now, here in the flat landscape of the Fens in Lincolnshire, we have thousands of acres of sky, and to witness this ever changing canvas is always wonderful and breathtaking.
The silhouetted landscape against the enormous sky was a joy to capture and my fingers were ready to fall off, but it was worth it.
 I couldn't take my eyes off it.
The wind was so strong that even after a couple of seconds, the whole sky changed.  On the ground the grasses all danced madly with the sunlight making their fluffy tails glisten.
Then another gust of wind and the grass that usually stands so tall and proud were practically laying horizontal.
The howling wind sang tunes to us while we stood on the bridge and watched briefly the river below us creating large ripples in the water.  Dog walkers and cyclists passed us by, all looking as frozen as us today.  No idle chit chat that we usually have during the summer months.  
So many different directions we could have taken, but we needed warmth, we needed to be away from this icy blast.
Only one thing for it, to get back to the car and walk past fences with no real purpose.
So, home to a very welcome hot cup of coffee and a slow thaw.  No doubt we will be back here again soon, but it will probably be a little warmer!
The wind settled down when it was time for Coco's walk this evening (which passed without 'incident') and the gloves are beautifully clean.

Wishing you all a wonderful first weekend of 2015!

Take care.

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This week I am sharing with:


  1. Dear Chel, wishing you a wonderful 2015.
    These photo's are beautiful. The sky's are fantastic. yvonne

  2. Chel, your pictures are breathtaking! I would love to visit there one day. So beautiful! Happy New Year!

  3. Chel, I am so sorry you fell and were injured! Boy, do I understand that! And I am glad you were feeling better for your walk and that your headache subsided and the weather cooperated.

    Loved seeing all these shots.

    Stay warm and well!

    Happy New Year again!


    Sheila :-)

  4. Hi Chel, wow the photos are amazing! It is so pretty where you live and I love the sky photos. It's so nice you and your son went for a nice drive and walk together. I hope Coco is OK and you too from that fall! Thanks for sharing the nice photos. Wishing you all the best for a happy and healthy new year.

  5. I love the way you write Chel! I'm telling you, you shoud write books. You have such a way with words. Lovely photos, but I can almost feel the cold. I'm sure you enjoyed the time with your son though. Is he gone back to school yet? Have a happy weekend!

    Blessings, Vicky

  6. Glad your feeling better ! Wonderful photos and post , Oh I do like that colour of pink of the mittens reminds me of the mittens my mum knitted for me when I was little lol ! It is cold and damp here and I cant stand it lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  7. Great shots! I especially like the picture of the gloves. It's amazing how a simple thing can turn out to be such a great image. Happy 2015! I wish you a wonderful year ahead.

  8. It sure was blowing things sideways! What a cold gusty day....but such beautiful photos. I love those in landscape mode. We hiked yesterday but it wasn't cold here. I don't know how long I would have made it in a cold wind. Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. Dearest Chel, your photos are breathtaking! The first one is simply beautiful with the grass blowing - I could almost feel the chilly wind....

    Happy New Year, sweet friend. May your year be full of sweet joy and precious blessings. Hugs to you!

  10. HNY!!!

    All of your photos are amazing, but those of the grass have my heart! I can almost feel the fresh breeze wafting through the dried grasses....and hear the rustling of the stems.


  11. What a wild walk for the first one of the year! I could almost 'taste' the fresh air!

  12. Chel, your photos are amazing, I have to say...
    I especially like your clouds... Do stay warm dear girl!! We don't need your fingers falling off!
    Happy First weekend of the new year!
    Tammy x

  13. Thank you for taking us on your beautiful and windy walk, Chel! I could practically feel the icy sting against my skin and I'll bet you had some nice rosy cheeks to show for it, too! Your photos are breathtaking - that gorgeous sky is amazing! So nice to have your son along for company, too. I miss those walks with my sons - now that they are grown and married. Glad to hear you are recovering from your little fall, too. Keep cozy my friend. Hugs, xo Karen

  14. Even reading the post and seeing the photos makes me shivery cold. Brrrr. Wind like that drives to the bone. I'm glad you're feeling better after your fall. That's no fun at all.

  15. Ah, the Fens in a high wind - I know the feeling all too well! Your photos capture the beauty of the ever-changing skies. Who says flat landscapes are boring?

  16. Gorgeous photos Chel, So great to get out, to drink in natures beauty and fill your lungs with fresh air.
    Happy New Year
    Jacquie x

  17. What a fabulous walk!! Your sky photos are stunning!!!!!!! It is great to get out and about isn't it, but no more slipping over now please! xx

  18. The wind has been wild and bitingly cold hasn't it? Without the wind it would have been almost pleasant.

  19. A wonderful walk, with stunning images. I felt the need to wrap up warm.

  20. We have a lot of wind as well today... I wasn't sure I'd go for a walk, but if you survived... I shall too!

  21. I'm sorry about your fall...beautiful pictures.

  22. Wonderful windswept photos, Chel! Well done for standing upright! I went for my first outing in THREE WEEKS as I was getting cabin fever, still wobbly on pins but it did me good to get out into the fresh air.I ope you have recovered from your fall - it is my one fear, slipping over on the ice, always has been, I visualise myself with a fractured hip, in hospital, shouting for a bedpan that never comes! Anyway, Happy New Year to you and yours! lxx

  23. Brr... the cold I can handle, but the wind makes it brutal to be out! I'm glad you finally thawed- I bet a cosy cup of tea helped with that. I hope I can convince my boys to still walk with me when they are older. At this point, they'll still walk AND hold my hand, but I know this time will pass eventually. I hope all the soreness has left your body, too, and you are ready for another adventure soon. Take care, Chel. (PS I started blogging again!)

  24. Brrrrr. I can feel the icy blast through your pictures. Take care x

  25. What great shots showing the blowing wind. I love your pink gloves on the line!

  26. Oh hope you are well and truly recovered from your fall. Your walk sounded very refreshing, no cobwebs left after that stroll.
    The photos with the light streaming through the clouds are beautiful. I'm glad I could stay warm to enjoy them :)
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Ali xx

  27. Oh, my goodness that looks a cold walk. I remember those bleak fenland landscapes and huge skies from when we used to live nearby. So sorry to hear of your fall in the icy conditions and do hope that you continue to recover and all those bruises disappear. Wishing you all the best for 2015:)

  28. Your landscape is so different from ours Chel but so beautiful too. Happy new year!

  29. What a lovely post Chel, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Your great photos brought back memories as I was born and bred in Peterborough, I remember what the fens are like on a windy day!
    Glad you're recovering well.

  30. Sorry to hear you fell and hurt yourself, Chel. I hope you continue to heal well. :o)

  31. What a wonderful walk, lovely photos! The land looks very flat, and I love the big skies. I hope the bruises heal soon x

  32. What a lovely walk and great shots. Hope the bruises heal soon though.

  33. Nice walk even though it sounded very cold, fresh faces and lungs full of fresh air is all good, love the open sky's..
    Amanda xx

  34. Hello,
    I am sorry you fell on the ice. Hope you are well soon.
    We have it really cold here in Wisconsin today. Nasty cold wind chill, that makes it awful to get outside.
    I love that you ventured out and braved the wind. You sound like me. :-)
    Looking forward to 2015 with you.

  35. Beautiful photo shots Chel as always my dear friend. =0)

  36. Great shots ...I really like those moody skies and your pink gloves!! Having had a couple of those same 'accidents' while cleaning up after my own dogs, I ended up getting a couple of pairs of gloves :-)

  37. Oh what chilly fingers. I know the feeling well, although I have taken to leaving a pair of fingerless gloves in the car, just in case.

  38. Beautiful photos Chel, and a very happy 2015...

  39. I'm sorry to hear about your fall - I hope you're fully recovered now. The Fens are so cold. That icy wind is ruthless. The skies are amazing though. Happy new year!

  40. Beautiful photos, Chel, as always. I hope your bruises are healing now. We had snow here in Shropshire on Boxing Day but it melted overnight, leaving us all very disappointed. Take care. x

  41. Chel, these gorgeous wintry scenes are breathtaking - look how the horizontal grasses almost appear 'woven' like a fence, beautiful. You really have a great eye for capturing the awesome beauty of nature.
    So sorry to hear of your recent fall, hope by now you are doing much better dear. Do take care out there on England's cold winter days.
    Happy, healthy new year to you and your family.
    Hugs - Mary

  42. Chel, so sorry to hear you started the new year with a fall. Glad you are recovering! I love that Mr. Teen accompanies you on your walks. My teen always would rather be with his friends, unless of course, Mom's got her wallet out, LOL! Beautiful photos, as always, and I can see why it was worth freezing fingers to take those shots!

  43. A totally engaging photographic post from start to finish. You have made maximum use of the sky and clouds considering your local landscape is so flat. Special mention for the grasses, the images were spectacular.


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