
Saturday 27 December 2014

A Late White Christmas

With the mildness of the winter so far, the last thing I expected was to see snow on Boxing Day!  It would have been amazing to have seen this 24 hours earlier, but I can live with it being a little late.  Mr Teen was acting like a toddler once again and shouting out that it was settling but I just let him believe that... until I went out in my pyjamas to put the rubbish out and was met by the crisp, white, untouched snow!
The flakes were huge as they fell from the night sky, reminding me of little angels fluttering down to earth.  Just a couple of minutes outside and we were soaked through!
I couldn't wait to get in the garden first thing in the morning and kept hoping that there wasn't going to be a thaw (for once I was not working and having to drive out of the village with ungritted roads!!).  A certain little Cavalier wanted to be first to make her mark!
For a little dog that absolutely hates rain, Coco certainly loves sniffing around.  Her medication was kicking in, so I suppose she didn't mind too much this morning.
With the camera settings on macro (I couldn't torture you with photos of the whole garden - it's depressing at this time of year!), I set about capturing the cold icy structures that had formed on the everyday objects.  I love how the individual flakes group together to form such a solid mass.
The garden broom wore jewels of ice with fluffy undertones of snow.
The garden gate had shielded the drive from the drifts of snow being blown by a strong cold wind.
The little pile of sticks and logs for the insect hotel are hopefully keeping the guests warm and dry from the elements.
There will be no washing on the line today!
The tiles on the roof were showing signs of good insulation!  Phew!!
On the floor a little Robin Red Breast was searching for some seed that had been scattered on the garden for its lunch.  A certain Cavalier's heavy footprints did not make the seed easy to find!
Also a certain Mr Teen was rather eager to throw the first snowball - apparently the snow was just the right texture and consistency according to the expert!
The winter pansies have taken their own battering.
The ice hanging from the rotary washing line was my favourite though, looking like the surface of the moon.
The thaw was beginning though and the branches of the trees were gladly letting the extra weight from their limbs fall like sap around them.
But now it was time to dry out and warm up a certain Coco who had worn herself out!
As I looked at the heart shaped snow on one of the branches, I realised just how much I love this type of weather, especially when I don't have to go out!
And so, the candle is about to be blown out on 2014 and my last blog post of the year.  It has been a year of learning more about myself as I put my blog posts together  and I am so very grateful that you have come along and supported me along the way. 
I do hope that your celebrations go well, no matter what you are doing and I wish you all a very...


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  1. How wonderful to get snow, even if it wasn't on the big day. Nice photos!

  2. Lovely photos Chel, overhere in Amsterdam just a little wet snow and rain. Thanks for following me.
    Hope to see you next year. Have a wonderful New Years Eve

  3. Lovely photos ! We are still snowless here in South western Ontario Canada which is a first in our weather history . It is 9°C or 48°F and raining still lots of green if we don't get snow soon we may have to cut the grass lol ! Glad you all had a wonderful Christmas . Wishing you all a Happy New Year !

  4. No snow at all down here in the deep south!
    I've really enjoyed following your adventures in 2014 and wish you all the best for the coming year.
    Take care.

  5. On what fun it is to play in a winter wonderland, hey! Our weather has been mild but it started to gently snow late in the afternoon on Christmas Day. It was so pretty.

    Lovely photos... thanks for sharing!

  6. Your snow pictures are mesmorizing, dear Chel. Such beauty and pureness. We got snow yesterday and a little on Christmas Day which was a delight.

    Happy New Year, sweet friend! Hugs to you!

  7. Your snow photos are amazing! How exciting and glad you don't have to drive around in the snow. We have not had any snow yet! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
    Hugs Julie

  8. Enjoy your snow! Wishing you a very happy new year. Your blog is delightful and brings back fond memories for me of the 5 years I lived in England.

  9. I had seen on the news that Europe is suppose to get upwards of 16 inches. Lovely photos..thanks for the smiles! (and no snow here in upstate New York, suppose to next week though.) Blessings

  10. Wonderful photos! You have quite a bit of snow. It is completely green over here!

  11. Hail storms in Devon, but no snow. It's about to get much colder though, brrrr.
    A very Happy New Year to you too Chel!

  12. That snowball looks perfect! It sounded like you all had a great day. Happy New Year to you and yours Chel. Until next year, my dear. Christa

  13. Oh, Snow! How lovely for you. Sounds like you had a wonderful time enjoying the snow. That little robin in the snow is the sweetest. Great photo. Enjoy the rest of the year!

  14. Chel...I'm enamored by the pics of Coco, the robin and the frozen little pansies above all! Kudos to you for stepping out and capturing these treasures!

    No snow here in Chicago yet. Very odd indeed!

    Jane x

  15. A great way to end the year, Chel! Wishing you more snowy days when you don't have to go anywhere, and a happy new year, too!

  16. Well, who would have thought it after being so mild all winter so far. We are putting extra food out for the birds who must struggle a bit when it snows - a good ending to a good year - happy new year Chel.

  17. So nice to end the year with really cold weather and some snow, as you say when we don't need to go to work or other things to go out. We have the same weather here, snow yesterday and tonight it has been freezing. It was very slippery this morning on my walk with Snarf, we left the car in the garage.
    You made some wonderful pictures in your garden and Coco steals the show.
    Wish you some lovely end of the year days and all the best for 2015!

  18. Good to see Coco out and about. You seen to have had more snow that we have,

  19. You did better than us! We have had only one snow storm this year, and Christmas was green. Packing snow is what we call wet snow here. Although my kids used to call it "stacking snow" because that's when we could stack the balls up for a snowman! Coco is a cutie ;) Wendy x

  20. Beautiful photos Chel! A white day after Christmas is better than none...:) Hope you and your family have a bright and blessed New Year's! Looking forward to 2015!

    Hugs, Vicky

  21. That robin picture would be a great Christmas card next year! I'm still waiting for snow here in the south west x

  22. I love the robin picture!!!! My toes are cold just looking at all of your photos. LIttle Coco is so cute. Nothing like getting to romp outside, even if it is cold.

    Thanks for visiting me!

  23. The snow has been so beautiful hasn't it?! Lovely collection of photos.

    Happy New Year!

  24. How magic, I haven't seen any here yet. It's so lovely to look out from a warm house! Thank you for reminding me about macro, your pictures are great. Coco is a love. Have a good new year! X

  25. Oh my! You gave me a photo of the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square in that last post and now, you show me an English robin! (Sorry, but we have an American robin too, so that is how I must call it.) Thank you! Lovely snowy pictures!!

  26. It has been very odd weather for Christmas in Canada, so warm you can be outside in a light sweater and not a flake of snow in sight. Happy New Year!

  27. Lovely to see Coco traipsing about the garden. We did not get any snow, which is perfectly ok with me. But yours is wonderful to see. I have loved getting to know you this year and look forward to 2015 and see where you go. Happy New Year!

  28. We had snow too, fab robin picture you have there. Happy New Year Chel. Love from Jo at Three Stories High.xx

  29. Beautiful photos. I wish we'd had some of that snow particularly as I bought a sled last year and still haven't had a chance to use it! Hope you're feeling better after your tumble. Happy New Year! xx

  30. Some lovely snowy scenes. We hardly ever have a white christmas which is okay by me. Tiny flakes are falling today though and starting to get larger as I just looked out the window. Happy New Year to you too.

  31. Hi Chel,
    Such a lovely surprise - I love your images ... The macro of the snow, and your sweetest Coco!
    I hope you have enjoyed the holidays, wishing you a Happy New Year! So happy having found you here in this great blog space - I have been not so much online in December, but have been following you via Feedly :-)

  32. The snow was scheduled for the next day in France and I was worried because I was travelling, but I was fortunate and it only snowed in the East. Seeing your pictures, I kind of regret it! Happy New Year!

  33. I loved seeing the detail in your photos. The robin pic looks perfect for next years Christmas card. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog year and going out on virtual trips with you this year, thanks so much for sharing Best wishes to you and your family for 2015.
    Ali xx

  34. Love the shot of the robin - we've just had a very light bit of snow here and heavy frosts so it hasn't been too bad.

  35. Hi Chel, thank you for visiting my blog :) This is my first visit to yours, and I love your gorgeous snowy pictures. We haven't had any snow here yet, but are hoping for a sprinkling. Your little dog looks very sweet exploring the snow - hope her paws weren't too cold!
    Cathy x

  36. Such beautiful, snowy pictures, Chel - that first snowfall is so wonderful, isn't it? Except when you fall and land on your head, my Dear. Sending you best wishes for healing all those nasty aches and pains and please do take care, my friend. Your little Coco is just a doll. I'm sure he is a good cuddler, too. xo Karen

  37. It is good to hear from you Chel. I love your pooch. It looks quite cold there in England. Have a Happy New Year!

  38. Beautiful snowy photos - I'm jealous - we've had no snow at all yet this winter. I hope you're having a lovely Christmas.

  39. Gorgeous photos of the snow and I love the little falling angels! We had loads of snow on boxing day but most of it's gone and what's left is frozen solid! x


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