
Wednesday 24 December 2014

The Night Before Christmas

Last week was a whirlwind of frenzied madness.  With work being particularly busy at this time of year, the tiredness and sore feet were coupled with the sudden panic that I was no where near ready for my own Christmas.  Hence no blog post last weekend - panic knocked at my door and stirred up all sorts with my mind and body and I just couldn't put fingers to keys, let alone eye to lens.  However, time to think positive now the day has come - Christmas Eve!!  All the weeks of planning are finished and now it is time to put those plans into action.  Decorations adorn the home, cards have been posted, food is filling the shelves of the fridge and cupboards and the parcels are waiting patiently to be opened tomorrow morning.  Yes, the mind became focussed and the body was determined.  All the little boxes in my mind started to light up and shine their way.
Nigella's book has come off the shelf and her gammon and chipolata recipes are now being cooked in the kitchen and giving a wonderful Christmas smell (I can't recommend these enough).  These two recipes are now favourites for my home and other family members and as soon as they are being cooked everyone flocks to the kitchen just hoping for a taste before they are wrapped up to be eaten on Boxing Day, especially the Teens!
Now, on the subject of Teenagers I have found that there is absolutely no hiding place for presents and so they have been placed under the tree.  BIG MISTAKE, HUGE as the wonderful Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman!  My two teens are very curious, as most are, and I found out the other day that Mr Teen has an app that can work out if there is an electrical item beneath the neat wrapping of a present.  Yes, he worked out he has a new phone just by hovering his old phone over it.  He couldn't tell which one, so my harsh words to him were "don't get your hopes up as I can guarantee you will be disappointed!"  (He doesn't read my blog so I can safely say he will be delighted!!), but this surprise has been discovered.  Kids hey!
With work now finished for a couple of weeks, my last hour in Peterborough before I set off home was to take a couple of photos for you.  Of course the front of the Cathedral had to be captured, with its Christmas Tree by the newly designed path to the entrance.
And the view from the Norman Arch towards Cathedral Square and the small temporary market.
Only a couple of photos out and about as I just didn't have any time, but you know me by now and I will take you out and about again soon.  

So, now for a brief sit down and a cup of coffee as I look around to see what else needs to be done.  The chestnuts are not on an open fire but in the oven getting ready to be peeled and married with the brussels sprouts and bacon tomorrow...
... the fragrant pot pourri bought from Sandringham a few weeks ago is now dotted around the house...
... the timeless Jester is smiling on the tree...
... the Christmas corner is looking very festive both in the mornings and afternoons...
... and the glasses are now all ready for tomorrow's feast!
Time now to wish you all a very Merry Christmas/Hannukah and a Happy New Year.  I hope all your well laid out plans come to fruition, and hopefully some of you will have a wonderful white Christmas!!
Thank you so much for reading and following my little corner of Blogland this year.  You have all made it so special.

Take care.

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  1. It's all looking lovely Chel - have a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Lovely post! and your teen cleverly looking for their phone had me laughing out loud!

  3. Hey Chel - it's all looking lovely in your home. Have a wonderful Christmas, all the very best for the New Year - and thanks for all your support!

  4. I hope you and yours have a very Happy Christmas.


  5. Your home looks beautiful! I enjoyed looking at everything! Wishing you and the family a Merry Christmas and a Hsppy New Year! Hugs
    Julie from across the pond.

  6. Such a shame people feel so much under pressure preparing for just one day. Relax now and have a Happy Christmas

  7. Everything looks lovely Chel! Christmas has a way of taking forever to get here and then fly by so quickly once it finally arrives. I have truly tried to enjoy every aspect of it this year and find extraordinary in the ordinary. I wish you and yours a bright and beautiful Christmas. If you would please send me your address again as I thought I had saved it, but cannot put my finger on it. It will be late, but I had a card to send you. Thanks!

    Blessings, Vicky

  8. An app to detect electronic presents. What will they think of next? I have a dog that likes to unwrap presents before the appointed hour and they are not his presents. Not helpful when it isn't camouflaged inside another box. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

  9. Lovely post.. wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas :o) x

  10. An app! How about that! I wonder if my son knows about this? Nah, better not tell him, lol.Beautiful post, MERRY CHRISTMAS CHEL!

  11. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Chel!

    1. Forgot,........ Beautiful photos my friend as always ♥

  12. Wishing you all a Happy Christmas. Hope the phone has an app to do the washing-up tomorrow. That photo of the glass is a stunner.

  13. Wishing you and yours a Very Happy Christmas, Chel! Have a fun time X

  14. Beautiful photos! Happy Christmas to you and your family!

  15. A lovely post Chel. Have a very Happy Christmas! xx Pamela

  16. Ahhh Christmas Eve... your home looks lovely, hope you have a wonderful time :)x

  17. Merry Christmas, Chel! Have a relaxed holiday! Who am I kidding? Just have fun!

  18. How beautiful and festive your home looks.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Sweet blessings, Debbie

  19. Your living room looks so cozy with that beautiful fireplace! Merry Christmas sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

  20. That is looking so cozy! I love that cookbook of Nigella's!
    Merry Christmas!

  21. We wish you a Merry Christmas! !
    I pray a lot of "happiness".
    And for the children of the world. . . .

  22. Beautiful post and images, Chel! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  23. Yeah, it's hard to stay ahead of kids these days. : -) A 12 year old was here last night and when a question came up, she was bemoaning the fact that she couldn't look up the answer because her phone was broken. It would never occur to her that she could possibly find the answer in a book or encyclopedia. Lol. Thanks for the lovely images. So many beautiful cathedrals to see in your country. Have a very merry Christmas, Chel.

  24. Thank you so much for all of your beautiful photographs and blog posts over the year.
    I look forward to them and enjoy each and every one, thank you for letting us peep in on your lives.
    I wish you a very Happy Christmas and hope that the New Year brings all you are hoping for.
    Love from Pam in Texas.xx

  25. Merry Christmas, we always roast chestnuts on Christmas
    I love that Joy wrapping paper.
    Wishing you Love, Happiness and good health for 2015

  26. Merry Christmas, Chel! We've had a quieter Christmas day this year, with the children and their families celebrating at "the other side of the family." We did have dinner at our son's place with his in-laws - so glad we all get along. Then a lovely long walk, and now some quiet time in front of the fire before I start preparing for the Boxing Day feast we'll be having. That's when the gifts will be opened, too, with all the children and grandchildren here. 11 of us!
    I hope you've been able to enjoy the day and put your feet up now and relax!

  27. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Your post is chock full of special photos!

  28. Yum, dinner at your place sounds delicious. Merry Xmas

  29. What lovely photos - I'm so glad I found your blog! Hope you had a very happy Christmas Day xx

  30. Chel, this is so lovely! I adore your Christmas decor. :-)

    I'm not sure if you ever got my message or not. I sent it to the address you listed. I might try again after Christmas when things slow down a bit.

    Wishing you and yours the blessings of the season. I'm a day late, but I hope your Christmas was a jolly one!

    Love from across the pond,

    Sheila :-)

  31. Merry Christmas Chel and all the best for 2015! your fireplace and tree looks so festive, enjoy. X

  32. Lovely developing homely post, must give Peterborough another look sometime,

    I find it's great saying what you want on a blog because those friends and family close to you don't bother reading it. They would rather observe what happens on social media even though I'd rather be more discreet on there ... a case of feeding them with a sometimes meaningless dangling carrot :-)

  33. Lovely pictures! Your home looks so festive for Christmas! I hope you had a great time with your family.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x