
Saturday 19 July 2014

Too Much Heat!

Now that the middle of July is here, the humidity levels have started to rise and the heat is beginning to make me a very grumpy Sweetbriar Dreams.  The rain has fallen with a very cheery hello from me to freshen the air, but unfortunately, this raised the humidity even more.  The positive side is the joy to see the watery pools on the plants before they evaporate.
So, with this in mind dear Readers, please forgive me because I haven't been out and about as usual this week as summer and me are not the best of friends.  Once this oppressive heat and humidity lift, and I have put together my planned trips for the summer holidays, I am sure normal service will be resumed.

Take care, and keep cool.

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  1. The humidity is what knocks me out here . I do all I need to do outside in the early mornings and later in the evenings as it is still light and cooler ! Stay cool and have a good week !

  2. I sympathise completely!! I am suffering in this heat as well. xx

  3. Lovely image! Stay cool and enjoy your summer. We will be complaining about winter soon enough. Have a happy weekend!

  4. It hasn't been too hot here really most of the time just right

  5. I feel the same way as you about heat ... especially when it's humid like it is this week. We also need a storm to clear the air and they should be coming in tomorrow in the second half of the day. I like how the water has accumulated in the leaf you photographed above.

  6. Such a pretty image! I don't like the heat and humidity either. It has been quite nice here this week but is supposed to get very hot and humid starting today.

  7. Oh but I dread winter, only if it was as short as summer.

  8. I hate humidity too. We have had a pleasant break from it this past week, for which I am very grateful. Unfortunately it is returning this week. I love cooling temperatures for sleeping and it is lovely to have the windows open and the air conditioning off.

  9. We have quite hot weather too these days in Brittany and as I live close to the seaside, the humidity level when it gets hot is very high... I painted the dining-room door today and it's still not perfectly dry at 10:30 pm! Keep cool!

  10. Oh Chel, what a splendid photo! Thank you so much for sharing, you have an eye for things!
    Blessings to you and yours and keep cool (Nineties - Fahrenheit - for us here and very unusual!)

  11. I sympathize! We have had temps in the 90's and humidity is almost always high in Florida. Too hot to do anything outside. I have been getting lots done inside though with the renovations. Have a blessed weekend.

    Hugs, Vicky

  12. What a pretty capture of the pool in the leaf, Chel! At least you are looking for those sweet surprises despite the oppressive heat. Ice packs and lots of cool drinks for you, my Dear. Enjoy your vacation planning. xo Karen

  13. Oh I hope the humidity disappears soon and you can enjoy getting out and about again. We have the opposite going on here, I'm finding it really cold this winter and having difficulty getting up in the morning. The powers that be tell us that we have just had the warmest June on record but I've got bad news for them - not where I"m standing it hasn't been.
    Enjoy your holidays.


  14. Oh Chel I'm so with you on the grumpalump front! I was so looking forward to the rain to cool things down but it's as sticky as ever today. Yah boo sucks to humidity - bring on the cooler weather! Jane x

  15. After the sunshine and heat we now have gloomy skies and hot, humid, cloying heat - come on worm! We need one to clear the atmosphere! Lxx

  16. The last few days here also were too hot. It has been cooling down today because we had a thunder storm early in the morning, but not enough rain.
    Hope coming week will be normal again.

  17. Sorry to hear the sun is leaving you feeling unwell. I kept wondering why my daughter's boyfriend looked so ill the other day and then I realized he's someone who loves snowboarding, he prefers the cold. Roll on September eh, hope your feeling better soon.
    Ali xx

  18. That goes to show you how naive I am..I had no idea y'all get the humidity. So sorry, praying it breaks for you. Blessings

  19. We're warm and sticky here too. We didn't even get the promised thunder and lightening to clear the air. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be raining soon! Keep cool, Chel. :o)

  20. Stay cool, Chel. I don't do well in heat and humidity either, so I understand.

  21. High humidity does suck all the energy from me, too. Your photo is lovely. I'm hoping this coming week will be better for you.

  22. tell me about it! We just spent 10 days at a show and it was so HOT some days! Not good for a ginger!

  23. I hope things cool down for your, Chel! Summer is wonderful, but not when it's too hot to be outdoors!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hi Chel, so sorry to hear about the hot weather and humidity. I am back from a week vacation in California. We had cool and comfortable weather and now back to humid weather in NY! Stay cool and hope you have a good week.

  26. Here's to a break in the heat, and a good stiff drink, preferably a G +T.


  27. Since moving to the north of England I've learned to treasure sunny days!

  28. Lovely photo! Stay cool my dear. ;-)


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