
Saturday 12 July 2014

Enjoying the Colours of the Season

After last week's post, I've had to come back down to earth.  Believe me, I could have stayed up that scaffolding probably forever, but life goes on and, to be perfectly frank, there wasn't a toilet!  So, with camera in hand it was time to capture some things that were closer to the ground, closer to earth, and to see how the hard work of autumn and spring was faring in the garden.  It was time to have a little 'down' time and recharge the batteries, time for some gardening eye candy.

This had to start with my annual love of the bounty that can be cut from my Grandma's lavender bush accompanied by the gorgeous summer scent of sweetpeas.  I only wish you could bury your nose into this shot as the smell is intoxicating.
A little while ago I reviewed The Cut Flower Patch by Louise Curley (my post is here).  I bought lots of seeds to revamp two small beds and then to be patient before I could cut the flowers that would be produced for my containers in the house.  Slowly, but surely these little seeds have started to now produce enough flowers each week to fill my house with the vibrant colours of summer.  
Quite a few are still to blossom and bloom but the beauty in these little patches of garden are giving us so much enjoyment.  The cornflowers are happily bursting with their firework displays of all different colours, however the cornflower blue has to be my favourite.
The cosmos is just starting to unfurl its fingers to show off its purple pigment.
The Nigella is such an unusual flower, looking more like an alien being or a creepy green bug sitting on the white petals.
In amongst the new flowers, there are the grand old ones that come back year after year to say 'remember me?', such as the Shasta Daisy.
Giving the white focal point to the cut flower patches.
The pink petals of the roses gently sway in the humid air.
The sweetpeas have wrapped their tendrils up to the top of the white iron frame and the pastel tinged flowers really make us happy with the continual cutting and filling the vases.
All with a little help of these buzzing furry friends.
The lilies wave their stain provoking pollen for any passers by. 
Some old friends had popped up through the ground from the herb bed that was.  Feverfew, so useful for someone who has headaches like me.
So, outside the two cut flower patches are growing and the greenery will soon become a burst of colour.
But inside, the constant stream of cut flowers will be ever changing in the containers by day...
... and by night.
For now though, I will sink my nose back into this cloud of colour and scent.
Thank you all for your lovely comments last week on my ascent to the top of the Cathedral.  I have asked to have just one more look, so hope to be back up again soon.

Have a wonderful weekend and week, hopefully spending time relaxing in your gardens or out and about enjoying the new colours of the season.

Take care.

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  1. Chel..I have not ever told you how beautiful and lovely your blog is? Oh, how I could live in England! I love your new blog header, thank you for making me smile. Blessings

  2. Hi Chel! Your flowers are gorgeous! Yay for summer! I hope your summer is feeling just right.

  3. Your gardens are producing such gorgoeus blooms and you are the perfect photographer~ Your shots are just lovely....frame worthy! I so enjoyed looking at and reading about all your blooms. Have a beautiful weekend.

    Blessings, Vicky

  4. Ah, your back down to earth and what kind of earth, a wonderful place with beautiful cut flowers. They are all pretty but I am really fond of these sweet peas.

  5. Your flowers are so pretty, Chel! I'm really blown away by all the color and variety. I love cutting my own flowers to bring indoors too. It's such a pleasure to be able to do that.

  6. How lovely ,I have not had sweet peas in a long time in my garden.
    Thanks for reminding me of them. I will try them and leave off the morning glory's

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Your flower photos are simply gorgeous!

  9. I read the first sentence and said OUTLOUD....You did WHAT? So I went back to read the post I missed below! You are braver than I am, that's for sure! And you want to go again? Amazing! But what views. Love these pretty flowers, too. I wish I could follow you around. Well, I'd have to hold on to your coat tails some of the time! heehee! Sweet hugs Diane

  10. A gorgeous flower patch indeed! Loves the description of the nigella, you're quite right, it's certainly unusual! I am still waiting on my cornflowers, I adore that hit of blue in amongst the greens and whites, such a wonderful colour!
    Glad to have found your blog,just settling down for a proper read now! Katie

  11. I picked my first mini summer posy from the plot yesterday which included cornflowers and sweet peas. We have lavender edging t osome of our fruit beds that smells lovely when you brush by, It is buzzing with bees too

  12. Some beautiful flower photos there. Just as soon as it stops raining I'm off to pick some sweet peas from the garden. Until then the photos will suffice.

  13. Your flowers are beautiful, especially those sweet peas,x

  14. I can think of nothing more delightful that lavender and sweet peas - they look so gorgeous together and the aroma must be wonderful. I've enjoyed all your 'down to earth' photos - such lovely flowers. Now it has stopped raining here I'm off into the garden to see how the rain has cheered it up:)

  15. Hi Chel, your flowers are gorgeous and beautiful as usual! How lucky to have such pretty flowers all over your house! I'm sure that lavender smell is just amazing. Take care and enjoy the weekend and week.

  16. Your flowers are so beautiful and how lovely that you are picking them and having them indoors too - the point of the cutting garden after all!! Glad that you came down off the scaffold too, we would have missed you otherwise!! xx

  17. Chel, I swear, I'd love to bury my nose in that first photos are spectacular. The sweet peas are just beautiful. I'd love to have a cutting garden, but we don't have a sunny spot that would work. I'll just have to enjoy yours, instead!

  18. The garden can be a wonderful place at this time of year - as your photos show - such a variety of flowers to bring indoors - they are a delight. I ran out of room a long time ago and sowed too many seeds in my enthusiasm - I will have to learn to curb it - but I still managed to fit in five wigwams of sweet peas - a garden just isn't the same without them.

  19. The flowers are all beautiful, Chel. I'm sure the smell is glorious! :o)

  20. Love that combination of the lavender and sweet peas. Perfect.

  21. Your garden is beautiful. I could just wander amongst it for hours. Love the sweet peas...they don't do well here unless they are planted very early. Although I did find a wild one blooming in the back pasture this weekend! I might have to try and gather up some seeds. I hope you'll share more pictures as the garden matures.
    Have a wonderful week!

  22. First let me just say I just got through viewing the post below about the Cathedral. Wow and how thrilling for you. On the other hand I would have been scared spit less up that high. It is an amazing piece of architecture for sure.
    Beautiful flowers here today. I bet the Sweet Peas do smell divine.

  23. A gorgeous flower garden, Chel. The nigella looks like a bug landed on it. Love the blue cornflowers. Do you dry feverfew for making tea for your headaches?

  24. Oh my goodness those are some beautiful flowers...I remember you mentioning that book. I will have to look in the library again for it.


  25. Your flowers are very beautiful, Chel - I can imagine the scent of the sweet-peas filling up the rooms of your home. You obviously have a very green thumb among your wonderful talents! I peeked at your last post climbing the scaffolding and I did get vertigo just looking at the photos! You are very brave, but what a gorgeous view and the cathedral itself is just so magnificent. You certainly have a most interesting job in the most beautiful place! xo Karen

  26. those pictures are so sharp and clear. My old camera did quite well but my new one is not so crisp. What is yours if I may ask? I will look around your blog and see if you mention it. Beautiful blog and I will be following now.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x