
Saturday 26 July 2014

An Early Harvest

It's been a bit of an all sorts week with a prom, climbing the Cathedral again, walking in the countryside, intense heat and occasional rain.  I am trying to embrace this 'good' weather but finding it a bit hard to have any energy, so looking at the deck chair in the garden makes me want to stop any work and just sleep away this weather.
But where do I start?  I think a mosaic starting top left and working clockwise to begin with...
Firstly, Mr Teen had his prom at the end of last week and thoroughly enjoyed saying goodbye to his school.  He is so ready to start college life.  Secondly, was a nice walk I had today with Mr Teen (in the scorching heat I may add - you would be so proud of me) - more on that later.  Thirdly, this wonderful sun parasol which is being my saving grace at the moment if I dare venture outside.  My garden is south facing so it is a nightmare for someone who likes to hide away from it.  Fourthly, the rain last weekend.  It was torrential but not refreshing.  How I longed for more air, but it was all too brief.  Fifthly, back up the Cathedral.  I took Miss Teen to about half way this time but then she had to meet her mates (we were a little late)!  So, I took shots of my colleague who you can see just about in the centre of the photo.  I am so proud of her as she was facing her fears.  So, I haven't been as busy as these little furry bundles, but in this heat, I sure felt like it!
The stone masons have certainly been busy with replacing stones.  If you remember from my last climb, the bottom left stone was missing.  Here it is in its brand new glory (complete with brush!).
During my drives to and from work this week, I have noticed how early the combine harvesters have been working.  It's not even August and already there are blocks of harvested wheat ready.  This is more like one of my autumn shots.
Both me and Mr Teen decided to take a walk down one of our usual trails to Four Mile Bar.  This is a quiet walk surrounded by flat open countryside in Lincolnshire.  A bit of a nightmare when we are surrounded by uncut wheat which is full of millions of thrips!
There was a breeze, but as soon as that gave way you certainly felt the intense heat from the sun.
Crossing the water on this bridge of planks reminded me of the time we came here in the cold winter with the wind howling around our ears (this post is here).  We were cold, but it blew the cobwebs away.  This time we were being bitten to pieces!
It was so lovely to see and hear the wildlife in its full abundance though, as well as the plants growing in the river. 
 And so we carried on through the fields and I started enjoying being bitten while getting up close to the wheat.
And then seeing little gems such as these everywhere I looked.  There is such an abundance of butterflies this year, have you noticed? 
 And obviously with butterflies, comes the catapillar.  Mr Teen found this one who was rather aggressive.  Any ideas?
 Above us the planes were taking off from the glider club and towing along the elegant and graceful gliders.
The views down the little winding river were so familiar, and so green.  It was a real pleasure to re-visit them.
And seeing little seed heads all around with fluffy tendrils.  Nature at one of its best times.
Next time I am here I will bring a bag to collect some of these little treasures for some elderflower wine (or champagne)!
We eventually got to the River Welland with the bridge going over, this is known as Four Mile Bar, and is one of the many flood defences for the Fens.
The bridge was in the distance with the beautiful cloud dotted sky.  However we noticed two figures on the top of the bridge...
Now, I'm not condoning it, but they had the right idea!  It was hot, sultry hot, and by this time there was no breeze and we were desperate to get back home.
As we walked, we saw one of them jump in and then I focused the camera so I could catch the next one.  With a little hesitation, he jumped!
By the time they had swam to the side we were level with them.  I asked if they had hurt themselves but they were full of smiles and said it was cool and they would be happy for me to join them!  I said I would make a much bigger splash and carried on walking!!

And so, it was another walk back past the fields...
And past the tempting wildlife.
Then through the freshly harvested fields back home.
Home to a new picnic table under my pergola with my attempt at patchwork and a very large drink!  The swing with crocheted blanket can wait until the evening.!
 So, the dandelion clock is now ticking for that evening when I return here to see Summer end and Autumn begin.  I've been brave venturing out in this heat and now sit here tapping away with camomile lotion dotted all over me with the bites to prove it! 
Thank you dear Readers for your comments last week.  I have been truly terrible this past week with visiting everyone but when I haven't the energy my brain frazzles to nothing!  I will try to be a good blogger this week (I think it may rain tomorrow - which is good!).

Have a wonderful week as we enter into August.

Take care.

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  1. Oh Chel, what a pleasure it is to visit your blog! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Absolutely beautiful photos Chel, they really are. I saw lots of straw bales today as well, they were a lovely sight. It fascinates me how stone masons repair the stone work. I can't imagine how it's done, the join isn't visible at all, it's always done so perfectly. My garden faces south as well, so I know what you mean about the heat, it's stifling sometimes. Your garden looks so welcoming with the table and the deck chair and that exquisite hydrangea. I'd happily spend a hot afternoon there. I hope you have a good Sunday. CJ xx

  3. I am with you all the way on this one - the summer heat just drives me indoors behind closed curtains. I don't have the energy to do anything indoors or out. In a way I'll be glad when it breaks for a bit of relief. Your pictures really do sum up summer and I think you were very brave to go out and take them for us to share.

  4. That was a wonderful walk and enjoyed it. I didn't miss getting the bites.

  5. Your photos are beautiful, Chel. What a great walk, you saw so much! I hope the weather is more comfortable for you soon.

  6. Such lovely photos Chel! I felt as if I were walking with you. The countryside is so lovely there. And you always manage to find beauty in the ordinary. Have a blessed Sunday my friend and try to stay cool.

    Hugs, Vicky

  7. The photos of the wheat fields are especially beautiful. I had to google thrips to find out what they were! EEEE! Love that glider and the guys that jumped into the water. You got some wonderful photos this week! Oh, the butterflies, too! Enjoy your day! Sweet hugs, Diane

  8. What a lovely, lovely, post Chel! Great pictures. And how lovely that you did that walk with your son. I really enjoyed the photos - yes, my summer bets noir is those flamin' thrip! They get everywhere don't they, into the house, under the frame and glass of pictures/photographs etc etc. Never mind, a small price to pay for a lovely summer; I do understand how enervating the heat is - I have restless nights unless the windows are wide open and a breeze blowing through, but isn't it great to have more than 2 consecutive sunny days? As I type it is sunny Sunday here in West Norfolk, and I hope it is sunny - but cool - where you are too! Lxx

  9. Wow, wow and wow again at your gorgeous photos. The wheat fields reminded me of walking with my yoga group on Tuesday evening when it was so hot and everywhere was so golden that I felt like I was in a different country. The caterpillar is a cinnabar moth and ragwort is usually covered in them - I think I read somewhere that the cinnabar caterpillars are the only ones which can tolerate the toxins in ragwort. x

  10. Your photos are stunning. The heat here in the North West has been just as intense and we too have a South facing garden so really tricky trying to find some shade. We've also noticed the increase in butterflies this year, must be a good thing. Stunning photo of the red one, x

  11. Oh Chel, what a busy week, but sounds like you had a lot of fun, despite the heat. I did enjoy our walkabout today.


  12. lovely pics! I'm not sure that looks like a good idea jumping off that bridge! I hope they at least knew the depth of the water before they jumped!!

  13. Great photos.. I tend to hide indoors with the heat.. I just feel drained by it.. hubby on the other hand loves it, the hotter the better, he's a mad
    Lots of butterflies and bees here.. love it! :o)

  14. Hi Chel, wow you made up for last week! You took so many wonderful photos! It's so nice that you and your son took the walk together! You your yard looks so nice! I love the crochet blanket and tablecloth you made! It's nice you were able to go back up the Cathedral too with Miss Teen! Thanks for the walk and do stay cool and enjoy your Sunday and week.

  15. Such intense heat can really drag the energy out of one. Still, you've managed to accomplish several things. The walk with your son was lovely (in spite of the bugs). So wonderful that there are lots of butterflies. All the wildlife is a sign of a healthy environment, don't you think? Love the patchwork cloth on your outdoor table. Have a wonderful week.

  16. What a lovely post! Hope the heat will break for in western NY-the high tomorrow is only suppose to be 65! Today, near 85 * but with severe weather..Blessings

  17. Don't be worrying about being a good or otherwise blogger!! It all comes and goes as and when we have time. Your photos are beautiful, I mean it. Truly stunning!!! That one of the bee? on the lavender is amazing, so is the butterfly on the thistle. You should enter one or the other - or both - into the Countryfile photo competition, it is all about wildlife this year and these are so beautiful they deserve recognition! Of course, now you will tell me that the closing date has passed! Oh well. Lovely to see how things are progressing on the Cathedral, the new stonework is so beautifully done isn't it, real skill there. Glad that your son had a good time at his prom too! You have been a very busy lady haven't you! xx

  18. Lovely photos - like you I like to lurk in the shade and seem to be a magnet to bity insects

  19. Your pictures are lovely! It's also very hot in Brittany. My usual summer walks have turned into reading quietly in the shade.

  20. Beautiful photos and words, Chel. Thanks for sharing them with us. :o)

  21. Love the shot of the wheat against the blue sky, my very favorite color combination. Also the guy in the tight fitting swim suit, very nice!

  22. Now this is the way to enjoy summer. So many wonderful shots here. I thoroughly enjoyed your post.

  23. Chel, what a grand post showing off the beauty of the English countryside. Love the pics of the wheat fields, hay bales, butterflies etc. Hot here too and being bitten by mosquitoes is unavoidable - spoils any outdoor fun!

    Have a wonderful week - congrats to the graduate.
    Hugs - Mary

  24. I do so hope that the heat lets up for you all! But your shots are just beautiful!!!! Every last one of them! And I got a chuckle out of those jumpers up there! Such stunning scenes in every photo and congrats to your son for finishing up school! What an exciting new adventure! Wishing you a wonderful week Chel! Nicole xo

  25. I also had not much energy last week, too hot and exhausting but lovely grandchildren around me. That means few time left for blogging and commenting. You made such a wonderful walk, the pictures are great. I love the wheat fields, the strawbales and the butterflies.
    At this moment we have thunder and rain, very refreshing.
    Wish you a lovely summerweek!

  26. A lovely post and walk, beautifully photographed. The weather has certainly turned this week.

  27. Wow ... such a lovely post and stunning pictures. Thanks for taking me along on your wonderful walk! Anita xx

  28. Your photography is spectacular!! Loved all the close-ups of wheat, fluffy seeds and butterflies. I feel for you in the heat you're having over there. The heat and humidity is a typical summer for us, but this year we're having a very cool summer in comparison. You'd love it ;) I feel like summer is passing by all too quickly waiting for things to really warm up, but I don't think it's going to happen. I don't think I'd be brave enough to jump off a bridge! I always worry about hitting rocks or that the water isn't deep enough. The heat does make you do crazy things though doesn't it? btw ... what's a thrip? Wendy x

  29. What a gorgeous walk ! I can well imagine the heat though because it is scorching here right now and I just want to plop into a lounge chair and while away the day reading, napping...

    The young men jumping into the water off the bridge do look like they had the right idea.

    Congratulations to your son and blessings on his upcoming new school year.

  30. I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts, Chel! I almost felt like I was with you on that walk...your photos are so wonderful! Hope your weather improves, and good luck to your son in college!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x