
Wednesday 19 March 2014

The Unwelcome Guest (Persona Non Grata)

I have been avoiding a potential visitor for some time now.  I hear a sniffle, a cough, the look of someone who isn't at their best and think 'Let's avoid them like the plague!'.  It worked so well but then at the weekend that all too familiar nose tingle began.  The right nostril... no, I won't let this happen - followed by the left nostril... go away!  Then a BANG on the door... the throat hurts, the fuzziness of a cotton wool head, the ears start to ache and the face feels like it's three times the size.  Yes, the common cold has decided to visit me once again!  My mood is as blue as this gorgeous grape hyacinth! 
 As you can probably tell from my posts, I am not a stay at home person.  I am not a person who likes to sit down for too long, and if I do my mind has to be working.  But, bleugh, I feel rubbish!  Wearing PJ's and slippers out of necessity for some comfort.
The sneezing!  Don't you just hate it when you are waiting for that release of a sneeze?  You prepare for it, your tissue poised, you look up at a light, you take those sharp intakes of breath and then... nothing!... absolutely nothing!  Unwelcome guest... Bleughh!

Or you give one almighty belter of a sneeze only to have the reward of wanting to do it all over again.  Unwelcome guest... Bleughhh!

I look out of my windows and see the gorgeous blossom, but can't bring myself to go out and pick some of it, let alone try to smell it.  Unwelcome guest... Bleughhhh!
The temperatures are getting a little cooler again, but I can't stand a warm house when someone has the dreaded lurgy - it breeds germs!!  I need to be in the greenhouse and dealing with these new babies.  Unwelcome guest... Bleughhhhh!
So, just a little post for you my friends while I try to recuperate and try to keep the dreaded lurgy away from my chest otherwise complications set in.  Unwelcome guest... Bleughhhhhh!

Normal (happier and positive) service will be resumed once this uninvited guest (otherwise known as Person non grata) has decided to return from whence it came.  The dreaded lurgy... Bleughhhhhhh!

Any tips or tricks on how to send this visitor off packing would be greatly appreciated. xx

Good luck with keeping the bugs at bay.

Take care... sniff, cough, atchoooo!

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  1. Oh no....that's no fun at all, hope you feel better real soon! Anita xx

  2. I hope the guest soon move on and you feel better as long as it doesn't move our way!

  3. I'm sorry the bug has caught up with you again this winter, Chel. I had it last month when we were at our daughter's (and left it for them all too!) and it developed into a sinus/ear infection for which I needed antibiotics. I still have sneezing 'fits' and stuffiness and my right ear hasn't gone back to normal yet. Ugh. So I wish you well my friend. Drink lots of clear liquids, rest, and go out and pick some spring blossoms. Hugs. Pamela

  4. Gorgeous captures! Hope you feel better soon!

  5. You do look nice and snug in your slippers. The positive thing about a cold is that once it has settled in, you know it's going to have an end. Just don't fight it and it will soon run its course and you can smile again! I just love grape hyacinths!

  6. Hi Chel, thanks for the lovely photos of flowers! I do hope that you start to feel better soon and rest up!

  7. I favour plenty of sleep, and lots of Vitamin C Chel. I'm sorry you're feeling so rubbish. A head cold is one of the worst things to have, urgggggghhhhhh. Rest, rest, rest my dear.

    P.S. I wanted to let you know that I've thoroughly enjoyed catching up on all your recent posts. Lovely written content, and gorgeous photos as always x

  8. Chel, feel better soon! Prayers for your healing!



  9. Sorry to hear that you have the ickies, hope that you are better soon! Take care of yourself. xx

  10. Hope better days come very soon Chel - drink lots of liquids and rest as much as possible. It's still amazing that nothing new ever seems to surface regarding treatment for the common cold……it's usually a 'grin and bear it' few days - although nobody actually grins about it when in such misery!!!!
    Take care dear, hopefully it just remains in the upper reaches and your chest isn't involved - that's a whole other bad thing.

    Thinking of you - wishing you a quick recovery so you can get out and cut/smell a bunch of those gorgeous blossoms.
    Hugs - Mary

  11. So sorry you're not feeling well. Just when things are starting to get nicer outdoors. What a shame. Get well quick! (and that's an order!) :-)

  12. Oh that's now a cold, that's spring Hope that you feel so much better soon. And I love love love that muscarii pic.


  13. Hi Chel! Beautiful photos and has me yearning for Spring :) I do hope you are feeling better soon! Hugs and blessings!

  14. NOOOOO not being sick!!! I hate pesky germs too, I have a pretty good immune system but it still gets me now and again! Your pictures are gorgeous Shel, simply beautiful, I hope that I can learn to take as gorgeous of pictures as you do... Much love to you, Tammy x

  15. Ugh. An unwelcome guest indeed! Drink lots of hot tea with lemon, ginger and honey - that's my solution. I don't know that it shortens the stay of your visitor, but it makes it a little easier to handle.

  16. I know - I used to spend half of my time in meetings when I was a t work, avoiding f people with red noses and snuffles, and if someone sneezed I just KNEW I would be bound to have picked something up. Since retirement I have had no sore throats, head colds not bronchitis (my annual treat hitherto!) Hope you are soon feeling better, and enjoy the lovely views, I was really chuffed when I walked round our garden earlier, lots of stuff coming up! Lx

  17. I hope that you will be well soon. Visiting from Julie's Lifestyle WW. Stop by if you have a good moment.
    Be well soon,

  18. Hope you feel better soon. Lots of garlic, orange juice, honey and vitamin c tablets seem to help a bit for me. ( Not all together!) xx

  19. Hi Chel....
    Sorry you are feeling poopy...hope you are better soon, and can get out there and ENJOY!
    Linda :o)

  20. I hope you feel a lot better really soon, Chel. :o)

  21. So sorry to hear that you have been attacked. I hope a speedy recovery comes your way soon.

  22. You have described this unwelcome guest perfectly - I do hope you recover quickly! It's time to cuddle up with some hot herb tea, a bit of chicken soup, and some good gardening books. Hugs xo Karen

  23. So sorry to hear you're under the weather! That stinks...:( Your photos are just beautiful as usual though...:) Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Blessings, Vicky

  24. Oh no... get well soon Chel.

  25. I'm so sorry my friend. I take big doses of vitamin c or a product called Emergen Cee. Drinks lots of herb tea and water and get some extra rest. Take care of yourself my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  26. Oh no. I'm sorry that you're sick. I hope you're better really soon.

  27. When I am out shopping if I hear someone coughing or like they have a cold, I go the other way, because it will go into bronchitis so very quickly with me. I do hope you feel better soon. Stay warm and drink lots of hot tea with honey.

  28. You get well friend! I love all of the green pretties blooming where you are! Look at those sprouts! Hope that you are outside in no time! Nicole xoxo

  29. Oh, bless your heart! I am so sorry to hear that you are ill. Trusting God to make you well very soon. I love the beautiful pictures...your blog is so lovely. God bless, Cheryl

  30. Poor Chel, sorry to read you're not well at the moment! My son is at home too, ear problems. It's always the same in this changeable weather, isn't it! Drink some peppermint or fennel tea with lemon and honey, it's good against the cold :-). Get well soon!! Nata xxx

  31. What a bummer for sure. I feel for you. Drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest. Best way to get rid of a bad cold in my opinion. Wow just reading about your sneezing and what did I start doing...sneeze, sneeze, sneeze. Thankfully mine is Allergy related and once I take my Allergy Pill I'll be fine. Loved your pretty blossom photo and those lovely little green plants just sprouting. So spring like. Take care & be well soon.

  32. I hope you'll feel better soon, so you can take us to wonderful places!

  33. Sorry to read you're not well...hope you feel better soon. Lovely flower photos!

  34. Oh, boo hiss! Hope you can manage to be rid of that dreadful guest soon! I'm so happy you are a follower of mine and I'm sorry I'm just now here to see you! For some reason, you were not on my blog roll and others were not either. Awful happening! All fixed now!
    Get well soon!

  35. Sorry you are feeling under the weather with a cold.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  36. Hi Chel, I hope you're feeling a bit better ... stay warm and keep the tea pot going ... I bet it's frustrating not being able to go outside to the flowers and plants ...
    Such a beautiful grape hyacint! The blue flowers with white linings are so pretty!

  37. So sorry to hear that you are feeling bleugh, hope you are feeling better soon


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