
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Springtime Blossoms

What a joy it is that I am beginning to feel back to normal once again.  Within the last two hours my never ending headache has started to subside and the sheer relief that I am now back on track has lifted my spirits.  This past week I have been such a bad blogger, hardly visiting anyone, reading my comments and wanting so much to reply but my brain was finding it so hard to co-ordinate my virus infected mind and fingers - so, thank you all for the kind comments, I will get around to replying to you soon and visiting your parts of blogland once again.

What I did miss was the Spring Equinox.  I so wanted to sit on the haystack once again as I did with Mr Teen at the start of Autumn (post here), but this was not to be.  Instead I smiled gently at the many pots, vases and jugs of pink, green and white loveliness that I have in each room.  Some reflecting in the newly polished windows to give double the beauty.
 Outside, Spring was playing 'peek a boo' with me and enticing me outside, even though for short intervals.
The warm sun felt so lovely and the busy noises of nature surrounded me.  I've missed the sound of a leaf nudging its neighbour in the wind to say 'wake up it's time to grow'.
The blossom is intoxicating.  When I think of this time last year and the snow showers we were treated to and the daffodils only just starting to bud, I felt so happy that spring has arrived at the correct time and that the seasons were separated this year.
As the rain decided to descend briefly, I was treated to a beautiful rainbow against the gorgeous blue of the sky and the crisp clouds.
And so, back inside I went, to plan in my head the projects I want to do over the next couple of weeks.  I won't give too much away at the moment but they involve working with fabric, metal work, wood and plants.  Right now though, my eyes are mesmorised by the blossom that surrounds my garden and that is enough for now.
This weekend will be lots of fun with Sandringham's Craft Show and Mothering Sunday, so life will be back to normal and a trip will be recorded once again on my camera.  I can't wait!

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  1. I've never been to the Sandringham craft show, I must do that one year, I know what you mean, sometimes I feel so guilty at not visiting people lol

  2. I can't wait either Chel! And these photos are just stunning! I am so happy to hear you are feeling better! Have a blessed day and week.
    Hugs, Vicky

  3. Glad you are feeling better Chel and able to enjoy this beautiful spring.

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better, Chel. Can't wait to see what you're going to be making! :o)

  5. I'm so glad you are feeling better Chel! Happy Spring and what lovely photos you have shared & thanks for that. We are getting snow tonight and we haven't seen any signs of spring yet! I keep saying to myself soon. I do hope you have fun at the craft fair and your mothers celebration. Take care, Julie

  6. So glad to hear that virus is going away. Nasty thing. The craft fair sounds like a lovely event to anticipate. Beautiful signs of spring in your corner of the world, very similar to ours on the west coast. Our climate is often compared to that of England.

  7. Glad you're feeling better. Your photos are lovely!

  8. Some how I missed the fact that you were sick, sorry. Hope you continue to get better.

  9. SO glad you are feeling better...I am just getting over the "thing" and it was awful! No energy at all! And we woke up to snow again today so your pictures were just what I needed! The blooms and that gorgeous rainbow are spectacular!!! Enjoy your fun filled weekend friend! Nicole xoxo

  10. I am so thankful you feel better! Continue to rest and recuperate!

    I am glad that you are getting spring.



  11. Beautiful spring shots, Chel. We are heading into autumn and have had a few nice crispdays. I quite enjoy this time of the year.
    And I am glad you are finally feeling better.


  12. I am so glad you are feeling yourself once again, Chel. It does make you feel like you are missing out on the world when you are under the weather. Lovely shots of your beautiful spring. Your projects sound intriguing.... xo Karen

  13. Glad you're feeling better and can't wait to see your new project.In the meantime, enjoy Spring and happy Mothers day this Sunday! Anita xx

  14. Happy to here that your health has returned and it's so nice to see all these lovely images of spring.
    Happy Mother's Day on Sunday. Over here, ours is on the second Sunday in May!

  15. It is a lovely time of year although last year we went on holiday at this time and as you say it was very snowy - no repeats thank you,

  16. So glad that you are starting to feel better. Gorgeous blossoms, so jealous.

  17. I'm glad that you are feeling a little better and that your head is starting to clear. I hope that you have a lovely time with your looking forward plans for the weekend. xx

  18. I am happy to hear that you are feeling much better and are able to enjoy your lovely spring. Your photos are so pretty and I love the rainbow in the blue sky. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and will look forward to your photos. Blessings. Pamela

  19. Glad you are feeling better....but I'm envious of your beautiful spring weather and those gorgeous spring blossoms. You're photo's are lovely....take care and have a nice weekend.


  20. I'm glad your starting to feel better now, it really looks like spring has sprung.

  21. Beautiful photos. Glad you are feeling better.
    Marianne x

  22. I do hope you're feeling completely better very soon. Your photos are stunning, you've captured spring beautifully. I'm intrigued by the new project, I'll look forward to seeing it. CJ xx

  23. I'm so glad you are feeling some better. Take care of yourself and try not to rush into things before you are well. Lovely signs of Spring there though and it gives you the desire to get out. Have a good week my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  24. Truly lovely spring photos. It's just such an amazing time of year. Love the blooming trees.

  25. Your pictures are wonderful! Here in New Hampshire we still have snow on the ground. Spring is taking her time this year. Thank you for the glimpse of your spring. It gives us hope.

  26. I"m glad to hear that your headache is going away, it's certainly not the kind of thing you want to hang around.

    Really spring is blooming in your place? Really? Sigh....snow the other day here. No blossoms, just clouds.


  27. Glad you are feeling better. Love Love Love your photos, Chel! They are spectacular! I almost feel like I could smell the blossoms. Nothing blooming here, yet!

  28. MY how I wish I could see some branches with buds. This is my first visit.
    wonderful post. yvonne

  29. Lovely Spring photos. Spring is in the air and I am so happy. We are finally get the much needed rain.
    From your newest follower, Linda


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