
Saturday 29 March 2014

Where Shall We Go On Our Journey Today - Sandringham Craft Fair

The mist was still visible on the fields as the day began to wake, but the weekend was here and it had been promised that this was going to be a warm one.  It was glorious to have the choice on whether to take a coat with us or not, but we chose to anyway (you never know what the weather will do nowadays!).  Me and Mumsy were to go to Sandringham's Craft Fair today, a regular trip that never disappoints.  The day would be filled with so many choices of crafts and visual delights, all so different that it reminded me of an assortment of buttons with their aim to make something normal become incredible.  
So grab yourself a cup of tea and put your feet up while I take you around our first visit to the craft fairs this year.  The blue and white tents that dotted the land near Sandringham House were full to brimming with arts, crafts and different types of food produce.   
Inside we couldn't help ourselves be drawn to the gorgeous fabric stalls.  This particular display by Lottie Ann looked so pretty with their pastel colours and gorgeous little hearts of happiness.  
And then beautiful scents greeted us from The Black Sheep Company.  Their stall was just a symphony of scented waves, and they were so friendly and helpful.
 I couldn't resist and had to buy one their gorgeous soaps, and across the way, a pinny in the most delightful colours.  We both fell in love with the colours and the edging, and luckily they had two to sell!!
What I love about these craft fairs is the fact that you see things being made.  I have been to some others where it is the usual stuff that you can buy in the shops and the sellers don't have a clue on how the items are made.  Here, everything is explained to you and the stories behind them.  This makes the buying experience so much more personal and the sellers have such pride in watching their hard work being appreciated.  We saw the potters...
... the weavers...
 ... the glassblowers...
 ... but by far were my favourites - the chainsaw wood carvers!  The noise, smell and respect of watching these artists work was heart lifting.  For thirty minutes we watched these men turn a piece of wood into works of art that were to be auctioned afterwards.  My camera was working hard during this time, and I have cut the number down, but I felt that you really should see this fantastic craft (without the obvious high decibel noise coming from the different array of chainsaws used).  It doesn't take long for them to get some form of shape and the wood starts flying through the air.
Their different interpretations were shown instantly as the larger chainsaws were used.
This one was easy to work out as to what the finished object would be, but I loved seeing such a small delicate cottage being made with a chainsaws and heavy boots to steady the wood.
Birds were also being formed.
Heat was being used to accentuate the more delicate cuts into the wood.
And smaller chain saws were used to pick out more detail.
The chainsaws were now relentless as the time ticked away, and the details became more complex.
Every time I looked back at the one in front of me, the details of more wooden sculpturing were more apparent.
The little cottage was almost finished with the tiny chainsaw.
This little toadstool's face was almost there.
And Old Father Time was getting his finishing touches.
The finished products... The Green Man...
... the little cottage...
... the toadstool face with its creator very  happy to pose during the auction...
... and the bird.
The auction prices didn't get above £55, an absolute bargain!  We went along to where their main work areas were and their other works of art were for sale.  Some of their equivalent work were priced in their £100's so we will be back next year with some notes and will snap up one of these newly carved pieces!  Just look at the detail of these wings...
They belong to this dragon fly (and notice the swan in the background).
And these books...
... which belong to this chair.
A truly amazing craft, and one that I would not be taking up, but it is great to watch and see the forms taking shape.  

In another part of the arena, there were live birds such as this magnificent owl on display.
He showed off his amazing soft plumage to the crowds and flew around the arena to pick up tit bits until he couldn't eat any more.
On our way out of the Fair, we stepped into the owl tent where this majestic owl gave a special Mother's Day treat to Mumsy by allowing her to hold him.

The weather kept sunny and the temperature was comfortably warm, it was such a special time for me and Mumsy to just be together and not be rushed around.  The perfect Mother's Day present!

And, for me, there was another purchase to be made before we left!  This little taster is the perfect accompaniment to the projects I have in the pipeline.  It was an enormous bargain!  
 Along with my other projects that I am currently doing, this one will be revealed when all the others are in place.  It's huge!  It just about fit in my car but how could I leave something so beautiful behind.

To all those celebrating Mother's Day this weekend, I hope you have a wonderful day either being spoilt or spoiling those you love.

Now, back to those projects!!

Have a great week and take care.

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  1. Such amazing craftsmanship. Our local antique fair starts at the end of April, so excited! Hopefully the weather is decent too!

  2. I felt like I was running ahead of you trying my best to see what is in the next booth! Oh, how I love handmade items...soaps and jewelery! And those hearts are so precious. I knew a man a few years ago that did the chain saw carving. He made me a chair with a heart back and an Indian head. They were on some land we used to own but no longer do. I love to see how things are made. Just amazing to see such talent! Have a good Sunday my friend! Hugs!

  3. Thanks for sharing you day. What a fabulous craft faire. The buttons were really fun, soaps looked amazing wish I could have smelled them.

  4. This looks like a wonderful craft fair Chel. The wood carvings are popular here too and are amazing works of art aren't they? One would have to have a lot of control of the chain saw to do the intricate cuts. I can't wait to see the beautiful iron piece you brought home. Have a happy Mothering Sunday.

  5. What a fun time! Loved seeing it all!

  6. What a fun event. The crafting with the chain saws was fascinating. I have never seen that, but I have seen ice sculptures done with saws.

    Our Mothers Day is in May in the US. Happy Mothers Day to you!



  7. How I'd love to visit Sandringham. And the craft fair looked so interesting. Isn't it amazing that something besides firewood can be made from a chainsaw!

  8. Oh what a fun craft fair! I love that the artisans actually show how their wares are made! So much to see and do and I imagine the scents in the air were wonderful.It sounds like the perfect day spent with your mum...:) I am intrigued by the piece you purchased. Looks like it will be dwelling outside maybe? Can't wait to see your projects! Have a lovely Sunday my friend.

    Blessings, Vicky

  9. What fun to see the fair and bring a few things home with you. Those chain saw artists are really something. I can just imagine the noise and the chips flying.
    Happy Mother's Day to you, Chel!

  10. I've watched chain-saw sculptors and I'm not surprised that you became so engrossed in their work. From the look of your photos there weren't the crowds that you might expect in so prestigious a venue.

  11. We love attending craft fairs. You captured their essence in your lovely photos. Really like all those wood carvings.


  13. Oh that's my kind of fair! Love the ones with the actual handmade things! Can't wait to see what you've got. And the wood/chainsaws art! Fantastic!

  14. What a fabulous Craft Fair! I would LOVE to own one of those wooden carvings. I never seem to see any our way. The Queen wasn't there then, selling her handmade crafts?!!

  15. The birds, carved or real, are fascinating! Thanks for tazking us!

  16. The craft fair looks amazing. So much inspiration, and such a variety of beautifully made things. The chainsaw sculptures are wonderful. We have a number of them in our local park now, and the children love them. I'm intrigued by your purchase, it looks gorgeous. I shall look forward to seeing all of it. Glad you had such a good day Chel. CJ xx

  17. It looks as though you had an amazing day. I hate "craft" fairs that sell mass produced stuff that no one has crafted, so it is good to know that this is a real proper craft event with the people who made the things actually there. The chainsaw carving is amazing isn't, I loved the green man, whoever now owns him is a lucky person indeed. Glad that you had such a good time, I look forward to finding you about your new projects! xx

  18. What a fun craft fair! I could play with those buttons all day. And the hearts...oh I love hearts.

  19. It looks like an amazing craft fair, Chel. Those wood sculptures are fabulous! :o)

  20. Happy Mother's Day Chel! What a fun craft fair and I really love the soaps and the fabric hearts too. I would have loved being there. I can't wait to see what you are up to making and I love that iron thing that you brought home with you. Have a wonderful week and I hope you are feeling better.

  21. Fabulous craft fair - the long shot of the tented booths made me wish I could be there to got through each one!

  22. Looks like a fabulous fair and a great day out.

  23. Wow what a great event. I enjoy craft fairs. We went to a Wood Carving event last summer but it was so blasted HOT outside that we didn't stay very long. Loved the shots of the owl.

  24. Oh, I do love craft fairs and this one has to be the best ever! It's so nice to see the artisan's at work - so interesting! Love the beautiful owls and your own special purchase. I hope you had a lovely Mother's Day. I have a little surprise for you on my blog. Hugs to you xo Karen

  25. I'm not a great one for arts and crafts, but this looks like a fun day out. And I was VERY impressed with the chainsaw carvers - fabulous!

  26. I went to a very boring craft show once, this one looks like fun.
    A lot more fun. I would be so afraid to hold a bird that size.
    He is certainly a majestic bird..Thanks for joining my blog.

  27. Amazing, I would have loved to visit the craft tent and stand and watch the wood carving for hours. This craft show looks like a whoopdi of fun, thanks


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