
Saturday 15 March 2014

Spring - Bringing a Sea of Daffodils

Sshhh... I don't want Mother Nature to hear, but could spring be actually with us?  It's not official quite yet but the colours are beginning to give it away and the bird song has started that little bit earlier.  Nature is beginning to wake up once again and breathe in the warmer air.  Cheery, sunny faces are greeting us with happy surprises when we open our blinds and curtains in the mornings.  My eyes looked out of my kitchen window and there, a few inches above the sodden earth, were two perfectly formed trumpets swaying in the breeze.  Two hope giving flowers that were saying "yes, we've survived it".
The main sign came from two little words that make so much difference - High Pressure.  These two words have brought respite to this battered country.  The high winds have subsided and the gentle breeze now creates a more calming movement amongst the sea of daffodils.
My ears were alerted when I heard a report on the local news - "The daffodils have bloomed too early this year!"  Pardon?  How? We have just suffered the wettest winter on record, how on earth can these spring flowers be blooming?  But here they are... acres upon acres of daffodils, too far in bloom to pick for the shops.  Instead, just bringing beauty to the wet and dismal winter landscape.
As I drove down this tiny lane, I stopped the car to just marvel at the sight.  Around here the fields are full and this was just one lane of so many around this area that have perfect rows of different species.
Who needs a garden to tend to when you live in one of these properties?  Can you imagine the beautiful scenery from their windows during the spring months?
In my own garden the wildlife is slowly returning.  One of my furry bundles has been a frequent visitor to tidy up the dusty pollen around the hellabores.  How I have missed their business in the garden.
I'm so glad they look so healthy too with the sun shining off their wings!
This butterfly decided to have a well earned rest on my lap!  Once it had finished it decided to sit on my head for everyone's amusement.  A friendly chap indeed!
With the sun out and all things enjoying it, it was time to think about doing a spot of work and the seed packets were ready.
It wasn't long before the greenhouse was back in its productive mode again.  I can't wait to start seeing the shoots again.
Then it was time to see what else had decided to pop up and say hello.  The beautiful fresh green and white of the snowdrops.  I just love their green skirts.
The gorgeous pink blossom against the dark wood.  Some just had to made their way to my house flower arrangements!
The vibrant colours of the crocus always surprise me with their suddenness of making a show in the lawn.
And of course the start of many of a daisy chain!  My lawn has a daisy patch that I guard with all my might!
So, the bunting is now out...
... the house vases and containers are now full...
... the leaves are full of veins pumping with life...
... and the spade needs a new handle!!
It's time to leave this cosy room (for a few hours at least) and enjoy the stunning landscape and weather while it lasts.
So from my house to yours, some daffodils from the local market (no I don't pick from the fields! - even though I think they are missing a trick here by not doing a 'pick your own' stall)...
I hope the weather is being kind to you, but if you are still suffering with the awful winter, I hope this post has brightened your day with what is to come!

Thank you so much for your visits and also your comments that you leave on your busy days, they are so lovely to see.

Have a wonderful weekend and week - and here is another ray of sunshine for you...

Take care.

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  1. Wow, such spring loveliness! I would love to live near those fields, will the daffodils be followed on by fields of tulips?


    1. They certainly will be Helen... and then followed by cauliflowers and brussels sprouts (Not the best smelling crops!) x

  2. Wonderful photos of spring prettiness..Those fields look amazing and I think you're right about them missing a trick about 'picking your own'.
    Isn't it great to have the bees and butterflies back in the garden.. I do love this time of the year. Have a great weekend :o) x

  3. The field of daffodils are just beautiful... we are finally seeing the ground here after the snow has melted.. Beautiful images, have a happy weekend!

  4. Beautiful fields of daffodils. I'm glad to have seen a couple of fat bumble bees as well. I was getting worried about them. Lovely photos Chel. I have always loved spring flowers.

  5. I bet the air is filled with perfume too.

    Our daffodils are no earlier!

  6. Pick your own daffies would be a great idea, Chel. Maybe you should suggest it to them? Here's hoping this really is spring and that winter doesn't have any thoughts of sneaking back in. Have a good weekend. :o)

  7. Your photos gave me a breath of fresh air. Those daffodil fields are an amazing sight. There's still snow on the ground here.

  8. Dafodils always tell you spring is here, never seen that many though

  9. Each has different texture n colour... Love all of these

  10. Absolutely lovely Chel! The daffodils fields are spectacular! Your flowers are as well. Spring is such a magical time of the year! Have a blesses and wonderful day in your gardens.
    Hugs, Vicky

  11. All I can say is - WOW.

  12. Oh Wow! What a glorious sight to see all those fields of golden daffodils. Thank you for taking the photos and sharing them with us and also the photos of the new growth and blooms in your own garden. It looks so lovely. Enjoy your spring weather and have a lovely week.

  13. Hi Chel! The daffodil fields are gorgeous.

  14. Isn't it wonderful? It all seems to have happened in the last week. How I love Spring.

  15. Such fabulous signs of spring! The colour yellow does it for me! Wonderful!

  16. This gives new meaning to Wordsworth's poem! Just stunning!

    Thank you for sharing this beauty. This is one of my favorite flowers. We are on schedule with our blooming plants here in Florida. And thankfully most of the oak pollen is gone from my tree and my neighbors' trees.

    I cannot believe. That your grandfather got to meet Churchill! How thrilling! I will try to email you in a bit. Have to run errands in a few. :-)


  17. There is so much wonderful sunshine in your post, Chel. The fields of daffodils are gorgeous, but I can understand the dismay of the growers if they have opened too quickly and can't be sold.

    Your almost-spring photos (that bee!) give me a glimpse of what I can expect further down the line. Winter is lingering longer than usual here. I hope that spring, when it comes, decides to settle in and stay for awhile.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  18. This post put a big smile on my face, Chel! Such beautiful spring cheerfulness! Your photos are amazing - so detailed and full of luminescence (I even spelled that right!). The light shining off the bumble-bee wings is incredible and the veins in the plant....(sounds icky, but looks wonderful). Those fields of daffodils are a sight to behold. I'll bet they gave off a heavenly scent, too. You must be giddy to get your greenhouse working once again. So glad it is almost spring. Love your new profile picture. xo Karen

  19. Beautiful photos. Those daffodil fields are incredible! I could stare at them all day. They must smell amazing. I'm glad they can be enjoyed even if they're too early to sell. I hope that won't be a hardship for the growers, though. I'm excited to read more about your gardening.

  20. A lovely spring post and so colourful, how could it not cheer people up? The daffodils are still mainly in bud here in Yorkshire. Xxx

  21. It's too bad the daffodil growers won't see much profit from their plantings this year, but oh, what a glorious sight to see the rows and rows of golden trumpets! Daffodils are just beginning to bloom here and I have a bunch (from the market) on the kitchen table. Such cheery things.

  22. Hi Chel, wow I love the daffodil fields and your garden. It's so nice that you will be able to start the planting in your greenhouse. I loved all of your photos of the flowers! We still have cold weather here and looking forward to seeing flowers blooming here! I love the photo of the crocuses daisies and daffodils. Thanks for is beautiful post. Have a nice weekend and week!

  23. WOW - that is a LOT of daffodils!!

  24. What an amazing sight - you practically need your sunglasses! Lovely.

  25. What a wonderful sight. It really cheers the heart to see so much colour after such a long winter. xx

  26. Beautiful spring fields of flowers. We are in Autumn. Visiting from Sunday's in our City.

  27. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Everything is still brown here, but now that the snow has melted I do see our daffodils popping up out of the ground. Stopping by from Sunday's in Our City

  28. I love daffodils and think you're so lucky to live by such beautiful fields!!

  29. The daffodils are beautiful.

  30. The daffodils are beautiful -- in the fields and your room.

  31. We can talk loudly to Mother Nature. I am sure she wants Spring to arrive as much as we do. It is Old man winter that needs to be told to back off. Thanks for brightening my day.

  32. The daffodil fields are really amazing. It does smell like spring here as well.

  33. All of those daffodils are amazing. It is such a shame that they can't be picked and sold, it would be a great idea to have a pick your own stall - they would sell them by the armful I would have thought. I guess that there is too much potential for damage to the bulbs if you don't know how to pick them correctly. They make a wonderful sight though for anyone going past and that is a cheerful thing isn't it. xx

  34. Oh wow what a gorgeous post. That field of daffodils was stunning. I think it would be fabulous to look out on that view in the spring. Everything here was just so lovely and spring like.

  35. Great pictures!

  36. That is a lot of daffodils! We are still snowcovered here... :) thanks for bringing spring to our morning!

  37. Thank-you for those beautiful spring pictures!!!

  38. I've never seen so many daffodils. They look amazing.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x