
Saturday 8 March 2014

Where My Heart Is...London (Part 3)

And so, here we are at Part 3 - London by foot!  A colour fest that shows London at its best.  We were so lucky to have such a perfect day to cram so much in and we fully intended to make the best of our time.  Our walk was going to take in as many things as we could as we made our way back to Green Park Tube Station.  Walking across Westminster Bridge and making our way through the crowds, patiently and happily,  stopping occasionally to capture another memory.
As we walked along all comfortable with our surroundings, I pointed out the very familiar  landmarks and the names of the streets.  A brief walk from the Houses of Parliament took us to Whitehall and the very poignant cenotaph. This mark of respect that graces our TV each November.
The memorial to the women of the war always makes me smile with the thoughts of my grandma donning her fire women's uniform during the evenings and working for a General by day.

A short walk and we approached a small crowd outside some high railings protecting the street. I can remember many years ago being able to chat to the policeman outside the famous front door and being able to have a picture taken. 
Yes, Downing Street is now a fortress that can only be photographed through railings. It is a shame but necessary in this day and age.
We walked a little more and a beautiful horse greeted us with its rider in bright red and sparkling polished metals. 
This is Horse Guards Parade. The Horse Guards are meant to be expressionless and full of authority. Protecting the honour and privilege of standing and riding to attention.
The girls enjoyed the open space and looking back at the London Eye.
We carried on walking a little more and took in the wonderful architecture above us.
The intricate carvings were making me stop at each building.
But Nelson was waiting to meet the girls.
My daughter was not going to climb up to hug the lions this time (mainly because I didn't have the strength to help her up today!).
The fountains were still and the water allowed the sky to reflect on it.
In part 2 I showed you a fleeting glimpse of a blue cockerel on the fourth plinth.  Well here he is from the ground (more info here).
Trafalgar Square has lots of street entertainers and today was no exception.  This crowd gathered after following the entertainers' sounds.
This shot was taken by Miss Teen with the perfect shadows...
An artist in so many colours...
Speaking to passers by showing his amazing colourful art.  His name is Tom Solarski but unfortunately there wasn't a website on his painting information.
Arnie was there along with Elvis...
... the more you looked, the more you saw.
As we carried on our walk to Green Park, under Admiralty Arch...
... and then a walk down the Mall.
We then walked past Clarence House with the Guards having a little chat to each other either side of the entrance.
The day was now drawing to a close as we walked past Buckingham Palace.
It had been a perfect day, London by river, air and foot.  The weather had been very kind and lots of memories had been made.  We were all EXTREMELY tired, but happy enough to continue through the park and then back onto the tube and the rail journey home.  

The City is so beautiful and I love and miss it as you know.  I now look out across the Fens in Lincolnshire, flat, green with the hint of yellow from the millions of daffodils that are all ready to be picked and think of the two parallels I live in.  The best of both worlds!

And so, the garden is calling!  Warm sunshine, a tidy greenhouse waiting desparately for me to give it some company... it would be rude not to!

Thank you all for such beautiful and kind comments on these posts.  It has been wonderful to share it all with you.  I will now get back on track to answering and visiting you in between sowing seeds and picking flowers for my spring home.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Take care.

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  1. I have enjoyed your London tour! I hope to visit someday and see it all in person :-)

  2. Thanks for taking us along on your walking tour of London. The architecture is wonderful and it's fun to see all the buildings you read about. I love the view of Trafalgar Square and the reflections in the pool by the fountain.
    Enjoy your gardening now!

  3. Lovely, lovely photos Chel. Thank you so much for sharing more of your trip to London. You certainly saw a lot in one day! It was nice to see the Canadian flags off Trafalgar Square. I'm guessing it's the Canadian Embassy.

  4. So long since I've been to London, and it sounds like a great trip. The entertainment in Trafalgar Square looks a bit more sophisticated these days. I remember a brown bag of seed to feed the pigeons and that was it!

  5. Glad that you had such a good time! I am not sure about that blue cockerel, there have been some interesting things on that 4th plinth though! I like your new ID photo! You look great. xx

  6. Thank you so much for this tour. It has been great fun following along with your and having a real local guide. I've absolutely no idea when I'll visit London again but when I do I think I'll be using this as my template guide.

  7. Wow, there are some really good photos there, you have captured London so beautifully.

  8. Thanks for another great tour!

  9. What A DREAM!!! WOW! The colors in your shots are amazing! I can actually see myself walking these streets as well one day! And that shot of the open space...pure magic! I can understand why you love it so!!! Happy weekend friend! Nicole xoxo

  10. So lovely to see the city of London through your lens! That bright blue cockerel is quite an eye-catcher!
    I'm going to London this spring and I can't wait to soak up all the wonderful atmosphere again.

  11. Thanks for that reminder of how beautiful our capital city still is. I was very lucky in that when I was at Uni in London many years ago I happened to be sitting drinking coffee with a fellow student who suddenly said "You know, we're wasting our time here, we should be out exploring London". Within minutes we had decided that we would go exploring London at least once a week. I'm glad we did.

  12. What a perfect day you had, and glorious photos! Yes I do believe you have the best of both worlds. X

  13. Wonderful tour! Thank you for sharing. Was in London for a few months a long time ago & am still hoping to return...

  14. Chel, this is such a wonderful set of photos, marvelous of you to share them with us!
    Happy happy weekend

  15. I always enjoy your travel posts! With your amazing photography's almost as if I am right there with you. So much to see in London! If I ever do get to visit I will definitely have to pack my walking shoes...:) Have a wonderful week!

    Blessings, Vicky

  16. That was so nice to walk once more in London with you!

  17. Thank you for sharing your great photos with us. Beautiful work!

  18. Am glad you are back home!! Your jaunts have made me yearn for a day in town, before the weather warms up (I live in hope!!) and London is completely invaded with tourists!!!! Hopefully a trip planned for April!! All your fault!!!!!

  19. Hi Chel, thanks again for the tour through London by foot! I loved looking at all the photos and the statues and buildings are beautiful! My daughter and I loved London and yes you do have the best of both worlds! Have a wonderful week!

  20. Loved this tour of London's iconic sites. Country life and city life do vie with each other at times, don't they? I hope you are enjoying your view of green hills and daffodils! Have a wonderful week.

  21. Thanks for sharing London with us, Chel. It's been a fascinating tour! :o)

  22. Lovely posts - they made me happy - thank you. I definitely need to plan a trip to London soon.

  23. What a full on day. You certainly packed a lot in.

  24. This is beautiful. I love SIMC because I really take tour through everyone's cameras

  25. Oh how lovely. I love your pictures. I could imagine myself there as I viewed them. Thanks for sharing!

  26. No one would ever leave their heart in San Francisco if they'd first been to London. I love it! Thank you for the great photo reminders of that amazing city.

  27. Chel, you make me want to go back to London! I've only been there twice, but it's been a long, long time. Your photos were spectacular, and I really enjoyed this virtual journey with you. But you have me drooling over "millions of daffodils!" Can't wait to see what you've got next!

  28. I just love London Chel! Your posts are so informative, I want to go there right now ...

    Hoping to visit for a few days in June/July as it's our Silver Wedding, and you've made me excited for it! Need to start planning ...

    Thanks for popping over to Thriftwood, was lovely to see you!

    Love Claire xx

  29. What a great tour! Thanks for sharing London with us; one day I hope to visit in person and your beautiful pictures really wants to make me visit! Thank you, Chel!

    Pat F.
    Las Vegas, NV

  30. Thanks for reminding me of working in Whitehall and wandering around this part of London in my lunchtime. Loved working up in Town, so fortunate to still live about 30 minutes away by train so we are discovering new treasures in our city, we have no plans to move away and would rather move nearer the centre than to the country. Recommend the Fashion and Textile Museum in Bermondsey, saw a Kaffe Fassett exhibition there last year.

    Love the London Eye, so pleased it is to permanent, next form of transport to try will be the cable crossing downstream.

  31. What a beautiful and sight filled day...your mind must have been whirling with delight after seeing all of those sights...

    The grey brick, just makes me want to build a little garden house in the it.


  32. Oh, Chel! I adore London, and your photographs almost made me teary they were so lovely. That horse guard in that scarlet cloak was magnificent! And all the beautiful architecture. It is such a wonderful city. We have visited twice and loved it both times.

    On a different note, I read that you have a King Charles. My goddaughter, one of the children in the photos on my blog, also has one. Her grandparents love them and have had three, while hr aunt has had several. They are the sweetest dogs ever and just so adorable.

    I am glad you enjoyed our version of Downton Abbey. I was elevated to the title of duchess, but that just means we will have a Part II at some point to explain it. LOL

    We are all hooked, and I have the first three series on DVD. Huge, HUGE fans here. And I am a huge Churchill fan as well. I got teary again when you mentioned your grandmother serving in WWII. Our WWII vets here are starting to dwindle, and they are all such a great generation.

    I am so glad you found me because that means I found YOU in return!



  33. Thank you for another trip down memory lane. London, I love London.

  34. Stunning shots. I'd love to see it all in person some day.

  35. What a lovely day Chel! I enjoyed the photos so much. I hope to make it to London some day! thanks for sharing with SYC.

  36. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful impressions, Chel! London really must be fantastic ♥. Last week I saw a travel report on TV about London and the main person of the report was allowed to stand behind Big Ben's clock face - fascinating!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x