
Sunday 13 October 2013

Having the Time to Enjoy

I have been looking forward to a peaceful autumnal walk for quite a while.  Somewhere to replenish the calmness that I occasionally need to balance my life.  Recharging the 'happy, happy'' cells.  I wanted to do this last week but with the warm weather it just didn't seem 'right',  so with the rain and the howling wind that the week subsequently brought, it was time to head off to one of our favourite walks at the Deeping Lakes.  There were branches down, squidgy pathways but the beauty and stillness of this place makes my heart swell and my mind calm down to the certainty that Mother Nature always sorts things out.
Walking slowly around the tunneled pathways of natural foliage, the only sound was from the birds and the occasional wind blowing the crispy leaves.
We had the time to take our time and this was even more sweeter.  We could stop, look, imagine and hear our own thoughts.  I sat with this mushroom/toadstool for a while.  I know that sounds a little mad, but this was for the simple reason that I could.  I imagined the insects that may have made this home for a while, protecting them from the elements of the harshness of the weather from the past week.  The colours that were now appearing both on its flesh and also its surroundings.  I had time.
Its neighbours were also looking beautiful against the autumnal backdrop and now had the empty space above them to capture any sunshine that may come their way.
Occasionally there were the man made elements along the walk.  But again, there for people to take time to see nature at its best.
The gateway that just leads to a beautiful view, no where else.  Giving you the time to rest against it and enjoy the moment.
Walking along one of the rivers, the teasles with their many spikes looked wonderful against the backdrop of the feeding swans.
Some were a little curious as to why I was standing there for so long, but that was because I could.
Looking through the trees at the different lakes with the different colours of green with their hints of autumnal yellow.  Having the time to go through that process.
And the occasional capture of a hubby taking time to enjoy the scenery.
Having the time to reflect as the trees do in the almost still waters.
Having the time to enjoy watching Mother Nature carry on her process of the decay of those who have fallen to nourish the soil beneath it, starting the growth of new.
The decay of the old oak ramp providing the food and shelter for the insects.  Their time busy with the hibernation process starting.
The larger animals also hurrying to get their larders full.  This little cutie seems to be following me and my posts.
He certainly seemed to be taking time enjoying the Hawthorn.
While hubby and Mr Teenager were also enjoying the time to enjoy now ripening blackberries
Occasionally the sun came out for a brief appearance to coat the reserve in a golden glow.  The lichens sparkled their beautiful greens in satisfaction.
And the honeysuckle's hair grows in anticipation for next summer.
Time wasn't against us but the pull to a cosy house and a nice cup of tea was.  So after having time to have a sticky seed fight, the short drive home awaited.
Old Father Time keeps us all ticking along but sometimes it is nice to slow this down, stop, think, reflect and sort out our own time management for a little while.
Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings and a huge welcome to my new followers, you are all welcome and I'm looking forward to catching up with you in blog land.

Have a wonderful weekend and week, and don't forget to take some time out for you.

Take care. 


 (Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. Beautiful scenery nicely photographed by you.

  2. What a lovely walk. So many pretty nature scenes! Beautiful photos, have a happy day!

  3. *sigh* a picture paints a thousand words, and boy did you take some awesome shots there Chel. I love your writing and I feel like I ambled along with you through your words. Thank you. Autumn sure is awesome x

  4. You've taken some beautiful photos there.

    I was taking a similar teasel photo last week,

    The toadstool/mushroom photos could be use to illustrate a children's fairy tale

  5. Dear Chel
    A beautiful, thoughtful and contemplative post complemented by stunning images. This post sums up autumn so well.
    Best wishes

  6. So many lovely photos Chel! A favorite for me was the squirrel and the swan!

  7. Wow your photos are gorgeous! Loved going for a walk with you. I loved the first photo of the acorn then just kept getting more impressed as I went on. I love mushrooms, something about them fascinates me. The swan is my favorite! I like the new look of your blog too!

  8. Beautiful pictures of your walk. I think we all need to take time out to just be and enjoy nature.
    Ali x

  9. Just love your quiet still pictures and the walk with you through the different views, wonderful peaceful blog.

  10. Yep - that's exactly why I hike. Looks like you had a beautiful walk and got some great pictures.

  11. What a serene very beautiful. I'm sure this place restores peace to the soul. Thanks for sharing your felt as though I was there too...:) Have a blessed and beautiful week my friend.

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  12. I love to walk alongside water. It is so restful. Beautiful Chel.

  13. Hi Chel, what a nice family walk you all took. It's so much fun to take nature walks and to explore and look at how beautiful nature is. Thanks for sharing the walk and pretty pictures. Have a wonderful week.

  14. So pretty I can see why you wanted to take a walk.

  15. Lovely photos. You've really captured the autumn atmosphere! xx

  16. Absolutely gorgeous captures! I love places like this.

  17. Love your pics Chel! Stunning photography xxx

  18. This is the sort of walk that I truly enjoy, Chel. The photos show the beauty of this autumn season. I'm rather fond of the acorn shot!

  19. Your pictures are amazing. The squirrel one should be used as a Christmas card!

  20. HI there....
    Beautiful, inspiring photographs...
    Great job...
    Glad you and hubby enjoyed the day...

    Linda :o)

  21. Such a gorgeous Autumn walk, Chel! You are right, spending the day just enjoying nature and taking your time is a wonderful way to renew. Thank you for sharing all the beauty with us, too! Hugs xoxo

  22. It really is wonderful to take the time to be still and absorb the peace and beauty of nature. You captured some beautiful sights. The swan through the grasses is a gorgeous shot.

  23. Simply being in the moment is something to be cherished.


  24. Chel, Always amazed by your pictures!! You captured just the right photos! Thanks for sharing.

  25. Oh my goodness, I love these photos!! That one must be of a 'hide' ? Where you can sit and watch the wildlife without them seeing you? It's all so beautiful! What an amazing Creator.

  26. Beautiful - thanks for sharing. We've been enjoying autumn walks too.

  27. Oh I so agree, we all need that time to stop, reflect, take the time to enjoy the glories of nature. Beautiful captures of your step into nature.

  28. Beautiful scenery and great photography... I love this time of the year.
    I have to tell you that you look absolutely beautiful in your new profile photo! Tammy xx

  29. How right you are....time just keeps moving and slowing down these days is so important! You captured such beauty on your walk. Your post actually calmed me as though I was on a walk there too! All the best to you this week!

  30. What a lovely relaxing read, beautiful pictures, I adore the squirrel! laura @vintique tree xxx

  31. What a refreshing walk that just melts stress away and renews the spirit....Beautiful shots of peaceful moments....

  32. Hi Chel, I enjoyed my little trip to the woods. I love every single photo and the caption that goes with it. Your neck of the woods has a lot to offer, a feast in the eye as well as refreshes the mind.

    Hope you have a good week.


  33. Chel, this is such a beautiful walk about in nature. I enjoyed all of your beautiful photos! Just gorgeous scenery. I missed this post and have read your latest and am so sorry to hear of your husband's health scare on the weekend. There is nothing worse to upset life and I pray he will be well and that you'll get some answers this week at the doctor's visit. Blessings to you both. Take care. Pamela


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x