
Sunday 20 October 2013

Normal Service Will Be Resumed... I Promise

It's been one of those weeks where you never know what is around the next corner.  I've been all happy as I have a week off work with lots of catching up to do with the autumn transformation in the house and a second visit to the Beamish Museum coming up (next post will be a bit picture heavy once again).  However what I wasn't planning was on my lovely hubby having a bit of a health scare on Thursday evening.  I will quickly say all is well, but those brief sickening moments on deciding whether to call for an ambulance were particularly hard.  They were called, came very quickly and spent an hour with him checking all sorts.  After the hour his vital signs were all normal and he had picked up again.  More tests next week, but for now he is taking it easy.  For a rural area we are particularly lucky to have an ambulance station so near - wonderful people.  But, this is a positive blog, and you don't need me rambling on about health scares! and as my hubby reads this, he doesn't want to read doom and gloom!  So, this week is just an itsy bitsy post with a bit of sunshine in the form of flowers.
Our living room will be our retreat this weekend with the pumpkins on display and the gradual appearance of more autumnal colours to warm the home.
Next week is going to be a busy one, along with taking hubby to the hospital, there will be the trip to Durham to the Beamish Museum for part 2 of our trip around there, Burghley House to see their Autumn colours, work on my Grandad's book and hopefully some time putting some beautiful papers on the walls of the Curiosity Shop.  My blog reading has also been a little out of kilter this week, so will be catching up with what you have been doing too.  Life occasionally blows in different directions, this week we feel like a weather vane being blown from a good wind to a bad one.
Normal service will be resumed I promise next week, but as I hope you will understand, my mind is a little all over the place at the moment.  Thank you for sticking with me, it's funny how typing things out and looking at the shots that will be put on the blog concentrates the mind.  Bless you all for reading.

Take care. 


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  1. Thinking good thoughts for your husband - hope he feels better soon.

  2. I always look forward to your updates Chel. Just sorry to read that there's been a little bit of concern over your husbands health. I hope all is well after his trip to the hospital, and that any stress is relieved very quickly. Your living room is so cosy, funny I have the same coffee table just in a lighter wood. Your plans for the coming week sound lovely, enjoy them x

  3. It's scary, our worlds can change so fast, take a breath, a deep one. Thinking good healing thoughts for both of you.


  4. Take care too Chel, sorry you've not had a good time of it recently, but hope everything picks up for you all now.

    Love Claire xxx

  5. I hope your husband is doing all right now. I think your living room is the best place to be this weekend, especially if you have rain like we have here.

  6. Chel...
    I promise that I for one will be praying for your husband. I am so sorry that he had the health scare and I hope that all of the tests come back with good news. Even a positive blog has it's real life situations and your attitude is beautiful, you are the kind of person that is a blessing to my life.
    I have to say as well you have an absolutely lovely living room! It's so warm and inviting.
    I hope you and your husband have an extremely peaceful and good week.
    Much love, Tammy x

  7. All the best! Take a rest on your comfy sofa. You deserve it! Regula

  8. Take care Chel. Have a good week and very best wishes to your husband.

  9. Sometimes we all need a break from blogging and if you have other issues to sort out it is well deserved.
    I hope all is well for your hubby next week.

  10. Your home looks so cosy and it is just the kind of weekend to stay home and take it easy - I hope all will be well with your husband's health, take care:)

  11. Hi Chel, wishing your hubby a speedy recovery, hope you enjoy a restful week :-) x

  12. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's scare but I'm glad he's okay. I hope you've had a nice, relaxing weekend together. Your living room is so bright and cheerful, I love it!

  13. Wishing you all the best for next week and enjoy Beamish

  14. I'll keep your husband in my prayers...that is very scary. And I look forward to the photos you have to share. Enjoy your afternoon...get some rest my friend! Hugs, Diane

  15. Best wishes to your husband. I hope it will turn out to be nothing. But it's good to get everything checked out once in a while.

  16. I hope your husband will soon be well, you have a beautiful living room to rest in :)

  17. I am happy to hear that your husband is ok and I pray his tests go smoothly and everything turns out to be ok. Don't worry about not being able to post....I am right there with you lately. It has been nice to catch up over my long weekend though! Blessings to you my friend and try to get some R&R this week when you are off.

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  18. In a moment everything can change and I am so glad your hubby is OK...I will be praying for him this week as he goes for further tests.....Don't worry about posting but just take care of the things that need your attention...We all are in that position at one time or another......

  19. I hope your your husband is on the mend now, sounds like you have been supper busy.

  20. Hi Chel, so sorry to hear about the health scare and I do hope that your hubby will be alright. Thanks for sharing the pretty picture of the flower! Take care and I hope you get to do things you want to do over the week. I can't wait to see what you will share with us next! Hugs to you and I will say a prayer for your hubby.

  21. I hope that your husband is feeling better soon. I will be sending you all positive thoughts this week. You take care friend...Nicole

  22. I could sit in your room with you and share some tea and pray with you and just chat... it is so beautiful. so welcoming and so peaceful Thank you for sharing it with us.

  23. Warmest wishes to you both, Chel, I hope all goes well for your man. ANd may I say what a lovely, welcoming living room you have there, I hope you are both making good use of it these dreary weather days! Oh and enjoy your trips Oop North, we have all visited Beamish when we lived in Northumberland, the boys still remember their school visits there, many many years ago!

  24. Chel,
    Sending lots of good wishes and prayers to your husband that all will be well and that his health scares will soon be in the past!

    Take care and just relax in your beautiful living room.

    Pat F.
    Las Vegas, NV

  25. Sorry to hear about your hubby...hope all is OK now..:o)
    Your LR is cosy and comfy!!
    Enjoy your Fall...with the pumpkins!!

    Linda :o)

  26. I hope your hubby feels better really quickly, Chel. You take care too! :o)

  27. Scares like this are no fun at all. I hope that all will be well. Your home is so cozy - a great place to spend time relaxing. Take care.

  28. I hope your husband will feel ok. I'm looking forward to reading a picture heavy post!

  29. Oh my word - do take care and I'm so glad your hubby is ok.

    Nina x

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Glad your hubs is ok -- hopefully nothing that some R & R can't fix. In the meantime, hello again =) I've been so busy that I've not been doing much blog reading lately. Yours is always a treat! The pics of your latest trip were lovely!! Happy Fall.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x