
Saturday 5 October 2013

Autumn Happiness

The Autumn season is now in full swing and I for one am skipping about with a big smile on my face.  Even the dreaded cold virus fairy could not dampen my spirits when I started to see the gorgeous chocolate brown appear on the horse chestnut trees.  Conkers scream the Autumn season to me along with the delicious apples that are falling all around us.
This little one wouldn't have been too pleased if he knew what I was collecting, after all, he has his Winter meals to hide away.
The Autumn low level sunlight cast welcome shadows on my happy walk around the Cathedral
And my favourite door enjoyed the dappled shade on its ancient wood and stone.
My smiles continued as I carried on my walk and looked up to the sun light sparkling on the windows.
The golden berries were showing off against the wonderful medieval background.
But this was to be just a short break in my work day so I headed past one of the fantastic 'Narnia' type lamp posts.  I do love these so much, especially during the snowy season and this particular one has been in my snow posts before.  I can just imagine Mr Tumnus appearing from the trunk of one of the trees with his parcels.
After my week's work, I drove home and this time, instead of getting out of my car and then quickly going inside to my happy home, I noticed the rosehips that were next to my drive.
And the additional red berries that are appearing in my side garden.
The grapes that are all over my garage - goodness apart from wine, what can I make with all of them?  There are tonnes of them!
The lacy climbing hydrangea around my front door has taken on a beautiful antique lace look.  This actually makes me get butterflies in my stomach it is so gorgeous.
Then up against the back of the house, my climbing Boston Ivy is starting to get a red blush.
And the regular hydrangea has a red and orange skeleton beginning to form.
The seed pods are forming everywhere.
The gnarled wood of the climbing plants around my pergola have taken on their own beauty in the dying and decaying certainty of the garden.
And the greenhouse has given me a final happy piece of fire to play with.  The chilies and the peppers have warmed to a hot red.
The kitchen window baskets have been emptied and re-filled with red roses and ivy.  I am so pleased with how they turned out this year.  The herbs that were originally planted were all beautifully healthy and became HUGE!  So they have been transplanted to my front garden in a new herb bed.
My mischievous Coco has been trying to get into all the shots today!  She makes me smile all the time.
Yes you! (her fur is gradually coming back after that awful grooming she had last time - the long ears may be back to normal this time next year).
Another huge smile came with this little fellow.
Mr Teenager found this house martin (or is it a swallow?) in our hedge.  It hopped into his hand and stayed there for about 10 minutes.  Once he checked there were no cats around, he took it to the front of the house and held his hand up high.  The beautiful bird then just flew down the street, picking up its parents as it went and soared high into the sky.  A nice warm, safe, rest was all he needed.

And lastly my Autumn happiness carried on today when I received my parcel from Blueberry Heart's Autumn Swap.
These lovely little printed packages were full of Autumnal delights.  The heart is now hanging from my spice rack, the pot holder fits in with my kitchen perfectly, the candle smells gorgeous, the hand made pumpkin picture now lives over my front door handle...everything was just perfect and thank you so much Kerry for hosting this.  You can see what I sent Kerry by clicking here.

So, lots and lots of happiness in my house with the onset of Autumn.  Just one thing though, when will summer stop peeping in?!  Back in a T shirt today... what's that all about?

Have a wonderful, happy, Autumnal/Spring week.

Take care.

 ♥ Chel ♥

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  1. Lovely pictures Chel. The first one is so pretty and makes a great still-life. They are all very pretty. It was cooler here today but still nice. Not complaining at all. :)

  2. Your photo's really do capture the colors of fall. That little Coco has the sweetest face....nice picture of that cute little bird.

  3. These photos are fabulous! Coco is the cutest little thing. And the little bird in the hand was so sweet. We all just need a warm, safe rest once in awhile, don't we? Great collection of images! Autumn is a fabulous season for taking pictures.

  4. What beauty here! Your garden is outstanding in its fruits and colors!!! And oh how amazing are your!!!! That lamp post is so so pretty!!! Such awesome things happening here!!! Love that pup and the sweet bird stopping for a rest!!! Happy weekend to you!!!

  5. What a gorgeous seasonal post! I have umpteen photos ready to post later on today that have built up over the past few weeks - such a gorgeous time to take pictures. So glad too, that you like your swap bits and bobs, I really enjoyed putting them together for you.
    Have a great rest of weekend!
    BH xxxx

    1. Hi can you tell me how you do your Blueberry Swaps? Thanks Stella

    2. Hi Stella, would you like to email me at I'll be more than happy to let you know details of how I organise a swap if you are planning to host one yourself.

      Thank you
      BH x

  6. What beautiful shots. The cathedral looks gorgeous in the autumn light. xx

  7. Lovely photos, looks like you are making the most of the season.

  8. Beautiful pictures. How lovely the mellow stone looks in the autumn sunshine. Autumn seems very slow to arrive here, there is still so much summer colour around.

  9. What a gorgeous post Chel. It's wonderful that we are being allowed to enjoy Autumn with some sunshine - the colours seem so vibrant at the moment and you've picked them up beautifully in these photos. As for the baby bird - how lucky was that?! What a fantastic thing - I bet Mr Teenager was reluctant to let it go! I always identify them by their tails - if they have 'streamers' (longer feathers) they are swallows if not they are martins - not sure if this is the same with a chick though? Have a glorious 'rest of weekend' x Jane

  10. Wonderful photos, Chel. Autumn is definitely here now too. :o)

  11. A bird in the hand -- what an amazing moment to capture on film! Thanks for sharing miore pics of the Cathedral. I love seeing the images all shot from different angles. Probably no one knows that church better than you!!

  12. You were right, Chel....
    We do like and photograph the same kind of things...and you do it beautifully!!!
    I also captured a few "seed" pod pics last week...
    I certainly envy your ability to have an outdoor garden ALL YEAR!!!
    I guess the roses love the milder temps of your climate....
    Love your hydrangea photo, and my Boston Ivy is also showing it's Fall colors...
    We have also been having unusual warm temps here...not complaining!
    But...we are in the midst of a 4 day rain event...oh well...time to attend to some indoor chores...
    Or better yet....get at my crocheting! ha!

    Your blog is a joy to read...glad you found me!

    Linda :o)

  13. That was such a sweet Autumn post, Chel. Thanks for sharing that beautiful walk. I love the idea of planting wee roses in the window boxes for winter and I may just do that too.

  14. The very best of autumn is in this post - lovely garden scenes, colors everywhere, sunshine and that cute squirrel. Enjoy those t-shirt days while they last.

  15. Autumn really does pull out the stops in the colour department although this week was nearly the victim of conker fall when one just missed falling on my head!

    Love Coco's photo - who says dogs faces can't register expression.

  16. Coco is so adorable. I love how the eyes look straight at the camera...

  17. Amazing photography Chel! I always love looking at your photos. Touches of autumn everywhere you look. Your litttle Coco is the sweetest! She has such soulful she knows what you are thinking...:) Hope you have a beautiful week my friend...blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  18. Lovely photos. It's definitely looking like fall by you. Coco is so cute, I love her little face and big eyes!

  19. You have picked out the very best of autumn. And hasn't today been such a glorious day?

  20. So many lovely signs of Autumn - the berries, fruit, nuts and gorgeous foliage! Isn't the light wonderful this time of year? I love the Boston Ivy, it reminds me of my childhood near Boston. We had this wonderful ivy growing on the stone chimney of our house. Coco is just the sweetest little thing. We are having t-shirt weather today, too, after a horrendous week of cold and rain. I am not complaining.......Hope your week is lovely, Chel. Love your new treasures. xoxo

  21. Hi Chel, I loved all the pictures that you shared! HAPPY FALL to you! Your dog Coco is so adorable and her hair looks fine. Do have a nice week.

  22. Autumn is looking rather wonderful, Chel. The photos are beautiful; I was amazed by the bird nesting in the hand.


  23. I love your autumn pics. They are gorgeous and what a cute little dog you have. Thanks for visiting me and happy to return the follow!

  24. What a delightful post ! I loved the Autumn photos ... I adore CoCo !!
    The sweet little bird and it's lovely flight was uplifting ~ literally :)
    Thank you for visiting and for your comment on my the cranberry harvest post .

  25. You have captured Fall at it's loveliest...beautiful!! I want to be in England in the Fall, it is sooo gorgeous there with all the old buildings....yes, I am whining!!

  26. Autumn can be such a colourful time with all of nature's bounty out on show - it's the dismal dreary days that I hate - but for now the sun is shining and all's well with the world.

  27. Such lovely photos and its been an especially bright start to Autumn. I do love Autumn once I've got my head round the fact that summer is definitely gone and you can start to appreciate the changes in colours and textures.

  28. Chel, I love all your gorgeous photos of Autumn.You really know how to capture the perfect setting. Coco is adorable too! Thanks so much for always stopping by with your wonderful comments. Love hearing from you!

  29. The photos are beautiful!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  30. Hello, Chel! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a message. I enjoyed coming here reading and seeing your gorgeous pictures. Your dog is so sweet looking! I'd love to kiss his furry little nose too!

  31. Hello Chel, from across the pond, thanks for coming for a visit to my blog, yours is just lovley..I love your selection of photos, fall is such a splendid time of the year. I will add your blog to my blog roll so I can continue to see your lovley posts.

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