
Friday 5 July 2013

Happy Days

This week has been filled with happy days.  A cheery happy week.
Happy days each starting with driving into work with Mr Teenager who has been on work experience at the Cathedral.  Precious, rare time with him, witnessing another phase of his life.  He has proved to be a hard worker, polite and has had fun with the various departments he has worked with.  Now, one thing he was privileged to do was go up on some scaffolding to the top front of the Cathedral (the tower tours take you to a smaller area at the back of the Cathedral).  So are you ready for a very rare view, that only a few are able to see?  Luckily he took his phone with him to take some photos and this one I just had to share with you.
Peterborough is spread before the Cathedral.  Below to the left is the top of Knights Chamber, in the centre you can see the Norman arch that takes you through to the Cathedral, and in front of this is Cathedral Square with St John's.  He's done well hasn't he?

With Mr Teenager being in work I was behaving better as he made me take my lunch breaks!  We went on great walks together all over the place and had little picnics.  Being 15 you still get the occasional grunt but I realised as the fortnight went on just how much he has grown up.  He was now teaching ME things!  One of the walks we took early on was to the river that I didn't even know was there! From here you can see the whole of the Cathedral from the side.  This shot also shows just how high up he was.  Look to the left of the building, the top, that's where he was! You can just make out the scaffolding (good job I didn't know when they were about to take him up!)
Our walks began to be regularly heading towards the river.  Full of life from wildlife and canal boat owners...I was in heaven!
How I would have loved to own this bike, chained it up, moored the boat and gone for a refreshing drink at a local pub.  Just dreams at the moment.
The canal boat owners all looked so happy and there was constant movement as they headed up and down the river, just relaxing and taking their time in their un-rushed lives.
Around and about there were dozens of swans.  Beautiful, elegant and happy for us to approach them.  They were all over the river.
We fed them, got hissed at a couple of times, but felt so brave for being up close to them.
Each day the sun got stronger and stronger and the heat and humidity are now upon us.  We have a heat wave coming - oh dear, I know how I hate those!  How I would love instead to just sit in the shade under one of these weeping willows, dip my toes in the water and dream of my canal boat!
It's been such a special two weeks, the first tiring and the second reflective, but spending time with my first born has been extra special.  And to end this time together and his hard work, it's BBQ time!
And this week, not hooky and tea at the table, but a nice family meal of BBQ'd meats, cous cous and potato salad.  
Thanks Mr Teenager, you have made your mother so proud!

Thank you for all your comments last week and welcome, welcome, welcome to my lovely new followers!  I am answering any comments via email in future as I'm finding this a little easier time wise, so I apologise if you are a 'no reply' blogger as I can't acknowledge your beautiful comments as my words disappear into the 'ether'!  So I'll say thank you now for your encouraging words xx

Right, back to normal next week and Mr Teenager back at school.  Normal service will be resumed and more trips are currently being planned...and new projects with my crochet hook!!  Have a wonderful, sunny, weekend and I'm looking forward to catching up on what you are all doing in Blogland xx

Take care.



  1. How beautiful! I know you are proud of your son!

  2. Oh Chel....I'm happy to hear you had such a wonderful week. What a blessing to have your son on work study and having lunch with him each day. They do grow up quickly don't they? Your photos are just gorgeous as usual! I would love to spend a few days on one of those canal boats....what a life! Floating lazily down the river all day sounds so relaxing and peaceful. Hope your weekend is as special as your week has been!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  3. Happy days indeed! With beautiful images to accompany them. I am in awe with all those swans. Incredible! I have never seen more than two at a time!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Your son sounds like a harder worker, which is great lately. They grow up so fast, my son is 20. I loved your photos, especially the canal shots. Have a happy weekend!

  5. You've certainly had a blessed week. So often I hear people complaining of their teenagers but those were my favorite years raising the children. It's fascinating to watch them learn and grow every day. Thanks for sharing and your photographs are beautiful, too. -- Jan

  6. Hi Chel, I'm so glad that you had a nice week and it was nice of you to spend some time with your son. I can't believe how hight your son went up! I loved looking at all the pictures and I really loved looking at the water with the boats and swans. I'm so glad to hear that you have warm weather too. Take care and have a wonderful week.

  7. Lovely moments stolen with your first born, Chel, and such precious time it is. An amazing view from up high, it makes my toes tingle and I get a little dizzy, but the sights are inspiring. The river boats, the weeping trees and the swans would have me wanting to play hooky, too! Your celebration bbq looks very satisfying - I can practically taste it - you know how unfair it is to tease that way! I hope your heat wave is quick to pass by and I am looking forward to seeing what you are hooking. Hugs, xoxo

  8. Spending time with your kid is special. Both mine are grown and I don't see them as much. Enjoy you son before he ships off to college.

  9. I'm not sure going up that scaffolding would have been a privilege for me!

    I wonder though whether the canal boat people would ave looked as happy if it had been poor weather. Think of then when you are warm inside in the middle of winter and you can feel happy again

  10. Crikey Chel my knees have gone weak just looking at that top photo - not a great one for heights! How lovely though that Mr T was able to show you things through his eyes and teach you things - it's wonderful when you suddenly notice them growing up - what a lovely relationship you have (even with the occasional grunt - that's just par for the course!) Hope you are enjoying your lovely garden this weekend x Jane

  11. Time well spent and lovely photos!!! I so enjoyed your thoughts as well!

  12. Great that you were able to spend some quality time with your son - lovely views of the town and the river, I have always fancied living on a boat - I have an affinity with water - it always seems a great way of life to me - maybe one day

  13. This was a lovely post: it was nice to read about your relationship with your son and I was delighted to get to know a new place.

  14. Amazing panorama of the city, and I love the narrowboats on the river too.

  15. You're in such a lovely time of life, with a teen just starting out and willing to share his experience with you. The cathedral is stunning, and what a privilege it must be for him to work there! As I looked at your photos I wished I could take a trip in one of those boats.

  16. i've never seen so many swans in one place.Beautiful cathedral. Loved the post.

  17. I just love swans and remember seeing so many of them when we were in London. I understand your point about answering w/e-mail. It does seem difficult to answer many bloggers now. I don't always read my email and I think many others don't either. It's hard to know what the best way to communicate is.

  18. Beautiful shots! That Cathedral shot looks so high up, also those boats on the canal look like a fun trip ;)

  19. Drats I didn't receive my invitation to BBQ.

    The view from upstairs is spectacular, as is the river and its guests.

    Your son sounds like a fine young man... one to be proud of.

  20. Such wonderful time with your oldest ! Savour every moment- not all boys his age would spend time with his mother!!

  21. A lovely post, thanks so much for sharing your life with us. It was a pleasure to learn about your son's "job" and where he worked. Those canal boats are pretty awesome, aren't they...I can understand your dreams of owning one. Continue to enjoy your summer!!

  22. Hi Chel,

    Such sweet time spent with your lovely son; memories I'm sure you'll treasure! Gorgeous pics, especially loved the canal shots!! I think, our little town of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, just MAY have been named after your English one!

    Happy Sunday!


  23. Lovely photos. Glad you got some precious time with your son....I love those moments even though mine are all grown up now, I love to get together with them and just hang out chatting together. Thanks for your visit to my blog :)

  24. Such beautiful scenery! How wonderful to spend time with your son and experience the role reversal of him teaching you. Perfect. I am fascinated by canal boats, by the way. I just read a mystery where they figured prominently.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!


  25. Great photos, Chel. If I'd had to go up on scaffolding ... well, let's just say I wouldn't have done it and leave it at that! Heights are not my strong suit!

  26. I could fantasize about one of those canal boats as well!

  27. What a lovely post Chel!
    Wonderful pictures of a very beautiful place!
    I love swans!!!You must be very proud of your son!!!
    I realy enjoyed the tour!
    Have a lovely week!

  28. Amazing photos. What a special time to share with your son. xx

  29. Chel, I love this! Finding joy and happiness in lifes little pleasures. Spending cherished time with you son that both of you will always remember. Creating a lifelong bond. He got some great shots. Had to close my eyes for a minute because I am a little frightened of heights. lol! Thanks for joining Share Your Cup. Happy to be a new follower.

  30. Time with a teen is always precious - I love hanging out with mine...even though it is a rare thing these days.

    Nina x

  31. Congratulations to your son for an excellent photo! These are precious times, Chel, thank you for sharing them with us here.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x