
Saturday 29 June 2013

Petals of a Rose - Pages of a Book

If there is one flower combination that shouts summer to me, it is the perfect combination of roses and English lavender.  Roses with so many layers of sheer perfection that look like the pages of a well loved book, their many petals ready to unfurl and lure in the bees and noses to experience its scent.
Geoff Hamilton Rose
Compared to the soft spikes of lavender with its gentle lilac blue waving to the passing bees and willing people to brush against the grey stalks to release this calming scent.  Well, it would be that way if the wonderful English summer stepped up a gear.  Instead, the spikes are teasing me by still being encased by its grey/green outer shell.
This week's weather has been a mixture of sunshine and showers, but my roses still look so beautiful with the added glass looking beads of rain decorating the petals.
However they soon turn to vapour when the sun decided to peep through.
My roses are mainly pink in the garden but this one has peeped through, not sure where it came from but I love the antique looking colour.
Our herb garden has been patiently waiting for us to start collecting its delicious bounty for some culinary masterpieces.  How could we resist.  For now, some ribbon and carefully placed bamboo in my greenhouse will have to do and the drying process can begin so that some dried herbs will be ready for pounding for winter use.
The potato sacks are overflowing with greenery.  I am so tempted to open the velcro door to see how things are progressing!
The front entrance is now suitably colour co-ordinated.  I am loving the raspberry colour of my new door mat (probably why my icons for the blog are now this shade - take a look at Heather B Designs, they are also very helpful in creating extra icons if you need them).
The climbing hydrangea was full of bees even though the lacy flowers were few and far between.
The pond iris's were also attracting the bees.  I am so glad that these miraculous furry bundles of summer are visiting us once more.
You may have now gathered that I am having a 'stay at home' weekend.  My post is reflective this week as it has been incredibly hectic at work, Saturday has been a 'clearing up' day, or as the teenagers call it 'Bad Mood Mum Day', so to sit in the garden at the end of it was an absolute joy.  Have you ever worked yourself so much that your legs start pounding and the pain rushes through your body, to the point you can't walk anymore?  Well, that's me right now!  So, a long slow breath exhaled and calm restored.  Sitting in the garden amongst the ever growing plants with a lovely strong cup of tea (no wine being poured this week - my headaches have been horrendous!), some neglected hooky, my Coco dog close by and Mr Teenager who is enjoying a rest after his first week of work experience.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and your transfer from Google Reader is as painless as possible!  Time for me to have another strong cup of tea and a foot spa I think!  I'm really going to feel this in the morning!

Take care.



  1. Oh Chel, what a lovely post full of beautiful things (except the aches & pains of course!). I thoroughly enjoyed reading and staring in awe at the beauty in your garden. Your spot there at the table looks bliss, enjoy it tomorrow as I think there's some sunshine on the way *yay* x

  2. Lovely flowers and images! I hope you are feeling better now. Relaxing in your garden sounds peaceful. Have a happy weekend!

  3. How lovely! I have never seen a climbing hydrangea. What fun! And your herb garden is spectacular. Mine is just getting started, and sadly, my lavender is my toughest subject. Rosemary and oregano are growing like crazy, but my lavender is not happy.

  4. Very pretty shots, especially the one of the rose with water droplets.

  5. Very poetic writing today. I love the amber rose and the bee photo

  6. Oh my, I absolutely love your garden - and if mine looked like this, I would be sitting in it every evening! My life has been similar to yours, rushing about everywhere and just feeling generally uptight because there is so much to do! Your roses are beautiful, I have a few too but the heavy rain made the petals drop on Friday. Hope life calms down for you soon. :)

  7. I thought that top shot was a peony at first - what a beautiful rose - I love the idea of the petals being like the pages of a book. But that orange rose is quite stunning - I wonder where it came from? Once again your photos are gorgeous so while you are sitting at your table this morning with achey legs and tired body you can look back at them and think 'job well done'! Pour me a cuppa! Jane x (I love that the bees are 'furry bundles of summer'!)

  8. Your garden is really a marvellous place. If it's any comfort, my lavender is also very late this year.

  9. Your roses and ALL your flowers are amazing Chel! I would love for such a pretty rose to appear from nowhere in my garden ;) Enjoy the rest of your relaxing weekend ... such a nice spot you chose for your tea! Wendy x

  10. Magnificent macro shots! Wow!

  11. Beautiful photos and hope you have a great weekend!!!!

  12. Just gorgeous! Hope you have had a lovely weekend.
    M x

  13. So beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing :-). And I like the tea table scene very much ♥. About being fagged out, that was me this morning, too, after all the renovation works the last days. It took me 2 hours until I could start again today ;-). Thanks for your kind comment on my post about feedly etc! I saw that you were stated as no-reply blogger in the mail and was astonished, I thought I had been able to answer your past e-mails. So this just for your information ;-). Have a cozy and calm evening!! xxx Nata

  14. how beautiful! These would be lovely to share with I Heart Macro too:-)

  15. Dear Chel,your pictures are so beautiful!All those preety flowers in your garden!!How lucky you are!! I hope you are feeling better now!!Have a lovely new month!

  16. So beautiful flowers ... Love the rose with the raindrops! Wonderful images!

  17. Hi Chel, thanks for sharing all of those beautiful photos of your roses and herbs. I never saw a potato sack before! Your roses are such pretty colors. The colors of summer. I hope you have a better week and take care.
    Julie from across the pond

  18. Lovely photos. The roses are gorgeous.

  19. Chel....your home and gardens are simply stunning! What a lovely place to live...:) Love the photos of the bees! We have had a mix of sunshine and showers lately as well. In fact, it's raining again as I type this comment! Have a blessed week.

    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  20. A beautiful garden such as yours takes hard work. Enjoy the rest now after all your labours. Your flowers are so lovely, as is the tea table.

  21. A delightsome post, Chel - so lovely to see your beautiful gardens and of course the incredible roses! You have a very sweet place to enjoy some quietude with your little furry friend among all the lovely flowers. An oasis, I am sure, after such a busy week! I do love your front entry and the vibrant color of your door - I have a red door also, and pots identical, but yours are planted so pretty and I love the climbing hydrangea and that cone shaped hanging basket - so unusual. I do hope your hard work pays off and you get a much easier time ahead. Thank you for sharing all the pretties. Hugs, xoxo

  22. Relaxing or strolling thru the garden always renews my spirit Chel. Roses are gorgeous and I love how you compared them to the pages of a book. Love the pink and peach combination. Your climbing Hydrangea is amazing! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  23. Are you feeling more rested now? Hopefully. Your yard must give you a feeling of repose - so green and lush and full of such gorgeous flowers and herbs. I just planted a climbing hydrangea. Hopefully mine will grow as vigourously as yours has!

  24. Simply love your photos. I'm your newest follower, and can't wait to raid your sweet blog for English gardening ideas, lol... Thanks for stopping by my blog, I appreciate your comment!

    Blessings, Theresa @ Finding Grace, Going Mobile

    P.S. My cousin, Sweetpea, is the queen of crochet. I shall direct her towards your blog, also.

  25. Love those roses!
    Your newest follower,

  26. What a beautiful garden you have. I have loved looking around. I love roses and lavender too! Though I think I will get one rose this year. Sob.

    P x

  27. Beautiful photographs. I am glad you stopped by my blog so that I was able to discover yours.

  28. I don't know why but when I get through to your Google page it only shows your last entry as May so I have to come to you through the Google home - wonder why it doesn't keep up to date. Anyway love your roses you have certainly captured their beauty - love how you have managed such great bee photos too.

  29. You take the most beautiful photos. I love roses. I planted a rose bush in the beginning of summer and can you believe my dang dog ate the entire thing; thorns and all.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x