
Sunday 23 June 2013

Returning to Where I Began - Blog Year 2

So, on with year number 2! As my title says "returning to where I began", well it was in fact my second post!  Back in June 2012 I went to the Peterborough Heritage Weekend and was blown away by absolutely everything to do with this event.    If you are a regular reader you will know that I work within the precincts and enjoy capturing shots of the architecture that surrounds the Cathedral, but this event really makes you look at the environment in a different light.  To think that this Cathedral has seen most of the costumes in the correct century is mind blowing.  I'm going to keep the words to a minimum and just take you around.  Some areas are private but the Bishop and the Dean open their gardens for this event, so it is a bit of a blog garden party thrown in.  However you will probably agree that this is a Dr Who adventure and we will be travelling in the tardis back through the centuries.

So where to start?  Let's start with the grand building itself.  Beautiful, splendid and constant.
Now, see the archway to the right?  This is the Knights Chamber and also the entrance to the Palace which is private but for this event the walkway and gardens are opened to the public.
Once through the leafy driveway you enter the Palace gardens.
Here, in the perfect Medieval surroundings, camps were set up where lunch was being cooked.
Further round the walk you end up at the Monks Kitchen, the oldest part of the Cathedral grounds.  To think how old these walls are, probably 900 years old, is staggering!
The vaulted ceilings are so simple, no embellishments, but have stood the test of time.
Then we go round to the orchard.  The wall is the other side to the cloister wall that I took you around a little while ago (post here).  
The walk takes us full circle and we are back beneath Knights Chamber.
Before we went around the rest of the grounds, we headed for the Cathedral Square where there were re-enactments.  These actors were depicting the arrest of King Charles I.  The muskets were fired...
...and the protesters were shot...safely!
 Now, apparently when King Charles was about to be sent to London to his execution, he spent one night in the room above the Norman Arch as you go towards the Cathedral.  This is the window to the left.
So now we go under this archway and start looking at the living villages.  I would love to tell you what this contraption is but didn't get a chance. I would love to think it was a medieval flying machine!
The Roman village was busy with soldiers getting ready for their turn in the re-enactments.
I think they were glad to make their way back for some refreshment.
Along with the next village which consisted of more characters chopping wood and preparing lunch in the authentic way.
The smell of smoke was thick in the air.
We then entered a little gate in a walled garden which took us to the Dean's garden, which had been taken over by the Vikings.  
Now this Viking was magnificent and I am so glad I managed to capture him up close.
There were crafts being demonstrated.
And the patience of this dog was a sight to behold!
After me and Hubby had a go at the archery, we then went back through the little gate and into World War II.  Here was Churchill with friends...
...and some soldiers recruiting for World War I.
Around we continued going through all the different centuries, sometimes they were jumbled up.  Here's Churchill again skipping through the centuries.
Not as bright and sunny as last year's day, but still a lot to learn and see.

Now you may have noticed some changes to my blog.  I fancied a bit of a change of colour and with the demise of Google Reader, I have changed a few things around.  So if you would like to follow me there are some icons at the top of my blog with all the different ways.  My particular favourite out of all of them is Bloglovin and it is so easy to transfer your reading list to this.  I have also added my Twitter box, I'm only just really getting into this.  I have had 'fun' all day changing things so I hope you like them.

Have a wonderful week.

♥ Chel ♥

This week I am sharing with:


  1. This looks like a lovely place to visit and such an interesting event! I'm really glad I found your blog, you write about so many really intriguing things.

    1. Thank you Jennifer. I try to write about things that I can also learn about and refer back to...and hopefully my two teenagers will read and understand a bit more of where we have been. Thanks again for your kind comment. Chel x

  2. Hi Chel, once again happy anniversary on your blog and I love your changes! Thanks for the tour and it looks like it was a fun day. Take care and have a great week.
    Julie from

  3. What a fun event! The cathedral is beautiful and I love all the historical costumes. Wonderful photos. Have a happy week ahead!

  4. What an amazing event. It must be such fun to belong to a group like that. I love that last lady's outfit. xx

    1. She was great! Very happy to pose for the photo and I believe she also acts as Catherine of Aragon during that weekend at the beginning of the year. xx

  5. What an amazing event. I love to visit places where the people are all in character ... but this event shows so many characters and time periods!! Thanks for taking the time to take all these great photos and post them here, they are really interesting to see and read about. Your blog looks great btw ;) Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy. This event is so spectacular and everywhere you look there is another chance to capture something. The vikings had to be my favourite though! xx

  6. Love the blog update! I need to do that this summer as well. Thanks for the tour of the beautiful cathedral and grounds. I can't imaging working in such a beautiful area. I always enjoy seeing the sights around your home...:) Have a blessed week my friend!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

    1. Thanks Vicky. The sunset was shining against the Cathedral last night and with the bells ringing it was so magical. Camera? Unfortunately not with me as I was working! xx

  7. Liking the update! It's good to start a new year with a new look :)

  8. I love seeing all the "history in action"! Congratulations on one year of great blogging!

  9. Lovely photos. It is a great event for Peterborough. I went to Lucy Worsley's talk in the evening and really enjoyed it.
    I'm impressed with your blog changes. I am at a loss to know how to do the same, I need to act quickly though and make myself do it.

    1. I wanted to go to the talk but time was against me. If it was in the week I would have taken the advantage of going along. Good luck with the changes. xx

  10. Lovely post, Chel! And congratulations on the anniversary :) xoxo

  11. What a walk through the centuries!! So much to see and so much to learn! Re-enacters really get into it, don't they? Brilliant costumes and neat displays of everyday life. My kind of event - and all in the shadow of that marvelous Cathedral!

    1. What is also fantastic is that the re-enacters know all about the characters they are portraying and are very willing to pose for photographs. It is an amazing weekend. x

  12. Fascinating event, Chel. Thanks for sharing. :o)

  13. Dear Chel, happy anniversary on your blog!!!!!
    What an amazing event!!!!Wonderful pictures and post!!
    Have a lovely evening!

  14. What a cool event! Love the pictures!

  15. Great photos, magnificent buildings and great historical enactments.It's amazing to think of all those things happening from that one place.

  16. You've definitely shared a part of the world that I will never see. I always sit back and relax...and let my mind take it the sights you have photographed. It always amazes and delights me! Happy blogging my friend!

  17. Nice changes to your blog, Chel and thanks for the tour of the castle and the re-enactments! I could almost believe I was there experiencing history with some of these very real looking characters! Looks like lots of fun and I got a good laugh out of your observation of the patient dog. Hugs, xoxo

  18. Happy start of year 2. This looks like a fascinating place to visit - I love your photos!

  19. What fantastic photos! You know, if I were independently wealthy, I'd be very tempted to move to the UK. You can't move an inch without history bumping up against you! Love it!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x