
Wednesday 19 June 2013

My First Bloganniversary ♥

It has been a year of discovery.  A year of discovering wonderful, inspiring, like minded, humorous people.  A year of discovering more of who I am and not being afraid to put my photos and words out into Blogland.  A year of discovering that people are really kind in actually reading my posts and taking time out of their busy lives to leave comments.  Each comment has warmed my heart, smiles appear and occasional laughter.  It's been an amazing journey, never thinking that my little blog would be read by people in places that I will never see, let alone being followed by so many talented people.  It's been a journey of expanding my knowledge on how Blogland works, perseverance (remember Google Reader is about to stop - my Bloglovin button is on the left), and really enjoying myself.  So thank you all, thank you from the bottom of my very humble heart for sticking with me and reading about my ramblings.  And as a further thank you, Miss Teenager has chosen the winners of my blog anniversary giveaway.  So...drum roll....

The winners are:
The Boy - Reuben Firefly (Sarah Louise at Looking as u are)
The Girl - Ember (Vicky at Life on Willie Mae Lane)
...and an extra one as Miss Teenager liked this name for the pet:
Squidgee (Bronwyn's youngest at Queen B - Creative Me)

Thank you all for the names, it was a hard decision for Miss Teenager but I think she did well as I wrote a list and left her in a room to look through (no I didn't lock her in!)  So, congratulations to the winners - could you please email me your details (email box is at the bottom of the left column).  You will each receive a little box of goodies very soon.

So now to prepare for a little trip down memory lane this weekend and on with Blog Year 2!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


  1. Congrats on your first year anniversary!!!!

  2. Hi Chel, Happy Anniversary on your amazing blog. You take us on amazing tours all over England and I love all of the photos you take. I look forward to each week! Wishing you many more years of happiness with you blog.
    Julie from

  3. Congratulations on your blogs' first year. I love to read your posts, and your photos are always beautiful and interesting!
    Wendy x

  4. Happy Anniversary, Chel! I enjoy visiting your blog.


  5. Congratulations on your first anniversary! :o)

  6. Congratulations on your first bloganniversary! Wish you many more years of blogging!

  7. Congratulations on your blogiversary and to the winners of the giveaway! I enjoy your beautiful blog and your warm hearted writings and look forward to every post. Hugs, xoxo Karen

  8. To get the number of followers you have done in a year is a great achievemnet - well done

  9. Happy anniversary Chel. I hope that you have many more exciting years of blogging ahead. I've really enjoyed being on this journey with you.
    PS I love the names that your daughter picked for her characters!!

  10. Congratulations on your first year of blogging - this blogging is an exciting world :)


  11. Congrats Chel! Looking forward to another year of your colourful blog posts!

  12. Congratulations Chel! I love the names the winners chose. Very fun! Cheers to many more blogging days! Hugs, Pamela

  13. It is always a delight to visit your blog - may you always continue

  14. Congratulations on the first anniversary of your blog. I always enjoy reading your lovely blog.
    M x

  15. Congratulations on your anniversary!! I'm glad that you have enjoyed the journey :)

  16. I can't figure out why my comment didn't show up, I left one on Thursday. No worries though.....I am leaving another one to say how excited I was to get home from my cruise and discover I was a giveaway winner! Be sure to tell your sweet daughter I am honored she picked Ember for her girl character's name! And to you.....congrats on your 1year anniversary! I'm halfway there! You have inspired me to come up with a creative way to celebrate mine when it gets here! Thank you again! I did email you.....did you receive it? Have a blessed Sunday my friend!
    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  17. Happy anniversary! Oh wow - just caught up with my reading and saw I had won! So glad Reuben Firefly was picked for the boy, this was the first name that came into my head when I saw the drawing. :) And Ember goes really well too. I am emailing my details now! :)


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x