
Friday 14 June 2013

Tick Tock Goes The Dandelion Clock

I don't know about you, but where has the time flown this week?  In fact this year is really flying by and the nights will start drawing in again soon!  (I love dark evenings so personally can't wait).
This evening after work I decided that it was time to have a mum/son catch up, and suggested we went for a little walk down to Four Mile Bar Fish and Wildlife Refuge.  This is only a few miles from us and is out in open countryside and very quiet.  When we left my car and walked down the pathway I kept singing 'Fields of Gold' in my head.
I love this bridge, it has no sides, just planks of wood above the flowing water.  Such a tranquil place and completely different to a few months ago in the snowy winter months.
The wind was blowing quite strongly across the fens, but it was a lovely warm wind not cold like the last time we were here (post here).  We could see for miles and the only decision we had to make was whether we had hooves or feet!  So onto the public footpath we went!
The walk was easier this time and instead of red welly boots crunching through fresh deep snow, I had trainers on being careful not to crush the daisies.
In the distance you could see the nearest hamlet but it was still a fair distance.
Not too far into our walk we came to Four Mile Bar Bridge which crosses the Welland river.  As we were above the river and the wind had nothing stopping its force for miles, it certainly was whipping up around us.  This was a reminder that I should always have a hair tie with me at all times!

The river was flowing beautifully with the sun catching it's ripples.
All around us we could hear the wildlife as this is a wonderful fish and wildlife refuge.
Mr Teenager carried on walking and was now ahead of me.  We were surrounded by so many wild flowers such as the beautiful cow parsley.
This sign made me smile as there was absolutely nothing using this tiny road at the other side of the bridge.  Maybe it was for groups of walkers?  Or were we just passing a place?
Mr Teenager was now in his element wanting to show me something.  A field full of calves!  There were so many, and in the distance a bull and his harem!  I'm afraid that the shiny red colour of 'Val' my camera must have spooked them because they got up from their rest, and then rumbled down the field with older cows in pursuit.  However, two stayed, one mum and one approaching bull! (The mosaic below should be looked at clockwise).
And so, excitement over, we headed back to the car.  Mr Teenager walking on ahead in his own little world.
 And me dreaming of getting back home to look at all my roses.  The ones in the main garden,
The ones enveloping my greenhouse giving it natural shade (not that it needs it at the moment!),
The scent of these climbers is truly magical.
And my yellow roses on the fence, my piece of sunshine.
 New life continues to appear in the garden such as this magnificent moth that was out in the day time and seemed to be sunbathing for a while.
So, the week went quickly but I just hope that the weekend goes very slowly.   Tick tock goes the dandelion clock, let's hope the wind doesn't blow all the time away!
 I would like to also say a HUGE thank you for all the wonderful comments you sent me last week (and being featured on  The Homeacre Hop and Simple and Sweet Fridays) and a very happy and warm welcome to my new followers.  I have tried to answer as many comments as I can.  Thank you also for the wonderful names you have put forward for my giveaway (please see the end of last week's post if you missed this).  Miss Teenager is going to choose a couple of names next week.  As to what the giveaway is, we are still deciding on this, but it will be something local to us and thoughtful.

I will post the winners before our visit to Peterborough Heritage Weekend.  If you are in the area this is a 'must see' (my post from last year is here to give you a taster - this was my second ever post!).

Have a wonderful week.

Take care.

This week I am sharing with:


  1. Always love your blog and your pictures and the story telling is a wonderful addition too.

  2. Hi Chel, what a wonderful walk you had with Mr. Teenager today. I would love those kinds of walks too. It feels really good to just look at nature. I can't wait to find out what names your daughter picked out and Happy Anniversary on your blog, I love it! I love your roses the colors are so pretty. Take care and have a good weekend and a wonderful week.
    Julie from

  3. Love the golden yellow fields! And your rose photos are gorgeous.

  4. Wow, I love the golden fields! So pretty! You have a lovely place to walk, very scenic. And your roses are beautiful. Gorgeous photos, have a happy weekend!

  5. what a lovely place to walk. Loved all your photos!

  6. I'm so glad you took us along on your walk! What a lovely place,and how lucky you are to live so near. I loved the little wooden bridge, and the pretty yellow fields would be a sight to carry into the winter months, kind of like Wordsworth's daffodils :)

  7. It's always a joy to look at your photos - love all that pretty yellow :) Have a great weekend!


  8. Chel, these photos are so beautiful. The flat land and fields with the sky full of fluffy clouds are gorgeous. I love the canola fields. It would be a lovely place to walk. Have a wonderful weekend. Pamela

  9. Great selection of photos - so glad you linked to Open House!

  10. Oh my....your photos are always so beautiful! What a sweet day out with your son. Your roses are are absolutely breathtaking! I would have fresh roses in my house all the time!

    Blessings, Vicky

  11. Aha, Back to the right place, I've just left comments on two of your other blog entries! your photos are stunning, such a pleasure to see them.
    The clues to the names of your daughter's characters are in the picture, she is May and he is Bean.
    Joy x x

  12. What a lovely place to take a walk with beautiful pictures as usual. Your roses are looking pretty good as well - none of mine are out yet so you have whetted my appetite. Have a lovely weekend.

  13. Well now your pictures are always good but good old Val just gets better and better. I've just shown the dandelion clocks to Mr K - they're beautiful. I've really got to try a bit harder! Well done for getting Mr Teenager out for a walk - lovely that you can spend time together in this way. My roses are still buds but I can imagine the scent of yours from here - lovely x Jane

  14. Just wonderful photos! Looks like a pleasant journey!

  15. Beautiful roses. Beautiful photos.

  16. What a beautiful walking place. And your roses are so prettily photographed I could almost smell them.

  17. What a wonderful walk, Chel. Thanks for taking us along with you. :o)

  18. I have really enjoyed all your beautiful photos in this post.
    M x

  19. Time is flying by - a lovely walk but I couldn't have lingered by the oil seed rape as it is the only plant that gives me hayfever and the smell takes my breath away and I don't ;ike the look of it. Our fields should be green or buttercup yellow! :)

    The moth photo is lovely.

  20. These pictures you took just all look so peaceful :) Thanks so much for sharing these experiences!

  21. I had a very busy weekend organising a little event for my pupils and I was so sorry tonight that I hadn't been able to make time for a walk by the sea, but your post made up for it. The pictures are so beautiful.

  22. I really must take my oldest son out for a walk like this. We so rarely take time to hang out just he and I like we did before his brother and sister came along. Love that Sting song you mentioned. It's been a favourite for years! I must download it onto the ipod ASAP! Your roses are gorgeous. I've not grown any in my garden but seeing everyone else's has made me insanely jealous - so next year I'll plant some of my own!!

  23. Love your title ... & of course, the pics are fantabulous. Made me feel like I was right there too.

  24. This whole month is simply flying by! Love seeing your life through the lens of your camera and those roses are amazing! Sweet hugs!

  25. Your photographs are amazing.

  26. What a beautiful post!! Filled with so much beauty!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  27. Looks like a lovely walk and some great photos too.

  28. Hi Chel,

    I've immensely enjoyed taking a walk with you through your stunning photographs! The 'Fields of Gold' are incredible against that piercing blue sky, dotted with cotton wool clouds. I love it :) x

  29. Your pictures are gorgeous - I can't wait to get out into the countryside again.

    Nina x

  30. Great post Chel C!!Wonderful pictures!!Beautiful countrysides and very preety flowers!!Thank you for sharing!

  31. When I scrolled down and saw the field of gold I caught my breath, it was so lovely! Gorgeous photos and love that you took us along. The photo of your son walking in the distance is wonderful. Also your roses are just so pretty! Hugs, xo

  32. Chel....beautiful, beautiful! I love the beautiful fields of flowers. You captured it just perfectly.

    Thanks for visiting me! I love your photography!


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x