
Friday 12 July 2013

A Hot Summer's Walk

Isn't it lovely when you can just walk around shady glades and the only noise is from the ever growing wildlife.  This was how it was last weekend on a simple walk on a very hot day (did you notice that word 'hot'...yes, it does happen!).  At first I was the one that was doing the 'no, not today, I'm having a lazy day'.  Then, seeing Mr Teenager's disappointed face, I gave in and we took a small drive to one of the nature reserves with a very small picnic to keep us going.   Just the redness of the poppies against the different wild grasses and wildflowers was reward enough.

The glades were like entering tunnels of shade with the dappled strong sunlight filling the cracks
 I was so glad I had decided to tag along as this reserve doesn't allow dogs (and irresponsible dog owners!), so me who loves walking bare foot, off came my shoes and the feeling of cool soft grass and moss beneath my feet was luxurious and sweet.  Have you ever done that?  It's was so liberating.
A photo however could not be taken of this event as believe me I have hobbit's feet!  They should be advertising photos of the before pictures for chiropodists!  Truly awful!   Instead, I took a photo of one of the hundreds of  beautiful turquoise damsel flies that were flying away with fear dancing with my footsteps.
There are hides everywhere so that you can capture the wildlife on the water.  Again it was lovely and cool in there as by then the sun was at its strongest.  
These two gulls were on their regal nest surveying everything around them for miles.
The butterflies were varied and flew around us like confetti at a wedding.
This bee seemed to be swimming in the pollen, and flew away quite drunk.
 The wildflower meadows were teaming with life.
The heat was getting to all of us so when we returned home it felt quite heavy but under my pergola the sun couldn't penetrate the vines, fig, clematis and jasmine that surround it.  They really need a prune now!
The shade was just perfect on this day.
I had a brief walk around looking at the perfect apples that were now beginning to take form.
The plums which will be quite a heavy crop this year.
And, squeal, my Grandma's lavender has finally started to show off its beautiful pale blue flowers.  Such a simple thing, but memories always fill the air when that starts to show and emit its fragrance.
Even Coco was smelling of lavender after her bath, a little clip of the fur and her bandanna soaked in cold water to keep her back cool.
The summer looks as though it has finally arrived and the bees have now made there way back to our garden, so welcome one and all to those wonderful miraculous buzzy bundles.

So how has the weather been in your part of the world?  Have you kicked off your shoes yet?

Take care.


(Remember that if you want to see a larger version of my photos just click on one and a slide will appear)

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  1. You have such a lovely way with words Chel, and a great sense of humour too! Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far! I'm looking forward to picking a shady spot somewhere for a picnic. Coco may not appreciate it so much, but with such a considerate mama on hand with cold water should be just fine. Some cracking shots again, thank you for taking me with you x

  2. Hi Chel, thanks for that wonderful walk! It is nice to walk barefoot and reminds me of when I was little and I used to run and play barefoot. You have such a pretty yard and I love that you are growing your own fruit. Have a nice weekend and week.

  3. A beautiful place to walk, beautiful finds along the way. And your yard is so lovely, I bet you love spending time in your garden. I can just feel that cool grass beneath my feet.

  4. Oh Chel, what beautiful photos and words. Such a lovely place to walk and your garden is a beautiful respite from the hot sun. It all looks so lovely. We are having lots of sunny summer weather lately too but I've been busy with our family here this past week so not out in the fields as you were. I wouldn't walk barefoot as I have many foot problems so not even in the house either. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Pamela

  5. I enjoyed coming along with you and the teenager to walk barefoot in the cool grass! The wildflowers and scenery are just lovely and that gull nest is amazing! Your gardens are so pretty and it is so sweet that you have your Grandmother's lavender. It is a very nice shade of blue. I do like Coco's smile and aren't you so kind to give her a damp bandana to wear. We are having a little cool down here in Washington State, but temperatures are creeping up for the weekend. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs. xoxo

  6. So many lovely photos and a darling pupper! So sweet. This is my last Open House post. Think about joining me on Tuesdays with a post that includes anything about TEA!

  7. Beautiful series of photos! I love the damselfly.

  8. I've noticed lots of lovely poppies in the fields this year.

    One problem with banning irresponsible dog owners is the those of us who are responsible suffer too. I hope no-one left a poor dog languishing in a hot car!

  9. Lovely photos and what a gorgeous garden!

  10. These pictures are glorious Chel - I particularly like the second one down and could quite happily kick my shoes off and dance around that little glade (although I would probably cause a bit of a stir and be gently asked to get in the white van with the blue light on top). I love the birds eye view of your garden - a perfect place to sit and relax in this heat. Have a lovely weekend x Jane

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What a lovely place for a walk and a picnic, and your little doggie is such a cutie.

  13. I like the bees welcome sign, I need one of those for my garden although the bees are enjoying my lavender at the moment so they know they are welcome.

  14. As always, your photos are stunning! What a beautiful place for a leisurely walk. Love the dragonfly picture :)

    Hugs to you!

  15. Beautiful photos. Not sure where to start: the view from the hides is very clever, and I love the damsel fly shot.

  16. Your photo's are beautiful....Coco is pretty cute too :)

  17. Your photo's are beautiful....Coco is pretty cute too :)

  18. I've never regretted leaving things behind to go off exploring nature. What a lovely place for a walk. I go barefoot as much as possible in the summertime - always in the house, and usually in the yard. The damsel fly photo is so pretty.

  19. I enjoyed going along with you on this walk. Wish I was barefoot in the grass! Love the photo that includes the fence...I think that's such a nice touch. And the plums will be yummy. I ate a ripe plum today (from the store). it was juicy and sweet! Your little puppy is precious! Enjoy your afternoon! We are having a little rain shower and it has cooled things off. We're only in the 70s. How nice!

  20. That camera really was with you every step of your walk. great photos

  21. Lots of creative nature photography and your cutie dog steals the show! Wonderful! Happy Weekend ^_^

  22. Beautiful photos. I can't get over how cute your dog is. I bet she brings your family a lot of joy.

  23. Beautiful series. The first is my favourite - very delicate and i like the movement.

  24. Your photos make me smile, you have such a great eye to perspective, and detail. Sounds like a lovely time, and to come back to your garden, sigh...


  25. Beautiful photography! It's 42C here today, going to be in the mid 40's all week. I have kicked off more than my shoes!

  26. What a beautiful reserve - you didn't mention what it was called. The weather here is the same - bloomin' hot - I seem always to be on the other end of a hose pipe at the moment. Your garden is looking lovely.

  27. The gulls remind me of the storks in Alsace!

  28. Back from my trip and trying to catch up on my blog reading! Love the new profile photo! Your yard and gardens are so beautiful and inviting! I could sit out there for hours...:) I love the little bee sign...too cute! Just wanted to let you know the package hasn't arrived yet, but I'm sure it is due to being shipped overseas. I will be sure to let you know when I receive it!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  29. Hello, Chei! Stopping over from Lavender Garden Blog hop. What a wonderful (but hot) walk you had! And how welcoming your yard is! You got some great pics!! Thanks for sharing!
    Ann @ Cairn Cottage (

  30. Great walk and wonderful picture. Summer has finally arrived here in Brittany as well.

  31. Beautiful photos and a gorgeous place to walk. Thank you for sharing and enjoy your week.

  32. Dear Chel,you had a lovely walk!!!
    Wonderful pictures!!!Yes!Summer has arrived in Athens!!!It's so hot!!
    Hope you have a lovely week!!

  33. What a lovely walk through your garden. I have been working in my garden and to anyone else's eyes, it would not look like I have done much, but it is so much neater and cleaner.

    I love the photos where you caught the bees in the flowers.

  34. Beautiful pics, Chel!! What an amazing garden you have.... And I adore your sweet pup!!

    Thanks so much for your visit!!


  35. Gorgeous Gorgeous garden.....and how pretty is coco....I love the Bandanna idea to soak it in water makes very good sense to me will try that today for my he trys to chew it ??
    bestest to you and yours and thanks for your vote....Daisy j x

  36. thanx for sharing your beautiful pics with us! i like how you captured the light :)

  37. Such lovely views and photos! Your garden is wonderful. I had to laugh at your hobbit feet remark. I love the feel of grass underfoot too. I passed on my wide feet to my kids and we say we have Flintstone feet! :0)

  38. Lovely photos of your garden from above. Its fabulous this weather isn't it, I'm really making the most of it, lots of evenings in the garden and at the plot. I think everyone is really savouring it this year.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x