
Saturday 18 May 2013

Just Go With The Flow

This week I've been watching the world go by, anxious to hear news of the birth of my niece/nephew.  So, each time I've gone away from my desk my mind has been casually wondering from one face to the next, thinking about what's going on with other people's lives.  I've been looking at the ever changing skies above my head and the terrific change in the colour of the fields and occupying the gardens.  The sounds of bees, birds and lawnmowers, along with rain falling to the ground.  It's just so nice to just disappear in my own little mind and go with the flow.  A bit like a river flowing through a town, taking it all in calmly with the rise and fall of the tides.
This part of Spalding town is my favourite part.  Across from this bridge is Ye Olde White Horse pub with its old thatched roof.  It reminds me so much of my old Sweetbriar Cottage (whose roof was in a lot better shape!).
It was such a dark and dismal day (no bright shots for you this week), but Miss Teenager needed some new headphones so off we went off to Spalding as it was Market Day.
Not the busiest of markets today as the weather was more like autumn than spring.  I did love the little tables by the burger van though with their patchwork tablecloths and flowers and the colourful bunting still blowing above our heads from the parade.  It's a shame, but as you can see, the English High Streets are almost all the same, with empty shops displaying 'To Let' signs everywhere.  A dying industry.

With new headphones secured from a small retailer, we set off back to the car by the river. The water was so still and tranquil.  The ducks and the swans were obviously further down river following the Spalding River Boat Taxi.

Once in the car I needed to just stop off at Moulton Mill for some bread flour.
This is the tallest windmill in Britain.  Its sails have only just recently been fitted once more after a storm in the 19th century.
As I took this shot against the very dark, grey sky, the sails at the back were turning and the Lincolnshire flag was wrapped up trying to keep warm in the breeze.
The mill is a prominent feature on this landscape and can be seen for miles around.
If you go on the tour, you can have a brief respite of climbing the ladders and step out onto this walkway to take in the views of the fens.
Moulton village is quite cute.  It has a butchers, post office, hairdressers and church.  Your typical quintessential English village with occasional horses being ridden down the road, classic cars outside the pub (not today though!) and beautiful little houses dotted around.
Of course you get the occasional 'bobby' driving through.  This one though stopped off for a cup of tea in the tea shop.  Well, why not in such a quiet place?
Inside there was an array of different flours from the Six Sails Mill which is in Boston (I'll take you on a trip there one day) and so many different jams.  I'm not a lover of jams but this one took my eye.  Cherry Conserve!  This would be used later.
And now as I write this post, the smell of fresh bread fills my house.  I do love poppy seeds on the crust don't you?  So here we are, fresh bread, victoria sandwich (or should I say pancake, it didn't come out as I expected!) complete with cherry jam filling and Miss Teenager's cheese scones.  A "go with the flow" day.
As I come to the end of this week's post, well,  you've been expecting it haven't you!   Some wonderful, exciting, happy, happy news!  I am so pleased to announce that I am now an AUNTIE to little 'JT'.  I never thought I would be an Auntie, so this news is extra special to me.  All is well with little 'JT', my brother and sister in law are all home to begin their life as a family.  I am travelling to see them with Mumsy and my teenagers next weekend and I can't wait for cuddles!!

Also we have a half term coming up so there will be posts on Burghley House as they are having their Living Heritage Weekend!  The same as Sandringham's Craft Fair (post here) but with the most wonderful backdrop.  We went there last year (post here) and it really is a magnificent stately home.  I also have a little London trip planned for the half term, so busy busy times coming up with 'Val'!

Have a wonderful weekend and week.  I'm off to coo over photos of my nephew!

Take care.

This week I am sharing with:


  1. Hi Chel, thanks for the little tour of your town, it is so charming and pretty. I bet the bread and scones were delicious! Congrats on your little nephew. Take care and have a great week. Julie, (from across the pond )

  2. Lovely photos Chel. Flour straight from the windmill must be wonderful! It takes home made to another level :) The bread looks delicious. And big congratulations on your nephew <3 xx

  3. You see so many beautiful building and structures in your every day life! I am always amazed! I love fresh bread, too. When my boys were growing up, I baked just about every day! I would rather have bread than dessert! Save me some! And enjoy your weekend!

  4. And congrats on the sweet baby. Babies are such a blessing for the whole family!!!

  5. What wonderful news, Chel - a new Auntie! Babies are just so precious, especially when they are brand new! Your little town is so beautiful and peaceful. So nice to have your very own mill. Your bread must taste amazing with fresh milled flour and it certainly looks pretty. We have a 'White Horse' pub in our little town. Sad to hear about the empty shops. I'm afraid it is that way here, too. My favorite shops have gone out of business. Looking forward to seeing photos from your upcoming adventures. Enjoy that little one and give him an extra snuggle for me! Hugs, xoxo

  6. Congratulations on becoming an auntie, Chel. Have fun spoiling the wee one. This town is so pretty and quaint. Thank you for the tour. Your bread and scones and cake look delicious. I'm hungry as it's almost time for beans and weiners. The Saturday night special at our house. :) Enjoy your break and I look forward to seeing your next posts. Blessings, Pamela

  7. Congratulations on being a new auntie! I know you can hardly wait to get your hands on that precious little bundle! Enjoy...there's nothing as sweet as a new baby...:) Your photos were beautiful as usual! Some day, I'm traveling to Europe....some day! My daughter's dream is to go to Prague! I would love to take her there...but until then, I will enjoy my virtual visits! Thanks so much for sharing...:) Oh....and I can almost smell that bread! It looks divine!

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

  8. Congratulations on becoming and Auntie! :o)

  9. I loved your week - your trip to the market and the river - and then - the new nephew!!!!! What exciting news - a brand new little boy - hugs and cuddles coming up - enjoy!!!!

  10. These photos are beautiful. Congratulations on becoming an auntie. That is indeed wonderful news!

  11. Just love your pictures as I view your world through your blog, always look forward to it, congratulations on being an 'auntie' now is this a little boy?
    I wondered.
    take care and God be with as you travel.

  12. I linked over from Rooted in Thyme...

    Such a charming and beautiful tour! How sad about the shops. Maybe some artists will move in because it is so picturesque.

    Congratulations on being an Aunt!

  13. Sign of the times bobbies driving by rather than on the beat! A lovely place to live.

  14. Beautiful photos and your baking looks lovely. Congratulations on becoming an auntie.
    M x

  15. CONGRATULATIONS AUNTIE CHEL! What lovely news - hope your new little addition is doing well x Jane

  16. Congratulations - a beautiful looks a your life!

  17. First, congratulations on your become an aunt. It's been awhile since we've had a baby in the family so I'm envious of you...

    Gorgeous photos of your surroundings... so rich with history. Have a great Sunday!

  18. Oh I love seeing your part of the different from mine and so very lovely. Thank you for taking us along as you travel your surroundings. And congrats on the wishes for all!!

  19. that first photo is truly spectacular... how wonderful to be an auntie, I so treasure my nieces and nephews!

  20. Such lovely pictures, the windmill is amazing ... well done auntie :) x

  21. Lovely pictures. Your bread looks so yummy! The crust is perfect. Congratulations, auntie!

  22. Hello Chel, your photos are lovely, I enjoyed the tour. The mill is really pretty and the bread looks yummy. Congrats on being an Auntie! Have a happy week!

  23. Ooh! What a mill. How lovely it must be to be able to buy freshly ground flour so near to home. There is nothing like that around here! I will have to try to stop by the mill near my mother's home next time I visit though - they have the best whole grain flour around!! I think I may try to bake a Victoria sponge cake. They always look so yummy with the fruity filling in the middle!

  24. What an awesome village and that mill - WOW! So charming. Nothing beats those baked goods though. I could practically smell them through my laptop. :-)

    Have a lovely week Auntie Chel!

  25. Talk about a weekend for babies! I became a Grandma on Saturday and you an Auntie...congratulations! What an asset that mill is with it's beautiful stone ground flour.

  26. Congratulations to you on becoming an auntie and to your brother and his wife too of course. What exciting times and it sounds like you have a lot of fun planned for the next few week too. Enjoy it all.
    Rosie xx

  27. Dear Chel,your, pictures are very beautiful!And i enjoyed seeing these preety places!What a beautiful windmill!! Congrats on being an Auntie! Have a happy week!

  28. Thank you all for your lovely, sweet comments, you are all so so kind. I am to get to cuddle my gorgeous little nephew on Saturday! A bit of a trek down to Essex but I seriously can't wait.

    The bread was divine and the jam was really yummy (quite surprised as not a fan of jam...I'm a poet and didn't even know it!!).

    My post for the weekend may be a bit late because of all the excitement going on in the family but I hope to have some shots of my journey down to Essex for you some time soon.

    xxxxxx to you all!

  29. Oh Chel, I always adore touring with you! That mill is simply breathtaking. I enjoyed each and every picture. Jam, bread, and scones; oh my mouth is just a watering. Congrats on the birth of the new little ones. Life moves so quickly this time of year. I do love seeing the changes that come about in the garden each week. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  30. Thank you for the wonderful tour and congratulations on becoming an aunt, Chel.

  31. Posts like this kinda make me homesick for Lincolnshire. My oldest two children are Yellowbellies :)

    1. I love that term 'Yellow Bellies', I've never fully understood it but there are cars with the sticker 'Proud to be a Yellow Belly'. Always makes me chuckle. xx

  32. How exciting, Auntie!!! :-) Congratulations.

    Your photos make me want to return to England as soon as possible - actually, NOW.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x