
Saturday 11 May 2013

Is It Summer Time?

Last weekend was glorious, the warm sun, the light breeze and the plants growing with enormous speed.  Unfortunately I only experienced this for a brief couple of hours for the Spalding Parade due to my 'dreaded lurgy' (which has decided to stick around a little bit longer).  The problem with being ill is that the house chores do take on rather a back seat and only the essentials get done (well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!).  Feeling slightly better I noticed in the sun light the gathering of dust, the windows in need of a polish and the fact that no spring cleaning had taken place at all meaning that winter still had a hold on my furnishings around the house.  So, cleaning cupboard emptied and it's contents following me around the house, off I set.  But! Not for long!! There was a break in the clouds and I had empty vases and a garden that was full of useful, gorgeous blooms.  My plum tree has certainly come to life and it's branches are heavily laden with such beautiful pink blossom.
The crab apple's blossom is at it's absolute best at the moment.
In fact everywhere I looked there was blossom!  I had very nearly missed all this organised chaos in my garden.
So, with another look at my beautiful, over laden, plum tree's blossom, I thought I had procrastinated enough and started the spring clean.
I gradually filled up my little jugs around the house with the late spring blooms and some of the blossoms that were showing off.  Was it summer time already?  Had Spring and Summer merged into one this year?
But then I got that distinct smell...summer rain!  That cool, freshness of warm rain onto the new growth smell.  That, and the fact that little Coco was looking distinctly fed up in her warm bed (she hates rain!).
I still had some jugs to fill with herbs and blooms, so braved the rain to continue my quest of bringing summer into the home.  Now, do you remember my empty kitchen window baskets?  (posts here and here)  These were just wire baskets at the beginning of the year which I filled with bulbs and herbs, well...look at them now!!!
Full of spring time bulbs and herbs, along with a couple of tumbling tomatoes that are waiting for warmer days.
These tulips are beautiful and bought for next to nothing at the beginning of the year. (Obviously, this photo was taken a little earlier when the sun came out to say hi).
The rain was certainly settling on everything once more...which is good I suppose.
These lovely tiny blue flowers were glistening with the sun on the wet raindrops.
My only rose in bloom was enjoying the fresh rain.
And our old evergreen clematis was enjoying the rain but also exuding sap.
Anyway, procrastinating again!  The living room was finished and looking a bit more brighter.
And the hall was looking less cluttered and sparkly.
The sun started peaking through the clouds again, the rain had stopped, so me and the Teenagers grabbed our coats and went for a little drive into the fens to get away from the smell of cleaning materials for half an hour.
The sky was certainly interesting with different cloud formations and typically sunny in the distance and flowing weather fronts being seen in one go.
The rape seed fields are in full swing and the hay bales make such a statement on the landscape.
 We went past a field of sheep, alas no lambs, but there is a cheeky little crow that decided to show off in flight!
 Only a short trip out as I am now so tired but I have a lovely clean house, fresh blooms in vases and jugs and can now sit back with my hooky and continue the many squares left for this blanket.
 Still waiting on news of being an auntie!  Not long now.

Have a lovely week and weekend with whatever you are doing.  I do hope you can sit back and relax at some point.

Take care.

This week I am sharing with:


  1. It is such a pretty time of year in your neck of the woods! Your garden photos are beautiful today.

    1. Thanks Carol, it's just so nice to see the garden finally spring into life x

  2. It may have taken a while for spring to arrive in your corner of the world, but when it finally did, it arrived in a big way! Gorgeous photos, as usual! I so look forward to visiting you and seeing all the beautiful places and things you show us each time...:) You never disappoint! Have a blessed Mother's Day sweet friend...:)

    Blessings, Vicky
    Life On Willie Mae Lane

    1. You are very kind Vicky. Hopefully I'll be able to get out a bit more next weekend. I hope your Mother's Day went well, ours was earlier in the year. XX

  3. These photos are beautiful! I really enjoying tagging along with you on this journey. So much brightness and happy colours; I was grinning from ear to ear. The awakening of spring will do that to you :)

    1. It certainly does. Glad you enjoyed them. xx

  4. Hi Chel! Your window boxes look lovely. I remember seeing the hay bales stacked that way when we were in England. Beautiful photos of the flowers and rural scenes. It is raining and cool here all weekend but we needed it. Blessings, Pamela

    1. It's very cold here again Pamela, I'm back to wearing boots again! There is one hay stack that I need to stop and take a picture of. It's so huge it has CCTV on it! xx

  5. Hello Chel, thanks for showing all the photos of your beautiful flowers, the fields, Coco, and your clean house! It is always nice to decorate a house with flowers that come from your own garden! I hope you are feeling better and have a nice weekend and a good week. Take care, Julie - USA

    1. Thanks Julie. It really is lovely to declutter and bring in the summer colours to brighten up the house again. It's a shame the rain had to come and spoil it for me and for Coco! xx

  6. Those window boxes are stunning. I must try some little tulips in mine next year.
    What a lot of industry at your house - it all looks sparkling!

    1. Believe me, by the weekend it will be a state never stops does it?! I'm surprised my tulips came up as they were planted for next year, so glad they did though! xx

  7. I'm glad you are feeling better. You've been so busy today - I hope you take a well-deserved rest. Isn't it wonderful when the house sparkles with prettiness?

    1. Thanks Lorrie, I'm gradually getting there but the tiniest thing wears me out so I was determined that I was going to get some things done. Onwards and upwards. xx

  8. Your flowers are so pretty - in the rain and in the sun - and your house is gorgeous - I'm glad you had time to pick some flowers and enjoy them.

    1. Me too, especially as later on they would have been saturated. They are all still standing to attention and the house smells gorgeous. xx

  9. Plum tree blossoms are lovely ... but no blossom is as lovely as COCo ...sweetest she is.

    1. She is a little sweetie, especially when you have to coax her out of her basket on a rainy day (she gets really angry!). xx

  10. Oh sorry you had the dreaded lurgy Chel. Glad you've perked up. Fabulous photos, really gorgeous. I need someone like you to take mine for me! I love the smell of rain on warm earth too! Xx

    1. It really is a satisfying smell isn't it?! Yes, getting to the last stages (hopefully) and gradually doing more and more. Have a great week. xx

  11. I don't need lurgy to put housework on the back burner - as we are at a pause in decorating - gradually everything is getting a really good clean and sort out and declutter.

    By the way my lithodora is coming into flower too - I love the blue!

    1. Thanks for the name to the plant, I lost the tag. I have it coming out of a pot on its side so it looks like a pool of water being spilled (except this week it really did look like water!) xx

    2. It had a different name before that which was Lithospermum diffusum - not sure why its name changed - the variety is probably Heavenly Blue like ours.

  12. So many amazing photos of inside and out Chel -- I can't choose a favorite. Everything is just gorgeous! Thanks so much for stopping by. xo

    1. Thanks Nancy. Hopefully this week I'll be able to spend more time outside at the weekend. xx

  13. Oh Chel your home looks beautiful - I think I need to get my paintbrush out! I really hope that your rotten lurgy is starting to shift - they seem to hang around forever at the moment (have they no manners?!) It's wonderful to see the garden coming back to life, we just need a little bit more nice weather so that we can go outside and enjoy it. Have a lovely relaxing Sunday x Jane P.S. I love the photo of the haystacks against the rapeseed!

    1. Thanks Jane. We really need to get the paintbrush out and do the skirting boards I have decided! I'm getting there with the lurgy, how long was it before yours shifted? The rapeseed? My teenagers are not fans, they came back with puffy eyes and sneezing like mad. Nasty stuff. xx

  14. Hello Chel, your flowers and blossoms are beautiful. And I love the adorable Coco. You have a lovely home! I also love the field of rapeseed and haystacks and the cute sheep. have a happy day and week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, everything really has taken off with a bang. Have a great week. xx

  15. so lovely blossoms and flowers! and your dog is soooo cute ♥ thanx for joining weekend flowers!

    1. Isn't she just gorgeous? She is a great dog but the rain is her enemy. xx

  16. Such beautiful flowers in your garden....I'm so very jealous. My garden doesn't come to life until the summer months. I must learn more about planting for spring. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous as usual.
    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks Rosie. I didn't expect the tulips to emerge this year as I planted them at the wrong time, so pleased they did though. xx

  17. Such a pretty garden and so colourful... Sarah x

    1. Thanks Sarah, it is gradually getting there. Have a great week. xx

  18. So beautiful already, your blanket!! As I said, it will become wonderful ♥. And thanks for all these great blossoms and flower photos, woow, I'm thrilled. The colors are nearly jumping out of the photos!! Super ♥

    1. Thank you. The blanket is one of those things that I pick up if I have itchy fingers. I've started a cushion though in pink as the grey, cream and beige was making me feel a little flat. Have a great week. xx

  19. Gorgeous blossom and flowers. Your living room puts mine to shame!
    Have a great week.

    1. Believe me with two teenagers it doesn't take long for it to be messed up again. Have a great week. xx

  20. What stunning pictures of your beautiful blossoms and flowers. It does seem to be a good year for the trees. Looks like there will be loads of fruit later on. Well done for getting on with your cleaning. The sun certainly shows up the dust at this time of year :(

    1. It is a shocker isn't it?! I couldn't believe it when I saw the sun on the shelves and the windows were covered in spiders webs. I'm hoping there will be a lot of fruit as I haven't seen too many bees this year. xx

  21. Oh - spring cleaning - what is that? Too much to do outdoors I'm afraid and if you squint you can't see the dust. Lovely pics as usual Chel your window boxes are looking very bright and cheerful.

  22. Absolutely stunning photos if your lovely garden.
    M x

    1. Thank you, I enjoyed taking the ones in the rain...along with planting my potatoes!! xx

  23. It's late on Sunday and I'm relaxing for the first moment of this long weekend (we had 5 days off in France) watching your wonderful pictures.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you had a fantastic break in France. xx

  24. Dear Chel,your photos are amazing!Great photography!And your garden looks so beautiful!Coco is such a cute doggie!Have a lovely week!

    1. She certainly is! Thanks for your comments on my photos, I'm still enjoying this camera. xx

  25. Our dog, Rosie - also a KCC - hates the rain as well. In fact, we practically have to push her out of the door to do her business if it's raining! Dogs are funny, eh? :o)

    1. This made me laugh Anne. Coco has to be crossing all legs before she works out the driest place! xx

  26. Your gardens are lovely, Chel and the fresh cut flowers so sweet. Your home looks lovely and cozy after your pretty drive through those amazing fields! Now you can cuddle up with Coco and work on your pretty blanket while you concentrate on feeling better! Hugs xoxo

    1. And I certainly did! It completely knocked me out. Gradually getting better though. Have a great week Karen. xx

  27. So glad to have you link this to "Open House"!!! On Tuesdays and beginning tomorrow I will be restarting "Tea In The Garden". This will be my first for this season as it was still cold here until yesterday! I would love to have you and some only post tea as they have no garden.

    1. Thanks Bernideen, I'll certainly do that. xx

  28. What a photo essay of your home and flowers! I feel as though I have visited your garden and seen all of those blooms in person! I must get a plum tree just so I can have those tissue-paper flowers in spring!! My crab-apple trees are nearly ready to burst forth in frothy blooms. I hope I can capture them with my camera, too!

    1. Thanks Bronwyn. Yes the plum tree flowers are gorgeous and even better in jugs around the house! Have a great week xx

  29. Oh wow! The blossom is just stunning. I think it could finally be Spring, just a few weeks behind where we should be.

    Nina x

    1. I know, I think it is about 5 weeks behind, and it looks so weird seeing roses next to daffodils! Have a great week. xx

  30. Your flowers are so lovely and you took the most beautiful photos of them! You have a lovely home, too. I've started crocheting's FUN! I'm just doing little projects right now though! Sweet hugs!

    1. Thank you. I have to crochet when watching the TV otherwise I feel like I've wasted an evening. Trouble is I have so many things on the go at the moment and not many finished! Have a lovely week. xx

  31. It certainly tired me out but I have to say it was gratifying when I sat down and had actually done something! Have a great week. Chel x

  32. Oh my, what scrumptious blooms and blossoms you have to enjoy, even for a short time! I know what you mean about the spring cleaning. I was laid up since February with my back so my dear hubby had to jump in and lend a hand. It's getting there. Love the sheep! I enjoyed your post very much. Thank you for sharing and have a delightful week.


    1. Thanks Sandi, I'm looking around now and thinking that it will need another weekend to get it straight again! Will have to get out and take some snaps though for the weekend's the duster and polish may have to sit about for a while! xx

  33. Chel, oh my gosh; that first photo took my breath away! Your home is lovely both inside and out. I have been enjoying so many beautiful blossoms here also. They are now starting to fade and leaves are popping out. Onto the next round of beautiful blooms to brighten the garden. I love how fun it is to see continuous color. Thanks for sharing such beauty with SYC.
    p.s. Hope you get over the gunk!

    1. Thanks Jann, things are really picking up now! As for the gunk...I can't wait to feel 'normal' again! Take care xx

  34. What a magnificent flowers! And than to imagine I have to go to Keukenhof (see my blog for more info) to see flowers this glorious!! Liefs Else X

    1. Hi Else, I will go and take a look over there now! xx

  35. Chel, Congrats! You'll be featured tomorrow at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Thanks for sharing!

    Take Care,

    1. Wow! Thanks so much Jody, you are so kind! xxx

  36. Gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop!

  37. Apple Blossoms!!! Love your living room colors. :-)

  38. OH what a pretty garden you have with all of its blossoms and wow, those window boxes are outstanding. And now you have a clean house!! Life is good!!

  39. Hello Chel, Wow! What a beautiful and great photo series!

  40. What a delightful and beautiful blog. Your pictures are simply lovely! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I am now following you and I look forward to visiting again.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Hugs to you!

  41. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such kind comments! And I appreciate you following my blog too. :) I love your flower photos - very lovely.

  42. I love your photos. So spectacular and full of pretty spring blooms. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me such a lovely and sweet comment. I truly appreciate it.

    I did post the cheesecake recipe. You can take a peak if you so

    Have a wonderful week,


  43. absolutely stunning. that pink one up top looks good enough to eat!

  44. Every one of your photos are just beautiful! I want some window baskets like you have, very pretty in the window.
    Thank you for your visit to my blog and have a wonderful week end

  45. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed looking at your amazing pictures!! I felt like I was on a special trip or tour, viewing all sort of neat things & places. I am your newest follower. Also, I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog on Pennington Gap, Virginia & leaving such a sweet comment. It truly made my day. Blessings~

  46. your post screams summer is nearly here! such lovely photos. I do hope you're feeling better now. T'other half has it now and I'm laid up with a bad back and my house is in terrible disorder - much to my annoyance! At least the sun is shining (as long as it doesn't hilight my lack of dusting!)
    BH x

  47. Wow!! What beautiful blooms!! Stunning!!

    Thanks so much for following me and i have now returned the favor!! Thanks also for your kind words!!


  48. Beautiful photos! You have a great eye.

  49. My goodness Chel... what an abundance of beauty!

  50. Wow you garden must be amazing, so many pretty flowers, just loved the way have have captured the images. I'm now following you.


Thank you so much for visiting, I love reading your comments and will answer either by email or on the blog. You can also email me privately in my side bar. Have a great day x